EAHC CBP long term plan.


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EAHC CBP long term plan.
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การบริหารเชิงกลยุทธ์ (Strategic Management)

EAHC CBP long term plan

-Planning base (SWOT) -Strategic formulation, implementation, and evaluation -Summary and recommendation Scope

Introduction Internal factor External factor Strategic plan SWOT analysis

Strategic management process Formulation Planning base SWOT Evaluation Implementation Management direction Vision Tasks Goal (short and long term goals) Plan evaluation & control BSC KPI Plan implementation Plan allocation Planning Strategic plans Action plans Programs Business canvas

Strategic Formulation Planning base SWOT Management direction Vision Tasks Goal (short and long term goals) Planning Strategic plans Action plans programs Business canvas

Strategic formulate Strategy from SWOT Implementation Organization’s objective Board of director

Planning base - SWOT Harmful Helpful Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Weaknesses Threats Helpful Harmful External factors Internal factors

Planning base - SWOT Strengths Threats Opportunities Weaknesses Where are we now?

Planning base – SWOT (Where are we?) 1 2 3 4 S–O Strategy S–T Strategy W-O Strategy W-T Strategy

Strategic plan by TOWS Matrix Strength Weakness Opportunity S–O Strategies Aggressive strategy Strength increases opportunity W–O Strategies Turnaround-Oriented Strategy Opportunity decreases weakness Threat S–T Strategies Diversification Strategy Strength deteriorates threat W–T Strategies Defensive Strategy Eliminates weakness to decrease threat การกำหนดแผนกลยุทธ์จากการวิเคราะห์ TOWS Matrix WT รีบสลาย เพื่อเลี่ยงอุปสรรคที่อาจเข้ามาซ้ำเติม WO เลี่ยงจุดอ่อน โดยการนำความสามารถเฉพาะอย่างมาใช้ให้ได้เปรียบในส่วนที่มีโอกาสสูง ST นำจุดแข็งไปข่มอุปสรรค เช่นการนำจุดแข็งทางเทคโนโลยีไปเอาชนะคู่แข่งขันที่มีจำนวนมากๆ SO เป็นสถานการณ์ที่บริษัทต้องการมากที่สุดโดยใช้จุดแข็งและโอกาสที่ดี สร้างแผนรุก ทางเลือกกลยุทธ์ เลือก WT เมื่อเห็นจุดอ่อนและอุปสรรคสูงกว่าคู่แข่งขัน ต้อง พัฒนาอีกระยะ จึงจะแข่งขันได้ (กลยุทธ์ถอย) เลือก WO มีจุดอ่อนสูงแต่โอกาสก็สูงด้วย ต้องคอยหลีกเลี่ยง บางจุดอ่อนเพื่อโอกาส ควรเลือกแผนตั้งรับ (Defensive) เลือก ST มีจุดแข็งสูงแต่เจออุปสรรคแข่งขันสูง หรือผู้บริหารยังขาดความมั่นใจ ควรเลือกแผนทดสอบโครงการ Pilot test เพื่อดูความเป็นไปได้ของแผนบางตัวที่คาดว่าสร้างตลาดใหม่ได้ (Competitive) เลือก SO มีทั้งจุดแข็งและโอกาสสูง เลือกแผนรุก (Aggressive) และลงทุนด้านงบประมาณเต็มที่เพื่อชัยชนะในการแข่งขันและยึดตลาดได้ก่อนคู่แข่ง (Competitive)

Management Objective – Vision, Task and Goal (1/3) Example “TRDC will be the self learning center to support sustainable capacity building of EAHC member states, and promote research project which is able to utilized by the EAHC members.” Where are we now?

Management Objective – Vision, Task and Goal (2/3) Task (Core businesses): 1. Support self-propelled concept to strengthen EAHC capacity building. 2. Identify EAHC capacity building’s need. 3. Promote research projects to strengthen hydrography and cartography of the member states. Where are we now?

Management Objective – Vision, Task and Goal (3/3) 1. Self-propelled courses for the member states. 2. Promote research project. 3. Raise the important of hydrography and cartography. Where are we now?

Planning – Strategic plans (1/4) First strategy: Sustainability of capacity building, and knowledge management. Aggressive Strategy – SO: Strengthen the cooperation between MSs by secondment, staff attachment and OJT. Diversification Strategy – ST: Establish regional mechanism and course which utilizes EAHC MSs’ resources. Turnaround-Oriented Strategy – WO: 1. Co-operate with private sector in conducting EAHC courses and supporting TRDC in term of up-to-date technology involving in hydrography and cartography. Where are we now?

Planning – Strategic plans (2/4) 2. Establish hydrographic/cartographic development project funded by EAHC MSs/agencies e.g. JICA and KOICA Defensive Strategy – WT: 1. Conduct EAHC course by using MSs’ resources. 2. Increase a number of operational level courses to raise personal motivation in working for HOs. Where are we now?

Planning – Strategic plans (3/4) Second strategy: Raise awareness in hydrography and cartography. Aggressive Strategy – SO: Strengthen the cooperation between MSs. Diversification Strategy – ST: Establish regional mechanism and course which utilizes EAHC MSs’ resources. Turnaround-Oriented Strategy – WO: 1. Co-operate with private sector in conducting EAHC courses and supporting TRDC in term of up-to-date technology involving in hydrography and cartography. 2. Establish hydrographic/cartographic development project. Where are we now?

Planning – Strategic plans (4/4) Defensive Strategy – WT: 1. Conduct EAHC course by MSs’ resources. 2. Increase a number of operational level courses to raise personal motivation in working for HOs. Where are we now?

Strategic management process for the first strategy EAHC expert with strategic alliances. POE Needed knowledge Prioritized knowledge Designed model in-house EAHC CBP year plan TRDC BOD & outsource. Request for CBP funding support. Model courses Funded courses Model courses’ implementation Courses’ evaluation Courses’ improvement Courses’ accreditation Required knowledges’ fulfillment Review and revise the courses Courses’ implementation Courses delivery to assist other regional commission and get the course tuition fee in return Collect all knowledge for Online or remote learning

Work program for the first strategy First strategy: Sustainability of capacity building, and knowledge management. Work program 1: Self-propelled courses and accreditation. Output 1: Self sustainable capacity building courses. Work program 2: Create market share in hydrographic and cartographic training market. Output 2: Income from the training market share. satisfaction

Action plan for the first strategy (1/2) First strategy: Sustainability of capacity building, and knowledge management. Work program 1: Self-propelled courses and accreditation. Activity year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 1. Collect MSs's experts list   2. Identify needed knowledge 3. Consider and prioritize knowledge 4. Design model course and syllabus with the strategy alliance or outsourcing 5. Course delivery for trial 6. Review and revise the course 7. Courses' implementation Output 1: Self sustainable capacity building. Year 7, all knowledge in hydrographic and cartographic value chains will be EAHC in-house courses that are implemented by the MSs.

Action plan for the first strategy (2/2) First strategy: Sustainability of capacity building, and knowledge management. Work program 2: Create training market share in hydrography and cartography. Activity year 4 year 5 year 6 Year 7 year 8 year 9 year10 1. In-house model courses' evalution   2. The courses' improvement 3. Propose to relevant body for accreditation 4. Assist MSs from other region in capacity building, and gain income from IHO funding 5. Course's delivery at TRDC or web based learning Output 2: Income from the training market share. Year 5-6, the core courses for EAHC will be proposed for accreditation or benchmarking.

Strategic management process for the second strategy EAHC Experts Review MSDI standard Collect method & limitation from MSs Designed common MDSI standard for EAHC Importance of Hydrography will be raised by MSDI users Full MSDI implementation Partial MSDI implementation (Hydrographic SDI) MSDI service Educate and Train involving staff from MSs subsidize

Work program for the second strategy Second strategy: Raise awareness in hydrography and cartography. Work program 1: Spatial based migration. Output 1: MSDI. Work program 2: MSDI services to get supports from other governmental body Output 2: Raising hydrographic and cartographic awareness, and income. Migration Subsidize Satisfaction Satisfactory

Action plan for the second strategy (1/2) Second strategy: Raise awareness in hydrography and cartography. Work program 1: Spatial based migration. Activity year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 1. EAHC Experts review MSDI stanadard   2. Designed common MSI standard for EAHC 3. Educate and Train involving staff from MSs 4. Hydrographic SDI implementation 5. MSDI implementation Output 1: MSDI.

Action plan for the second strategy (2/2) Second strategy: Raise awareness in hydrography and cartography. Work program 2: MSDI services to get subsidize from other governmental body. Activity year 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 Year 9 year 10 year 11 1. MSDI implementation   2. Integrating improvement 3. Service improvement 4. MSDI services Output 2: Hydrographic and cartographic awareness, and income. Refresh

Evaluation (1/2) Strategic item Aim Result First strategy: Sustainability of capacity building, and knowledge management.   WP1: Self-propelled courses and accreditation. 70% All knowledge in value chain has been indentified. 80% Percentage of requested courses have funded. Percentage of designed courses have been implemented. Percentage of courses' accreditation 60% WP2: Create market share in hydrographic and cartographic training market. Percentage of offered courses are accepted by customers. Percentage of customers' satisfaction.

Evaluation (2/2) Strategic item Aim Result Second strategy: Raise awareness in hydrography and cartography.   WP1: Spatial based migration. 80% Percentage of MSs' providing information and feedback. 90% EAHC modified MSDI standards are implemented by MSs as MSDI implementation guideline. 70% WP2: MSDI services get support from other governmental body. Percentage of service stability Percentage of customers' satisfaction

Summary (1/2) Vision? “TRDC will be the self learning center to support sustainable capacity building of EAHC member states, and promote research project which is able to utilized by the members.” First strategy: Sustainability of capacity building, and knowledge management. Work program 1: Self-propelled courses and accreditation. Output 1: Sustainable capacity building courses. Work program 2: Create market share in hydrographic and cartographic training. Output 2: Income from the training market share. migration

Summary (2/2) Second strategy: Raising hydrography and cartography awareness. Work program 1: Spatial based migration. Output 1: MSDI. Work program 2: MSDI services to get funding support from other governmental bodies. Output 2: Hydrographic and cartographic awareness, and income. migration

Recommendation (1/2) TRDC should … …have strategic business unit to be responsible for strategy allocation. …have vision to follow. …have In-house courses which cover hydrographic and cartographic value chains. …expedite existing course to be delivered by member states. …have sub committee to monitor and assess conducted courses which delivered by the member states. migration

Recommendation (2/2) TRDC should … …have more numerous discussion especially regarding TRDC matter, via internet. …have strategic alliances (HOs from other regions, and private sector in education and research). …be a knowledge and think tanks for self-learning of MSs’ staff. …establish MSs’ knowledge development plans for all levels of MSs’ staff to refresh knowledge. migration

Thank you