Chemical constituents, toxicity and bioactivity


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Color Standards A pixel color is represented as a point in 3-D space. Axis may be labeled as independent colors such as R, G, B or may use other independent.

Chemical constituents, toxicity and bioactivity of leaf extract from Mangifera caloneura Kurz in rats

Introduction Mangifera caloneura Kurz, a wild mango. However, bioactivity of this plant has not yet been reported. The present study was therefore, carried out to determine Chemical constituents, toxicity and bioactivity of leaf extract from Mangifera caloneura Kurz in rats.

Extraction of M. caloneura Materials and Methods Extraction of M. caloneura Experimental Animals


Conclusion The results indicate that the leaf extract from M. caloneura Kurz has no acute and subchronic toxicities in rats with LD50 higher than 2,000 mg/kg. It has antidiabetic and antioxidant activities. And also, the extract from M. caloneura Kurz possesses a strong antioxidant activity similar to ascorbic acid. However, application of high dose of the extract should be considered as it can affect on hepatic dysfunction. พบว่า สารสกัดสามารถยับยั้งอนุมูลอิสระ DPPH โดยมีค่า EC50 เท่ากับ 525.24±12.74 µg/ml และเมื่อเปรียบเทียบกับสารมาตรฐาน Ascorbic acid พบว่า สารสกัดจากใบมะม่วงกะล่อนมีความสามารถในการต้านอนุมูลอิสระได้เทียบเท่ากับ Ascorbic acid (517.17±11.87 µg/ml)

Chemical constituents, toxicity and bioactivity of leaf extract from Mangifera caloneura Kurz in rats