ศุภสิทธิ์ พรรณารุโณทัย คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


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E-COMMERCE WEBSITE Smartzap Co., Ltd.. Company Profile บริษัท สมาร์ทแซป จำกัด ก่อตั้งเมื่อปี 2543 (13 ปี ) ในช่วงยุค Internet เพิ่ง เริ่มต้น เป็นบริษัทที่ดำเนินงานทางด้าน.
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Research Methodology in Biomedical Research
Humanized Medicine Ratanavadee Nanagara M.D Professor of Medicine, Allergy-Immunology-Rheumatology Division Department of Medicine KhonKaen University.
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Project Based Learning
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อาจารย์ มธ. อธิบายการใช้ โมเดลของ
Department of Internal Medicine. Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) MICU 68% CCU 32%
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Helping you make better treatment decisions for your patients.
Management of diabetes
Positive Accounting Theory
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Study Design ผศ.( พิเศษ ) น. พ. นภดล สุชาติ พ. บ. M.P.H.
Inductive, Deductive Reasoning ผศ.( พิเศษ ) น. พ. นภดล สุชาติ พ. บ. M.P.H.
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December 25 th, 2013 Naresuan University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University December 25 th, 2013 Naresuan University Hospital, Faculty.
Yv xv zv.
Salyavit Chittmittrapap
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S Sex attitudes and practices among some Bangkok University Thai students Sample size : 40 students : 20 boys, 20 girls Age Range : years old Average.
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8 Identifying Market Segments and Targets
1-1: Software Project Management การจัดการโครงงานซอฟต์แวร์ Software Project Management การจัดการโครงงานซอฟต์แวร์ ความหมายการจัดการโครงงาน.
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 Mr.Nitirat Tanthavech.  HTML forms are used to pass data to a server.  A form can contain input elements like text fields, checkboxes, radio-buttons,
โครงการประเมินประสิทธิผลการตรวจเต้านมด้วยตนเองของสตรีไทย ภายใต้โครงการสืบสานพระราชปณิธานสมเด็จย่า ต้านภัยมะเร็งเต้านม สู่แนวคิดการพัฒนาสาธารณสุข โดย...นายแพทย์อภิรักษ์
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ตัวชี้วัดและการใช้ข้อมูลเชิงจุลภาคและมหภาค ในการประเมินผลลัพธ์ด้านสุขภาพ Health Outcome ศุภสิทธิ์ พรรณารุโณทัย คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร การประชุมระดมสมอง การจัดทำกรอบแนวคิดการประเมินผลลัพธ์ด้านสุขภาพ จากการนำนโยบายและยุทธศาสตร์ของกระทรวงสาธารณสุขไปสู่การปฏิบัติ ๒๕ กันยายน ๒๕๕๑ โรงแรมริชมอนด์ นนทบุรี

Scope Health data at micro and macro level Users of health data Health outcome Conclusion


The England NHS 2005

Health data at micro level Service flow: ambulatory visit, admission, laboratory investigation Finance flow: ABC for resource use, payment to provider, budget management Accountability flow: compliance to standard operating procedure, client satisfaction

Health data at macro level Service flow: annual utilization of services Finance flow: national health account, budget allocation Accountability flow: quality, efficiency, equity, social accountabilty of health systems

Users of health data Steps to capacity development in using data policy review policy implementation data + training + analysis + networking + policy making data + training + analysis + networking core data + training + analysis core data + training Steps to capacity development in using data WHO (2003) Human resources and national health systems: shaping the agenda for action

Defining a research question PICO for EBM Patient Intervention Comparison Outcome PICO for EBPH Population Intervention Comparison Outcome www.sph.uth.tmc.edu/charting/handouts/ebph_handouts/pico.pdf

Defining a research question A group of children come down with measles. The parents of these kids are concerned about the potential health risks of vaccinations and have decided not to vaccinate any of their kids. You need to develop an intervention that increases the likelihood that this group will vaccinate their kids P: children with measles I: program to increase vaccinations C: group not exposed O1: an increased rate of vaccinations? O2: a decreased rate of measles among the children of parents exposed to the intervention? www.sph.uth.tmc.edu/charting/handouts/ebph_handouts/pico.pdf

Defining a research question There is a section of town which has a high prevalence rate of obesity and diabetes. There are many churches in that area so you decide to work with the churches to develop a series of interventions to reduce both obesity and diabetes. One of the programs will target foods served at church-sponsored events which are mostly pot-luck P: members of a group of churches in a town I: program designed to improve types of foods served at church-sponsored events C: foods served before the intervention O: more nutritious foods served after the intervention? www.sph.uth.tmc.edu/charting/handouts/ebph_handouts/pico.pdf

Health outcomes Physical health Dissatisfaction Mental health Social health Spiritual health Dissatisfaction Discomfort Disease Disability Death

Health outcomes Direct vs. indirect Preclinical Clinical Surrogate: fasting blood sugar Final: diabetic retinopathy Preclinical Physiological Laboratory Clinical Subclinical Complication

Health outcomes Positive vs. negative outcome Subjective vs. objective Positive: survival Negative: adverse outcome, death Subjective vs. objective Quality of life Life cycle Birth and neonatal outcome Children and adolescent Adult and elderly

Health outcomes Short vs. long term Short term: Long term:

Psychoeducational programmes for coronary artery disease Outcomes Studies r (95% CI) MI recurrence at 1 to 10 y 16 0.03 (0.01 to 0.06) Systolic BP decrease at {0.1 to 2 y} 8 0.12 (0.06 to 0.18) Serum cholesterol level decrease at {0.1 to 2 y} 7 0.25 {0.20 to 0.30} Weight decrease at {0.1 to 2 y} 8 0.09 (0.03 to 0.15) Decrease in smoking at {0.1 to 2 y} 21 0.07 (0.03 to 0.10) *BP = blood pressure; MI = myocardial infarction. Gluckman R (2000) Evid. Based Med. 2000;5;83

Quality and Outcome Framework CHD 1 The practice can produce a register of patients with coronary heart disease. CHD 2 The percentage of patients with newly diagnosed angina who are referred for exercise testing and/or specialist assessment. CHD 3 The percentage of patients with coronary heart disease whose notes record smoking status in the past 15 months, except those who have never smoked where smoking status need be recorded only once.

Conclusion Define precise research question. Select relevant and practical outcome for answering the question.