Atelectasis นพ. ชัชชัย หอมเกตุ.


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International Commercial Terms

Atelectasis นพ. ชัชชัย หอมเกตุ

Atelectasis สภาพที่ปอดส่วนใดส่วนหนึ่ง หรือทั้งข้างแฟบลง (volume loss) เนื่องจากลมภายในน้อยลงหรือไม่มีเลย

Atelectasis Obstructive : endobronchial, external compression 2. Passive : pneumothorax, hydrothorax Compressive : space taking lesion (mass, bulla) Adhesive : surfactant deficiency (RDS) Cicatrization : fibrosis, scar

Atelectasis Increased density Volume loss - Deviation or displacement of fissure - Clouding of bronchus and vessels - Hilar displacement - Elevation of hemidiaphragm - Displacement of mediastinum - Decreased intercostal space - Compensatory overinflation - Tenting or beak diaphragm

Atelectasis Direct signs - Increased density - Displacement of fissure - Clouding of bronchus and vessels

RUL atelectasis

RUL Atelectasis

RUL Atelectasis

RML atelectasis

RML Atelectasis

LUL atelectasis

LUL atelectasis


RLL atlectasis

RLL atelectasis

Discoid Atelectasis

Total Left Lung Atelectasis

GOLDEN S SIGN Peripheral lung collapse & central portion is prevented by presence of the mass Relevant fissures are concave peripherally but convex centrally (resemble S or reverse S) Importance – realize presence of central obstruction ex. bronchogenic carcinoma Initially described for RUL atelectasis, in fact applicable for any lobes


Golden S

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