Producing Innovation and Next Generation Computer Engineer for the Future Department of Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Producing Innovation and Next Generation Computer Engineer for the Future Department of Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Producing Innovation and Next Generation Computer Engineer for the Future Department of Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University 1

2 Kasetsart University 2 Faculty of AgricultureFaculty of Business Administration Faculty of EconomicsFaculty of Fisheries Faculty of ArchitectureFaculty of Humanities Faculty of Social ScienceFaculty of Forestry Faculty of Veterinary MedicineFaculty of Science Faculty of Agro-IndustryFaculty of Engineering Faculty of Veterinary TechnologyFaculty of Education College of environmentGraduate School  4 campuses with over 60,000 students  Bangkhen campus with over 35,000 students

3 Faculty of Engineering 3 Ten departments with 7,000 students Department Number of programs offered UndergraduateMasters Doctoral/PhD.* ThaiInterThaiInterThaiInter 1.Aerospace Engineering211 2.Chemical Engineering11111 3.Civil Engineering2211 4.Computer Engineering1121 5.Electrical Engineering1111 6.Environmental Engineering11111 7.Industrial Engineering112221 8.Materials Engineering111 9.Mechanical Engineering2211 10.Water Resources Engineering111 Multi-disciplinary programs  Safety Engineering (4 departments)1  Fire Protection Engineering (5 departments)1  Industrial Production Technology (5 departments)1

4 Founded February 3, 1989 ( พ. ศ. 2532 ) 27 years old (Aug 2016) One of the top CS/CE in Thailand Mission – Provide and excellence academic environment that produce research, innovation, and future generation computer engineers that drive the technological development of Thailand Department of Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University 4

5 Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Engineering (Software and Knowledge Engineering) – Inter. Program Master of Science (Information Technology) Master of Engineering (Computer Engineering) Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering) Degree Program 5

6 Cluster I: Digital and Embedded Systems Cluster II: Computer Networks and Systems Research laboratory clusters 6 Robotics and Intelligent Mechatronics LabRIML702 1. ผศ. ดร. ยอดเยี่ยม ทิพย์สุวรรณ์ Advance Digital ApplicationADA703 1. รศ. ประดนเดช นี ละคุปต์ Intelligent Wireless Network GroupIWING710 1. รศ. ดร. อนันต์ ผล เพิ่ม 2. ผศ. ดร. ชัยพร ใจ แก้ว 3. ผศ. ดร. อภิรักษ์ จันทร์สร้าง Applied Network Research LabANRES709 1. รศ. สุรศักดิ์ สงวน พงษ์ High Performance Computing and Networking Center HPCNC 801, 804 1. ผศ. ดร. ภุชงค์ อุท โยภาศ 2. รศ. ดร. จันทนา จันทราพรชัย Performance and Reliability LabPERF802-1 1. อ. ดร. ภารุจ รัตนวร พันธุ์

7 Cluster III: Info. Engineering and Intelligent Systems Research laboratory clusters 7 Innovation and Knowledge Management IKM704 1. รศ. ดร. สมชาย นำ ประเสริฐชัย 2. ผศ. ดร. จเร เลิศสุด วิชัย Massive Information and Knowledge Engineering Laboratory MIKE707 1. รศ. ดร. อานนท์ รุ่ง สว่าง 2. อ. ดร. บัณฑิต มนัส เกษมศักดิ์ Smart Home Network System and Service Interaction Laboratory SHNS802-2 1. อ. ดร. ภัทร ลีลา พฤทธิ์ Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery Laboratory DAKDL803 1. รศ. ดร. กฤษณะ ไวยมัย 2. ผศ. ดร. ธนาวินท์ รัก ธรรมานนท์ Specialty Research Unit in Natural Language Processing and Intelligent Information System Technology NAIST 807, 809, 810 1. รศ. ดร. อัศนีย์ ก่อ ตระกูล 2. อ. ดร. หัชทัย ชาญ เลขา

8 Cluster IV: Software and Database Technology Cluster V: Graphics and Multimedia Cluster VI: Computer Theory Research laboratory clusters 8 Database and Software Technology Research Laboratory DSTRL806 1. รศ. ศิริพร อ่อง รุ่งเรือง 2. ผศ. อินทิราภรณ์ มูลศาสตร์ Software Engineering and Architecture Laboratory SEAL4207 1. ผศ. ดร. สมนึก คีรี โต Multimedia Analysis and Discovery Laboratory MAD705 1. รศ. ดร. พันธุ์ปิติ เปี่ยมสง่า 2. ผศ. ดร. พีรวัฒน์ วัฒนพงศ์ Theory Research LabTHEORY805 1. ผศ. ดร. จิตร์ทัศน์ ฝักเจริญผล 2. ผศ. เฉลิมศักดิ์ ฉัตร ดอกไม้ไพร

9 Faculty Members (32+ 3 Adjunct Prof. + 1 Studying) 9

10 10 Faculty Members (33)

11 [23 Aug 2016] 540 Students Undergrad (414) – Computer Engineer 227 – Software and Knowledge 187 Grad (126) – Master in CPE 33+15 – Master in IT 59 – Ph.D. 18+1 Basic Statistics 11

12 Rooms – 3 of 80 person theater lecture rooms – Many more small meeting rooms Two computer lab fully equipped – 100 seats / 30 seats Mobile Dev Center / Gaming Dev Center Cloud and Big Data Lab Computer Network Lab (> 30 Cisco Routers + 30 Switches) Basic lab in embedded system and many more Facility 12

13 Networking – Fully covered with WiFi network (KU is among the first wireless campus in Thailand) – eduroam – 10 Gigabit link to Uninet and outside world (Fiber optic link throughout the department) Facility 13

14 HPC SYSTEM – WATA Server 100 core HPC system for complex analysis and simulation such as CFD, MD, CAD/CAM – MAEKA 8 nodes GPU server equip with 2 NVIDIA M2050 GPU card per node Facility 14

15 CLOUD – RAIN Cloud CloudStack based private cloud for research and teaching – IBM Server nodes with 6 Gbps link to shared storage – Nebula 5 nodes private cloud HP server for VM hosting Facility 15

16 Won numerous awards National software Contest (NSC) for many years Our students won 5 championships in small league International Robocup Accomplishment 16

17 2008 and 2010 Won International Imagine Cup, a global software design competition hosted by Microsoft Corporation – Only department in the world that won twice Distinguish computer engineer award in 2012 from The Engineering Institute of Thailand (Dr. Putchong Uthayopas) Young Technologist Award 2013 from Foundation of Promotion of Science and technology (Dr. Yodyiam Tipsuwan) 40-50 High quality publications in Journal and International/national conferences per years Accomplishment 17

18 For more information Thank you 18

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Producing Innovation and Next Generation Computer Engineer for the Future Department of Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University.


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