Thai Co-operative Women’s Empowerment


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1 Thai Co-operative Women’s Empowerment

2 What we did in the past? Role of women in Thai co-operatives has been recognized and empowered for almost three decades. Initially, “Co-operative Women Group” was largely promoted nationwide for improving social and economic status of co-operative women and their families. Subsequently, a number of co-operative women groups have been transformed to be “occupational groups or producer groups.” Presently, there are all together 6,302 groups. กรมส่งเสริมสหกรณ์ได้ให้ความสำคัญกับการส่งเสริมบทบาทสตรีควบคู่ไปกับการส่งเสริมพัฒนาสหกรณ์ โดยได้ริเริ่มและผลักดันให้มีการจัดตั้งกลุ่มสตรีสหกรณ์ ประมาณ 30 ปี มาแล้ว และให้การส่งเสริมจนกระทั่งปัจจุบัน เพื่อปรับปรุงพัฒนาสถานะด้านเศรษฐกิจและสังคมของสตรีในสหกรณ์และครอบครัว ดำเนินกิจกรรมหลากหลายทั้งด้านเศรษฐกิจและสังคม เช่น การประกอบอาชีพเสริมเพิ่มรายได้ การพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตสมาชิกและครอบครัวสมาชิกสหกรณ์

3 Recently, in order to promote the occupational groups, the Cooperative Promotion Department in collaboration with MAFF of Japan launched a “Project on Community Leader Development in Agricultural Cooperatives in Thailand” between : According to the project, occupational groups’ leaders, who are generally occupied by women, were trained to be leaders for their rural community development in various areas, such as leadership, management, production, marketing, and better living.

4 Activities of occupational groups
Occupational promotion Training on accounting National Networking Boards’ Meeting Joint formulation of group’s development plan Regional Networking Boards’ Meeting

5 Co-operative members:
Gender equality also largely promotes in co-operatives nationwide. Recent performance are as follows: Co-operative members: - Women 41% - Men 59% Co-operative Board of Directors: - Women 29% - Men 71% Co-operative manager: - Women 50% - Men 50% Co-operative staff: - Women 59% - Men 41%

6 It is also clearly stated in the 2nd master plan for promotion on gender equality and women’s empowerment in co-operatives, , in order to: - Promote perception and recognition on gender equality. - Develop women potential to gain more accessibility in social and economic opportunities. - Improve healthcare, quality of life and strengthen livelihood security of women. - Develop women potential to gain more participation in political, managerial and decision-making process at various levels. - Strengthen women groups and organizations at all levels.

7 Ms. Thichakorn Kitboonchu Ms. Duangduen Kattiyanate
“Women Co-operative Intellectuals” or “Prach Sahakorn Satri” have also recognized and honored each year. Ms. Thichakorn Kitboonchu Saint Peter Credit Union Co-operative, Ltd. Ms. Duangduen Kattiyanate Wiangsa Agricultural Co-operatives, Ltd.

8 “Women Co-operative Intellectuals” or “Prach Sahakorn Satri” have also recognized and honored each year. Ms. Paytai Pathum-chantarat Soon Klang Thewa Credit Union Co-operative, Ltd. Ms. Pranee Chantaworn Mueang-Angthong Agricultural Co-operatives, Ltd.

9 So far …, what we have achieved is that ….
… we are able to improve social and economic status of co-operative women and their families as to some extents. And, we have learned that: - Education is an important factor for empowering women; - Mobilization of fund is also of necessity; and - Doing the “household accounts” can become a vital tool in encouraging self improvement to behave in proper ways for their livelihood.

10 However, in spite of what we have achieved, there are still a lot of things that need to be done for empowering women. This implies by the “Women’s Economic Opportunity Index” made by the Economist Intelligence Unit in 2012: Score Global Rank Singapore Thailand Malaysia Philippines Indonesia Viet Nam Cambodia Laos

11 In addition, we are more likely to face with various challenges in the future.
Among them, the expansion of “globalization,” could create both favorable and unfavorable outcomes and impacts for each country’s people. Regardless of the positive results, some negative impacts, such as “drug and human trafficking” which is likely to be associated with women, are more likely to be increased.

12 Therefore, what we should do next?
For Thailand, the government has already taken some advanced step in establishment of the “Women’s empowerment Fund” early this year. Various forms of education will be continuously provided as a vital tool for empowering women. Exchange of learning and best practices among women is another mechanism that we should do. “Women’s Empowerment Index” should also be formulated as key indicator of implementation. It is also required for a well prepared strategic plan and so on…………

13 Thank You For Your Attention !

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