E XPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS ’ RELATIVE CLUB Pleanpit Chantalasak Social Worker Srithunya Psychiatric hospital.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "E XPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS ’ RELATIVE CLUB Pleanpit Chantalasak Social Worker Srithunya Psychiatric hospital."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 E XPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS ’ RELATIVE CLUB Pleanpit Chantalasak Social Worker Srithunya Psychiatric hospital

2 Background The prelapse training in 1994 Instructors are Dr.Somlak Chuvanichvong and Mrs. Pamarin Chaonachinda Manual is developed the Department of Mental Health and the Thai Royal College of Psychiatraists

3 Establishment of the Club The Srithunya Psychiatric Patients’ Relative Club was established in 1996 6 December 2000 changed the name to “Kulayanamitr Srithunya Psychiatric Patients’Club IN 2013 it is called Kulayanamitr Club Budget

4 Objectives To provide the knowledge on Psychosis and care To lessen frustration, guilt, hopeless and discourage of relatives To promote role of relative in providing care and rehabilitation To be able to manage theinappropriate behavior To lessen the rate of disease progression

5 Activities Meeting on every first Wednesday of the month, in the afternoon Share experience, provide suggestion and support each other Activities which enhancing knowledge and experience such as movie lecture leadership training, counselling, etc. Annual general assembly.

6 Becoming to be Association The concept has been expaned to other psychiatric hospitals, such as Klum Tawanmai, Sangsawang hang duangjai club The Association for Mental Illness has been established on 27 March 2002 as non profit organization and not involve with political. At present, there are 249clubs in every provinces There are 3 associations.

7 Implementation approach Divided into 3 approaches 1. The club, which ex-ill patient is the leader 2. The club, which relatives of patients is the leader 3.The club which monk is the leader.

8 Factors for acheivement 3 ก Committee( กรรมการ ) Financial( กองทุน ) Activities ( กิจกรรม ) 2 ข Information ( ข้อมูลข่าวสาร ) Accessibility ( เข้าถึง ) 1 ค Network ( เครือข่าย )

9 ความต้องการ สนับสนุน องค์ความรู้ใหม่ๆ กิจกรรมการเยี่ยมเยียนดูแล การสนับสนุนที่ต่อเนื่อง ยาที่มีประสิทธิภาพ การเข้าถึงสิทธิ โอกาสทางสังคม

10 Strategies 1. Seek for financial resources 2. Capacity building for core group. 3. Expand network coverage. 4. Cooperation to push alliance. 5. Participation of society and community. 6. Distribution of knowledge. 7. Public education 8. Participation to enforce policy and legislation.

11 More suggestion -Establish National Information Center to develop baseline information in network implementation registration of disables. Continuous communication with public media. Symbol communication.

12 Social Rehabilitation by participation of community network

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