แบบฟอร์มที่ 2 1. ชื่อวิชา  THM3505 English for hospitality industry


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "แบบฟอร์มที่ 2 1. ชื่อวิชา  THM3505 English for hospitality industry"— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 แบบฟอร์มที่ 2 1. ชื่อวิชา  THM3505 English for hospitality industry 2. หัวข้อที่ประจำ สัปดาห์นี้  Correspondence วัตถุประสงค์ (เมื่อศึกษาเนื้อหาในหน่วยการเรียนแล้ว ผู้เรียน) 1.  เพื่อให้นักศึกษามีความรู้ ความเข้าใจ และวิธีการตอบกลับลูกค้าทางอีเมลล์ ได้ 2.  เพื่อให้นักศึกษาสามารถเขียนอีเมลล์ตอบกลับลูกค้าเป็นภาษาอังกฤษได้อย่าง มีประสิทธิภาพ ภาพรวมของเนื้อหา/คำอธิบายหัวข้อที่สอนประจำสัปดาห์นี้ Writing letters and s to customers Responding to and voic s

2 UNIT 5 Correspondence

3 writing Letters and emails.
1. Complete the first gap of each correspondence with one of the phrases. a We enclose a copy of b We are pleased to confirm your reservation c Regarding your request to 2. Complete the second gap with one of the phrases. a Unfortunately we are fully booked b It includes c We have also reserved a parking space for yiu 3. Complete the third gap with one of the phrases. a We hope we may be of b We look forward c We attach a copy of

4 writing Letters and emails.
1. Complete the first gap of each correspondence with one of the phrases. a We enclose a copy of (1) b We are pleased to confirm your reservation (2) c Regarding your request to (3) 2. Complete the second gap with one of the phrases. a Unfortunately we are fully booked (3) b It includes (1) c We have also reserved a parking space for yiu (2) 3. Complete the third gap with one of the phrases. a We hope we may be of (1) b We look forward (2) c We attach a copy of (3)

5 1 HOTEL INTERNATIONNAL, GRAN VIA, 402, 08007 BARCELONA +34 935 526 536 www.hotelinternational.com
Mr. P McKinnon 20 Church Street Edinburgh EH4 9HZ 13 July 20__ Dear Mr. McKinnon our hotel brochure for you information. directions for arrival by road. service to you in the future. Yours sincerely Rosa Gonzalez Marketing Gonzalez

6 1 HOTEL INTERNATIONNAL, GRAN VIA, 402, 08007 BARCELONA +34 935 526 536 www.hotelinternational.com
Mr. P McKinnon 20 Church Street Edinburgh EH4 9HZ 13 July 20__ Dear Mr. McKinnon We enclose a copy of our hotel brochure for you information. We are pleased to confirm your reservation directions for arrival by road. regarding your request to service to you in the future. Yours sincerely Rosa Gonzalez Marketing Gonzalez

7 2 Subject: confirmation of booking.
Dear Mrs. Tevez Thank you for your Of l double room for 3 nights from 30 September. We also confirm your table booking for 4 on l October at 8 m.p. for the 3 day as requested. to seeing you in September. Best regards Toni Fong Reservations

8 2 Subject: confirmation of booking
Dear Mrs. Tevez Thank you for your It include Of l double room for 3 nights from 30 September. We also confirm your table booking for 4 on l October at 8 p.m. We have also reserved a packing space for the 3 day as requested. We look forward to seeing you in September. Best regards Toni Fong Reservations

9 3 Subject: request to change dates
Dear Ms Parsons change the dates of you booking. for 15 and 16 March. However, we can offer you accommodation at our partner hotel nearby. their brochure for your information.

10 3 Subject: request to change dates
Dear Ms Parsons we hope we have be of change the dates of you booking. we look forward for 15 and 16 March. However, we can offer you accommodation at our partner hotel nearby. we attack a copy at their brochure for your information.

11 Listening Customer nessages 5. 1 Listen to five to five voicemails
Listening Customer nessages 5.1 Listen to five to five voic s. What does each caller want ? Caller 1: Caller 2: Caller 3: Caller 4: Caller 5:

12 Listening Customer messages 5. 1 Listen to five to five voicemails
Listening Customer messages 5.1 Listen to five to five voic s. What does each caller want ? Caller 1: twin room for there night Caller 2: change booking Caller 3: cheek booking date Caller 4: table 10 people Caller 5: special event

ดาวน์โหลด ppt แบบฟอร์มที่ 2 1. ชื่อวิชา  THM3505 English for hospitality industry


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