งานสร้างสรรค์ประติมากรรมของ Constantin Brancusi


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1 งานสร้างสรรค์ประติมากรรมของ Constantin Brancusi
Seminar in Visual Arts งานสร้างสรรค์ประติมากรรมของ Constantin Brancusi โดย อาจารย์อดุลย์ บุญฉ่ำ หลักสูตรศิลปกรรมศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาทัศนศิลป์ ภาคการศึกษาที่ 1 ปีการศึกษา 2559 คณะศิลปกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม

2 การสร้างสรรค์ คือ การทำให้เกิดสิ่งใหม่ขึ้นในโลก
การสร้างสรรค์ คือ การทำให้เกิดสิ่งใหม่ขึ้นในโลก ด้วยปัญญาของมนุษย์ สิ่งที่สร้างสรรค์ขึ้นนั้นต้องมีลักษะเป็นต้นแบบในทางใดทางหนึ่ง ไม่ซ้ำกับสิ่งที่มีอยู่แล้ว การสร้างสรรค์เป็นกระบวนการอิสระ ไม่เป็นทาสของสิ่งใด ไม่ว่าจะเป็นอารมณ์ ปัญญา หรือลัทธิ หรือแบบอย่าง (Style) การสร้างสรรค์ต้องมีเสรีภาพ มีความนึกคิดอย่างอิสระ มีความริเริ่มและก้าวหน้า (ชลูด นิ่มเสมอ : 412)

3 การสร้างสรรค์ศิลปะ การสร้างสรรค์ศิลปะ หมายถึง การสรรหา หรือคิดค้นรูปทรง หรือหน่วย (Unit) ที่มีสาระต่อจุดหมายของการสร้างสรรค์ และจัดระเบียบหน่วยนั้น หรือหน่วยเหล่านั้นให้เกิดรูปทรงใหม่ เป็นรูปทรงที่มีเอกัตภาพ หรือลักษณะเฉพาะตัวของศิลปิน (Individuality) เป็นต้นแบบ (Originality) และมีเอกภาพ การสร้างสรรค์ตรงข้ามกับการลอกเลียนแบบ (Imitation) ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการลอกเลียนแบบจากธรรมชาติหรือจากสิ่งที่มนุษย์สร้างขึ้น (ชลูด นิ่มเสมอ : 412)

4 Sleeping Muse, 1909, marble

5 Constantin Brâncuși Romanian Sculptor Born -February 19, 1876
Died -March 16, 1957 Early years Brâncuși grew up in the village of Hobiţa, Gorj, near  Târgu Jiu, close to Romania's Carpathian Mountains, an area known for its rich tradition of folk crafts, particularly woodcarving. Geometric patterns of the region are seen in his later works.

6 Constantin Brâncuși His parents Nicolae and Maria Brâncuși were poor peasants who earned a meager living through back-breaking labor; from the age of seven, Constantin herded the family's flock of sheep. He showed talent for carving objects out of wood, and often ran away from home to escape the bullying of his father and older brothers.

7 Constantin Brâncuși At the age of nine, He left the village to work in the nearest large town. At 11 he went into the service of a grocer in Slatina; and then he became a domestic in a public house in Craiova where he remained for several years. When he was 18, He created a violin by hand with materials he found around his workplace. Impressed by Brâncuși's talent for carving, an industrialist entered him in the Craiova School of Arts and Crafts, where he pursued his love for woodworking, graduating with honors in 1898

8 Constantin Brâncuși He then enrolled in the Bucharest School of Fine Arts, where he received academic training in sculpture. He worked hard, and quickly distinguished himself as talented. One of his earliest surviving works, under the guidance of his anatomy teacher, Dimitrie Gerota, is a masterfully renderedécorché (statue of a man with skin removed to reveal the muscles underneath) which was exhibited at the Romanian Athenaeum in 1903. Though just an anatomical study, it foreshadowed the sculptor's later efforts to reveal essence rather than merely copy outward appearance.

9 Constantin Brâncuși Work in Paris
In 1903, Brâncuși traveled to Munich, and from there to Paris. In Paris, he was welcomed by the community of artists and intellectuals brimming with new ideas. He worked for two years in the workshop of Antonin Mercié of the École des Beaux-Arts, and was invited to enter the workshop of Auguste Rodin. Even though he admired the eminent Rodin he left the Rodin studio after only two months, saying, "Nothing can grow under big trees."

10 Studio, Museum

11 Studio, Museum

12 Studio, Museum


14 Studio, Museum






20 Wisdom of the Earth, waxed limestone, 51 x 17. 8 x 25
Wisdom of the Earth, waxed limestone, 51 x 17.8 x 25.3 cm National Museum of Art of Romania

21 The Prayer, 1907, patinated bronze,
111.5 x 35 x 120 cm National Museum of Art of Romania

22 The Kiss, 1907-8, Limestone, 28 x 26 x 21.5cm,
Muzeul de Arta, Craiova, Romania

23 The Kiss, 1912, Stone, 58.4 x 34 x 25.4cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art


25 Terminal border, 1945, Limestone, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

26 The Kiss Column, 1935

27 Sleeping Muse, 1909, marble



30 Muse,

31 Miss Pogany I, 1912, Plaster, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

32 Muse, Marble Cleveland Museum of Art


34 Muse, 1912. White marble, 45 x 23 x 17 cm. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

35 Muse, 1912. White marble, 45 x 23 x 17 cm. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

36 Mademoiselle Pogany II

37 Danaid, 1913, Bronze, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

38 A Muse A Muse, 1917


40 Sleeping Muse (Muse endormie), 1909-1910 white marble, 11 1/2 long.

41 Sleeping Muse (Muse endormie), 1909-1911 white marble, 11 1/2 long.

42 Sleeping Muse I, 1909-10, Hirshhorn Museum

43 Sleeping Muse, 1910

44 Sleeping Muse, 1910, Bronze, 16.1 x 27.7 x 19.3 cm,
The Art Institute of Chicago

45 Sculpture for the Blind, 1925, Onyx,
National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

46 Sculpture for the Blind


48 The Beginning of the world, 1924, Bronze,
National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris


50 Prometheus, 1911, marble, 5x7 inch,
Philadelphia Museum of Art: The Louis and Walter Arensberg Collection

51 Constantin Brancusi

52 National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris
Head of a Child, 1913, Wood, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

53 Philadelphia Museum of Art: The Louis and Walter Arensberg Collection
The Newborn, 1915, Marble, 8 1/2 x 6", Philadelphia Museum of Art: The Louis and Walter Arensberg Collection

54 The Newborn II, 1927, Stainless steel, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

55 Madame L.R., 1914-18, Wood, 94 cm, Private collection

56 Madame L.R., 1914-18, Wood, 94 cm, Private collection

57 Pedestal composed of two base elements, 1940, Wood, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

58 King of Kings, ca Oak, 300 x 48.3 x 46cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

59 Stool-base, 1930, Wood, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

60 The First Cry, 1917, Cement, h 17, w 25.8, d 18, Private collection, Switzerland

61 Portrait of Nancy Cunard
(also called Sophisticated Young Lady), , walnut on marble base

62 Torso of a Young Man

63 Torso of a Young Man, 1917, Polished bronze, h 46. 3, w 31, d 17
Torso of a Young Man, 1917, Polished bronze, h 46.3, w 31, d 17.1, Cleveland Museum of Art

64 Torso of a young man, 1923, National Museum of
Modern Art – Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

65 Torso of a young man


67 Endless Column, version I, 1918. Oak, 203. 2 x 25. 1 x 24. 5 cm
Endless Column, version I, Oak, x 25.1 x 24.5 cm. Gift of Mary Sisler. © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

68 Endless Column, 1934, in Targu-Jiu, Romania

69 Endless Column, version I, 1918. Oak, 203.2 x 25.1 x 24.5 cm.
in Targu-Jiu, Romania

70 Head of a Child, 1923, Plaster, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

71 Head of a Child Wood,

72 Cock, 1935, Bronze, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris


74 Fish, 1930

75 Brancusi Fish

76 Two Penguins Marble

77 Bronze, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris
Princess X, 1915, Bronze, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris Princess X, 1916,

78 Princess X, 1916

79 Torso of a young girl, 1925, Onyx, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris


81 Leda

82 National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris
Leda, 1926, Bronze, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

83 The Birdie II, 1928, Marble, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

84 Die blonde Negerin,1926, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum (in German)

85 The Blond Negress, 1926, bronze with marble and limestone base, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

86 Blond Negress II, 1933, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

87 The Sorceress, 1916–24. Walnut on limestone base, 113. 7 x 49. 5 x 64
The Sorceress, 1916–24. Walnut on limestone base, x 49.5 x 64.8cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

88 The Sorceress

89 Golden Bird, 1919 Bronze,

90 Golden Bird, , Bronze, stone, and wood, 217.8cm (base c. 1922)

91 Bird in space, 1923, Marble, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

92 Bird in space, 1928, Bronze, 137.2 cm. Museum of Modern Art,
New York City






98 Model of the pillar of the Gate of the Kiss, 1935, National Museum of Modern Art - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris

99 The Gate of the Kiss, 1937-1938, Tirgu-Jiu, Romania

100 The Gate of the Kiss, 1937-1938, Tirgu-Jiu, Romania

101 The Gate of the Kiss, 1937-1938, Tirgu-Jiu, Romania

102 Bye ! Bye !

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