Pranom Buppasiri 8th April 2011


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1 Pranom Buppasiri 8th April 2011
Student log book Pranom Buppasiri 8th April 2011

2 Objective of log book Recording sequential data or progress
Knowledge Skill Self assessment Formative assessment

3 What content should be included in log book?
Vary styles Hand written or electronic based Essential medical knowledge Essential clinical procedures Essential basic investigation Patient encounter Attitude

4 Advantages Self reflection Adhere to study program Self assessment
Formative assessment

5 Disadvantages Time consuming Forget to record Difficult in scoring

6 What can teacher pick up from student log book ?
reflect of teaching reflect of program or course reflect of individual student Use for revising program, teaching method Conduct education research

7 The Learning of 7th Year Medical Students
at Internal Medical – Evaluation by Logbooks Tzong-Shinn Chu, et al. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2008;37:1002-7

8 207 Interns Department of Internal Medicine National Taiwan University

9 Logbook : learning passport
records of the learning of 19 symptoms and signs, 16 diseases and states 21 physical examination skills 11 laboratory skills and image interpretation 12 procedures and therapeutic skills.

10 Results How many signs and symptoms that Intern did not learn or encounter ? How many clinical procedures that Intern did not practice?

11 Discussion Why Suggestion for improvement

12 Sharing of current status using the log book in clinical departments
OB & GYN Surgery Internal medicine Pediatrics

13 Topic Content or format
How to assess or evaluate students or course from the log book How to improve log book

14 Purpose a new design log book
ความรู้ ไม่ได้เรียน เรียน ระดับความมั่นใจ มั่นใจ พอใช้ ไม่มั่นใจ Ectopic pregnancy / Abortion

15 หัตถการ ไม่ ได้ทำ ได้ทำ ระดับความมั่นใจ มั่นใจ พอใช้ ไม่มั่นใจ // /
Normal labor // / Amniotomy

16 ไม่ได้ทำ ทำ ระดับความมั่นใจ Basic investigation มั่นใจ พอใช้ ไม่มั่นใจ
Wet smear // / KOH pH test

17 Attitude & Professionalism
สัปดาห์ 1 สัปดาห์ 2 สัปดาห์ 3 สัปดาห์ 4 สัปดาห์ 5 สัปดาห์ 6 สัปดาห์ 7 ความรับผิดชอบ ความตรงต่อเวลา

18 Conclusion Past ; log books were use for a long time in medical education Present : still to use it but should revise or re-arrange format Future : continue to use it but e-log book and systematic evaluation should be implemented


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