งานนำเสนอกำลังจะดาวน์โหลด โปรดรอ
Investment opportunities in Cambodia
Presented by Mrs. Tui Pakarat-Rutten Managing Director of Intra Mekong / President of TBCC Date Aug 08, 2012. H/P: /
Kunming Chna India Myanmr Lao PDR Haiphong Danang Yangon Vietbam
Regional Cooperation: ACMECS GMS BIMSTEC IMT-GT/JDS Korea Kunming India Chna Afghanistan Japan (JTEPA) China Pakistan Chiang Rai Myanmr Lao PDR Haiphong India Bangladesh GMS Myanmar Yangon Danang Laos BIMSTEC Vietnam Thailand Vietbam Philippines Bangkok Cambodia Andaman Sea ACMECS Cambodia Sri Lanka Ho Chi Minh Trat – Koh Kong IMT-GT/JDS Malaysia Brunei Gulf of Thailand Singapore Indonesia Malaysia Source: Dr. Jula Sukmanup
The Greater Mekong Sub Region (GMS)
People’s Republic of China Land area: 633 thou sq km Population: 93.8 M GDP per capita: US$1,032 (figures for Yunnan and Guangxi only) Myanmar Land area: 677 thou sq km Population: 54.8 M GDP per capita: US$255 Viet Nam Land area: 332 thou sq km Population: 83.1 M GDP per capita: US$622 Thailand Land area: 513 thou sq km Population: 65.3 M GDP per capita: US$2,727 Lao PDR Land area: 237 thou sq km Population: 5.6 M GDP per capita: US$491 The GMS in 2005 Land area: 2.6 M sq km Population: 316 M GDP per capita: US$1,102 The GMS: a natural economic area bound together by the Mekong River, and a shared culture and history. The six GMS members are Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam. PRC’s participation is currently focused only on the southern provinces of Yunnan and Guangxi. Land area: about 2.5 million square kilometers – about the size of Western Europe Population: 316 million people, a little larger than that of the United States Average per capita: reached the $1,000 mark last year, due to rapid economic growth. Competitive advantage: GMS is rich in human and natural resources and biodiversity, includes timber and fisheries, minerals, energy (hydropower, coal, petroleum and gas. It has a huge pool of young, industrious, and trainable labor. Living standards improving as a result of modernization and industrialization. Cambodia Land area: 181 thou sq km Population: 13.8 M GDP per capita: US$393
Road Transport Network
GMS Connectivity Road Transport Network Animation Sequence Slide 1: Let me show you the evolution of the connectivity build up in GMS. This shows you the situation when the GMS Program started in 1992: Sub-regional roads --- all weather roads are mostly within Thailand and do not connect with neighboring countries; For power, only transmission line linking Lao with Thailand; telecoms mostly in Thailand. Lets look at the situation in 2004: Sub-regional roads --- are now going up all the way up north to Kunming and southwards connecting to Ho Chi Minh City; ADB funded Guangxi Road Development Project I linking Nanning (Guangxi’s capital) with Viet Nam. East West corridor goes all the way to Da Nang. Power transmission lines --- massive development along the coastal areas in Viet Nam and more interconnections between Lao and Thailand. Telecommunications backbone – now extends to Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Lao PDR By 2012 this is what is projected: Sub-regional roads --- all weather roads would enable travel long the north-south and east west axis and across Myanmar all the way to India; ADB funded Guangxi Road Development Project II will complete the ring road from Yunnan to Hanoi via Nanning. Power transmission lines will see an increasing number of connections between Thailand and Cambodia, Cambodia and Viet Nam, Lao PDR –Thailand-Yunnan, Lao PDR- Thailand- Viet Nam, and Viet Nam- Guangxi-Yunnan. Telecommunications backbone will eventually have links with Yunnan Province and Myanmar. The 13th GMS Ministerial Meeting stressed continued enhancement of connectivity through further investment in key infrastructure, guided by comprehensive strategic frameworks, and supported by software in terms of establishing agreements, institutions and human resource capacities. 2015
สมาชิก และปีที่เข้าเป็นสมาชิก
อาเซียน ASEAN ก่อตั้งเมื่อปี 2510 (1967) ครบรอบ 45 ปี (วันที่ 8 ส.ค. 2555) จุดประสงค์เริ่มแรก – สร้างความมั่นคง เพื่อต้านภัยคุกคามคอมมิวนิสต์ ปี 2510 ปี 2527 อาเซียน 6 สมาชิก และปีที่เข้าเป็นสมาชิก ปี 2540 ปี 2542 ปี 2538 สมาชิกใหม่ CLMV 5 5
CAMBODIA PROFILE Land area : 181,035 sq.km. Population: 14.720 Million
Labor force (young) : 7,053,398 (Female: 3,608,345) Population growth rate : 1.54% GDP (2011) : 6.5% GDP per capita in 2011 : $909 Inflation (2011) : 5.5% Exchange rate: USD 1= 4053 Riels Source: CDC
Economic Performance Average growth for last 5 years is 10.3%
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 GDP per capita 331 356 402 468 534 623 738 731 830 Source: SNEC & MEF
Cambodia Population Pyramid for 2010
Predicted age and sex distribution for the year 2010
Minimum wage in Cambodia
Population Unit : million Year 2008 2009 2010e 2011e Population 13,957 14,206 14,454 14,702 (%) 2010 2011e GDP Growth 6.5% 7.2% Inflation 3.6% 8.3% Minimum wage in Cambodia $45.62 – $50.69 / month Source : Cambodia Outlook 2010
Reasons to invest in Cambodia
Close to Thailand similar language and culture Open economy Competitive Investment Incentives One Stop Service – Fast-Track Investment Approval Process (28 days) Low Labor Cost Strategic Location Preferential Trading Status: MSN & GSP ( Most Favors Nation Treatment MSN; Generalized System Preferences) Access to ASEAN and World Markets Source: CDC
Chong Jom, Thailand/O'Smach, Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia
Hat Lek, Thailand/Koh Kong, Cambodia:(Cham Yeam Checkpoint) (Most direct access to Sihanoukville) Chong Jom, Thailand/O'Smach, Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia Chong Sa Ngam, Thailand/Anlong Veng, Oddar Meanchey Ban Pakard, Chantaburi, Thailand/Phsar Prom Pailin, Cambodia (Prom Checkpoint) Ban Laem, Chantaburi, Thailand/Daung Lem, Battambang, Cambodia (Daung Checkpoint) Source:
Rail Link in South East Asia
Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Port Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Port
Southern Line Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Port 264km Southern Line Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Port 264km
AH Routes in Thailand www.tbcccambodia.org www.intra-mekong.com
AH1: Aranyaprathet-Hin Kong-Bang pa –in (-Bangkok)-Mae Sot: 701 Km AH2: Sa Dao-Hat Yai-Bangkok-Chiang Rai Tachilek: 1,913 Km AH3: Chiang Kong -Chaing Rai: 117 Km AH12:Nong Lhai-Udon Thani-Nakhon Ratchasima-Hin Kong: 511 Km AH13: Nakhon Sawan-Phitsanulok-Huai Kon : 557 Km AH15: Nakho Phanom-Udon Thani : 243 Km AH16: Tak- Khon Kaen-Mukhdahan: 689 Km AH18: Hat Yai-Sungai Kolok: 268 Km AH19: Bangkok-Laem Chabang-Kabin Buri – Nakhon Ratchasima: 458 Km AH112: Klong Loy-Bang Saphan: 29 Km AH121: Mukdaharn-Yasothon-Buriram – Sakaeo: 421 Km AH123: BongTi-Kanchanaburi-Nakhon Pathom-Bangkok-Chonburi-Laem Chabang-Maptaput-Rayong-Trat-Hat Lek: 574 Km Total: 6,693 km Source : DTN Thailand
Investment Incentives
20% Corporate Tax Tax holidays: Trigger period +3years+n; 6y <TH<9y Full Import Duty Exemption Repatriation of profit (withholding tax) Reinvestment of earning (special depreciation) Source: CDC
Investment Protection
The Investment Law and Sub-decree contains a number of important guarantees for the investors: Equal treatment of all investors No requirement of local equity participation No price controls on products or services No restriction on forex convertibility Free remittance of foreign currencies abroad Source: CDC
Australia Malaysia Austria China Croatia Cuba Czech France Germany
Bilateral agreement on the promotion and protection of investments between the Kingdom of Cambodia and other countries Australia Austria China Croatia Cuba Czech France Germany Indonesia Japan Kuwait Lao PDR Malaysia Netherlands N. Korea OPEC Pakistan Philippine ROK Singapore Switzerland Thailand USA (OPIC) Vietnam Source: CDC
1h:30 in average CAMBODIA Phnom Penh Southern China Myanmar Laos
Kunming Southern China Myanmar Hanoi Laos Yangon o Vientiane Vietnam Thailand Manila Bangkok . CAMBODIA The Philippines Phnom Penh 1h:30 in average Brunei Begawan Kuala Lumpur Strategic Location Malaysia Singapore Jakarta Indonesia
MFN/GSP Market Access France Germany Hungary Ireland Italy N-Korea
Poland Portugal ROK Russian Federation Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA EBA (everything but arms initiative for LDCs) Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Canada China Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Ireland Italy N-Korea Luxemburg Japan Netherlands New Zealand Norway … and the ASEAN integration System of Preferences (AISP) from the ASEAN 6
Encouraged Investment Activities
Agriculture and agro-industry Transport and telecommunications Energy and electricity Labor-intensive industries, processing and manufacturing; Tourism Human resource development Oil & Gas, Mining
Agro-business Basic agrarian economy Natural endowments: Abundant land
Rich fishery resources Organic crops Value-added emphasis/ Food processing New product development
Manufacturing & Export
Competitive labor cost Tax incentives Market access Regional arrangement
Tourism World Heritage Monuments Open Sky Policy to Siem Reap
Natural beauty - Beach - Islands Ability to attract “add-on” trips Novelty value Ability to attracts “add-on” trips With massive tourist arrivals from key regional centers, it would be easy to have side trips to Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, and Sihanoukville areas, without having to bring tourists all the way from countries of origin. Novelty value In the early years, Cambodia can still benefit from novelty quality, as few people have visited in the past.
Cambodia Tourism Destinations
Siem Reap Eco-Tourism Area Phnom Penh & Its Surroundings Costal Area 25
SIEM REAP, World Heritage Site
SIEM REAP, World Heritage Site
Eco-Tourism in the Northeast The Adventure of a life time…
Visitors to Cambodia Thousand (000) Visitor arrival from 2010 - 2020
YEAR 2010 2011 2015 2020 Visitor Arrivals 2,508,289 2,882,000 3,700,000 6,000,000
การลงทุนที่ได้รับอนุมัติจาก CIB ปี 2549 – 2554
คณะกรรมการส่งเสริมการลงทุนกัมพูชา (Cambodian Investment Board : CIB) ได้อนุมัติโครงการส่งเสริมการลงทุนในกัมพูชา ตั้งแต่ปี พ.ศ ถึงวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2554 จำนวน 1,978 โครงการ มูลค่าเงินลงทุน 8,978.0 ล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ การลงทุนที่ได้รับอนุมัติจาก CIB ปี 2549 – 2554 รายการ หน่วย 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2554/2553 อัตราการเพิ่ม(ลด)% มูลค่าเงินลงทุน ล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ 207.7 480.7 259.9 149.0 172.8 507.3 ล้าน USD 194 % จำนวนโครงการ โครงการ 99 130 101 100 102 148 +38 โครงการ 37 % ที่มา : Cambodia Investment Board ในปี 2554 CIB อนุมัติโครงการลงทุนรวม 148 โครงการ เงินลงทุน ล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ เมื่อเทียบกับปี 2553 พบว่า อนุมัติเพิ่ม 38 โครงการ หรือเพิ่มร้อยละ 37 และเงินลงทุนเพิ่ม ล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ หรือเพิ่มร้อยละ 194
Approved Investments by Country/Region (1994- Nov 2011)
Approved Investments by Sector 1994 – Nov 2011
Source: CDC
Invest in Cambodia and you have 600 million consumers at your doorstep
What should we aware of investing in Cambodia?
How to choose the partner ? Law and Regulation Information Implementation of ASEAN FTA Exchange Rate and Inflation Government Services Tariff
Useful link http://www.investincambodia.com http:// www.ccb.com.kh
Presented by Mrs. Tui Pakarat-Rutten Date: 08-Aug-2012 Managing Director of Intra Mekong / President of TBCC H/P:
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