1 Formal request to service provider. 2 RFI desired information  Company profile  Product & service  Financial stability  Plans & direction  Customer.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "1 Formal request to service provider. 2 RFI desired information  Company profile  Product & service  Financial stability  Plans & direction  Customer."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 1 Formal request to service provider

2 2 RFI desired information  Company profile  Product & service  Financial stability  Plans & direction  Customer base & reference  Key players in organization  Number of location & strategic alliance  Service support & training facilities & resource  Support, maintenance & service

3 3 RFQ desired information For price or cost information from vendor  Contract type terms & special condition  Pricing & discount  Change criteria & impact on pricing  Payment terms

4 4 RFP desired information ความต้องการของผู้ซื้อ ขอบเขต เป้ประสงค์ สิ่งที่ต้องส่งมอบ เพื่อ vendor จะได้เขียน proposal เสนอ บริการมาให้ผู้ซื้อ พิจารณา 1.Background 2.Objective & scope 3.General requirement 4.Function feature & performance criteria 5.Standard & regulatory compliance 6.Constraints: time, business technical 7.Governance, reporting & dispute escalation 8.Customer/ vendor contact point 9.Backup / recovery / contingency plan 10.Quality assurance & risk mitigation plan 11.Schedule of deliverables 12.Contract information & type 13.Recourse remedy & warranty 14.Pricing 15.Change management 16.Disengagement condition & responsibility

5 5 Weight for evaluation component

ดาวน์โหลด ppt 1 Formal request to service provider. 2 RFI desired information  Company profile  Product & service  Financial stability  Plans & direction  Customer.


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