Dianne J. Hall David B. Paradice James F. Courtney Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001.


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1 Dianne J. Hall David B. Paradice James F. Courtney Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001

2 Abstract

3 This paper examines the implicit philosophical bases of typical DSS. We argue that the philosophical bases underlying DSS explain how typical DSS function and why they have certain shortcomings. These issues explain why knowledge management systems (KMS) are receiving greater attention. Finally, we address how the integration of DSS into the concept of inquiring systems (IS) can move systems technology to a new level of decision support and knowledge management.

4 Problem Complex, rapidly changing business environments affect decision makers in several ways. Such environments spawn problems and opportunities requiring prompt attention. The increasingly large number of interactions between factors in the decision maker's environment necessitate that any actions taken be not only rapid but also appropriate. Support systems must be capable of physically managing data, and adapting existing organizational knowledge to the changing environment. neglected by DSS research involves problem formulation. Work in DSS support for problem formulation exists but has not been as widely pursued as might be expected.

5 Inquiring Systems and Organizational Learning An inquiring system is a system that has the ability to gather evidence, model that evidence in a way that represents that system's reality, and present the result as knowledge.


7 Feedback Loops and Learning Learning in the organizational environment is considered by many authors to be facilitated by transferring knowledge among members, ultimately affecting organizational behavior


9 IS use computer-based support for problems generally categorized as moderately or fully unstructured, and provide for structured problems to be solved primarily at the machine level. an inquiring system or DSS is not intended to replace the decision maker. Rather, it enhances the decision maker’s efficiency and effectiveness. IS DSS

10 being examined more recently, the inter-relationships of knowledge creation, organizational learning, and the organization as a social entity should be carefully considered. A comprehensive KMS is likely to affect changes within the organization, and inter organizational communication will begin to play a larger role as we move toward a more global economy. With executives being less tied to decision-making processes, more time may be spent defining the organization's goals. The impact of this system on the organization’s structure,processes, and communication modes should be examined.

11 Summary Current systems such as DSS are not flexible enough to sustain knowledge creation and management in a way that will allow an organization to attain full competitive advantage. Organizations fail to learn because the characteristics inherent in traditional DSS do not allow for problem formulation/resolution at a variety of levels, the necessary feedback loops, nor do they allow for infusion of environmental variables into the problem-solving equation.

12 1.What related work is being undertaken? เนื่องจากสิ่งที่สนใจในกระบวนการจัดความรู้ ที่ จะนำมาทำการค้นคว้าอิสระ มีส่วนที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ ระบบ DSS ซึ่งบทความนี้ มีประโยชน์ในการ อธิบายความแตกต่าง ระหว่าง DSS และ IS

13 2. What is the motivation for the work? บทความนี้ได้อธิบายระบบ DSS ที่ดี โดยการนำ ระบบ IS มาช่วยในการพัฒนา ระบบ DSS ในการ สร้าง feedback loops เพื่อพัฒนาระบบ DSS ให้ ดีขึ้น และ transferring Knowledge

14 3.What the techniques are in use? feedback loops 4. What are the findings of the papers? This paper examines the implicit philosophical bases of typical DSS. We argue that the philosophical bases underlying DSS explain how typical DSS function and why they have certain shortcomings. These issues explain why knowledge management systems (KMS) are receiving greater attention. Finally, we address how the integration of DSS into the concept of inquiring systems (IS) can move systems technology to a new level of decision support and knowledge management.

15 5. How does it help me? 6. Why am I studying this aspect of the problem? นำกระบวนการมาปรับปรุง และประยุกต์ใช้ใน ระบบการจัดการความรู้ของตนเอง เนื่องจากหากขาดระบบ feedback loops จะขาดข้อมูลการปรับปรุงในส่วนของผู้ใช้งาน หากมีระบบนี้จะทำให้ระบบการจัดการความรู้ เป็นระบบที่ดีขึ้น

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Dianne J. Hall David B. Paradice James F. Courtney Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001.


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