3563203(3-0-3) Entrepreneurship INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS OPERATION A.J. Pongsada Chaleomklin Rajabhat NakhonPathom University 11/6/2008 By.


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2 3563203(3-0-3) Entrepreneurship INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS OPERATION A.J. Pongsada Chaleomklin Rajabhat NakhonPathom University 11/6/2008 By

3 Entrepreneurship : A Perspective Creati vity Innova tion Entreprene urship

4 What is Entrepreneurship ? Defining Entrepreneur ship Creati ng Value The Entrepren eur Innova tion Organization Creation Growt h unique ness Proce ss Profit or Non- for-Profit

5 Entrepreneur “The pioneers who convert ideas into products ; dreams into reality.” “The person who shifts economic resources out of lower productivity and into an area of higher productivity and higher yield.”

6 Dream Transformati on Process Realit y Thinking New Things Doing New Things Creating Value in the Marketplace

7 Major role of the entrepreneur - Exploits change, not by doing things better but by doing something different. - Blends creativity, innovation, and risk taking with hard work to form and nurture new venture

8 Creating Value ? 15 Baht 55 Baht 40 Baht Value Added

9 1.1. Challenging the Entrepreneurs Job Creation / Creation of Business Source of New Job in economy / Employment Creation of Gross Domestic Product Trends in Entrepreneurial and Education An Integral Part of Renewal process in Market Economic Social Glue Role = Bind together both high-tech + conservation

10 Critical Contributor to Economic Growth Leadership Management Innovation Research and Development effectiveness Competitiveness Productivity Formation of new Industry

11 Differences Between SME and Entrepreneurial Venture Independently owned, operated, and financed Fewer than 100 employees Does’t emphasize new or innovative practices Little impact on industry Innovative practices Goals are profitability and growth Seeks out new opportunities Willingness to take risks Small Business Entrepreneuria l Venture

12 1.2. Characteristics of Entrepreneurs 1. Demographic Profile of Entrepreneurs 1.1. Family birth order 1.2. Gender 1.3. Work Experience 1.4. Education 1.5. Entrepreneurial family

13 2. Personality Profile of Entrepreneurs 2.1. Riskbearing / Moderate risk taker 2.2. High level of motivation 2.3. Abundance of self- confidence 2.4. Ability to be involved for the long term 2.5. High energy level 2.6. Persistent problem solver 2.7. High degree of initiative / Creativity

14 2.8. Ability to set goal 2.9. Commitment and determination 2.10. Opportunity obsession 2.11. Flexibility 2.12. Willingness to learn from failure 2.13. Leadership ability 2.14. Ability to be self- directed 2.15. Proactive personality

15 3. Intention Profile of Entrepreneurs (Bird’s Model) Contextual Factors Opportunities in the Social, Political,Econom ic Personal Factors Personality, Background, Abilities Rational and Analytic Thinking Goal Directed Behavior Intuitive Thinking Vision Intentio nality Acti ons

16 1.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurs Advantages : High degree of independence - freedom from constraints Get to use a variety of skills and talents Freedom to make decisions Accountable to only yourself Feeling of achievement and pride Potential for greater financial rewards

17 Disadvanta ges : Must be comfortable with change and uncertainty Must make a bewildering number of decisions May face tough economic choices Must be comfortable with taking risks Need many different skills and talents Must be comfortable with the potential of failure

18 Disadvantages (cont.) Long hours and hard work. Lower quality of life until the business gets established. Uncertainty of income. Complete responsibility.

19 ท่านต้องการสิ่งเหล่านี้หรือไม่ ? ทำงานหนักทั้งกลางวันและกลางคืน ( ทาส ?) ไม่มีโอกาสลาหยุด ลาพัก ลาป่วย ( โรงงานนรก ?) เสี่ยงต่อการสูญเสียเงินออม ( อ้าว … เหรอ ?) ไม่มีเงินเดือนประจำ ( อ้าว … ได้ไงล่ะ ?) กังวลกับค่าใช้จ่ายที่เป็นหนี้ที่ต้องจ่ายให้ตรงตาม กำหนด ( เครียดสุด ๆ ) ต้องทำงานที่ไม่ชอบในบางครั้งเช่น ทำความ สะอาด ( ห้องน้ำ ) ทำบัญชี ( ยากจัง ) ทำงานเอกสาร ( น่าเบื่อสุด ๆ ) ไม่มีเวลาให้กับ คนรัก เพื่อนรัก ครอบครัวอันเป็น ที่รัก ( แง๊ … ไม่ย๊อม )

ดาวน์โหลด ppt 3563203(3-0-3) Entrepreneurship INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS OPERATION A.J. Pongsada Chaleomklin Rajabhat NakhonPathom University 11/6/2008 By.


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