11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20101 Dusit Nontanakorn Chairman, Thai Chamber of Commerce and The Board of Trade of Thailand 11 Nov 2010 Human Capital.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20101 Dusit Nontanakorn Chairman, Thai Chamber of Commerce and The Board of Trade of Thailand 11 Nov 2010 Human Capital."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20101 Dusit Nontanakorn Chairman, Thai Chamber of Commerce and The Board of Trade of Thailand 11 Nov 2010 Human Capital in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

2 Agenda •Thailand Logistics Development Strategy •Logistics Trends and Challenges •Current Position of Thailand •Business Needs and Key Problems of Logistics Human Capital 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20102

3 Thailand Logistics Development Strategy 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20103

4 Thailand Logistics Development Strategies 2007-2011 Business Logistics Improvement Transport and Logistics Network Optimization Transport and Logistics Network Optimization Logistics Service Internationali- zation Logistics Service Internationali- zation Trade Facilitation Enhancement Capacity Building Capacity Building 12 345 Source: NESDB 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20104

5 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20105 Strategic Focus "What Thailand should be known for in logistics" Foundation "What are the fundamental elements required?" A B World-class GMS Logistics Center •Skill Development of Logistics •Human Resources •Language •IT •International Trade •Law •Centralized and Systematic data platform •Infrastructure Capacity •Intermodal linkage •Integrated Supply Chain Management Source: Thailand Competitiveness Conference, July 2009 Thailand to be a World-class GMS Logistics Center Thailand Vision

6 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20106 Strategic Focus "What Thailand should be known for in logistics" Foundation "What are the fundamental elements required?" A B World-class GMS Logistics Center •Skill Development of Logistics •Human Resources •Language •IT •International Trade •Law •Centralized and Systematic data platform •Infrastructure Capacity •Intermodal linkage •Integrated Supply Chain Management Source: Thailand Competitiveness Conference, July 2009 Thailand to be a World-class GMS Logistics Center Thailand Vision

7 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20107 Large investments 1)Rail infrastructure 2)IT platform 3)Water transport Labor pool/ skills 4)HR development for both private and public sectors Supporting industries 5)Promote third-party logistics service provider Government policies 6)Customs / VAT law Others 7)Restructure public-sector institutions 8)Utilize existing facilities (i.e., Mukdaharn pilot project) 9)Strengthen relationships with neighboring countries 10)Establish logistics entity Urgency Level High (to be addressed by 2010) Medium (to be addressed after 2010) Implementation Complexity High Medium 6 2 1 10 4 7 9 3 5 8 LSP Multimodal Initiative List Identified Utilizing existing facilities Logistics entity HRD Rail infrastructure IT platform Law& Regulation SRT Reform Neighboring countries Thailand Vision

8 Logistics Trends and challenges 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20108

9 Logistics Trends and challenges Sub-Regional market opportunity Technology & Innovation Outsourcing Logistics activity Professionalism Trade facilitation rules Demands for efficient logistics for agricultural products Thailand Trends Collaboration among Thai LSPs Benchmarking with international LSP Sub-Regional market opportunity Green Logistics Safety & Legal Thailand Challenges Thailand Challenges Political unrest Natural disaster 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20109

10 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201010 Logistics Trends and challenges ภัยธรรมชาติ : อุทกภัย Natural disaster: Flood Political unrest

11 Current Position of Thailand 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201011

12 Current Position of Thailand Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index Survey 2010 LPI: Competence in the local logistics industry 155 Countries 150 Countries Country Rank 2010Rank 2007 Singapore 6 2 Malaysia 3126 Thailand 3929 Philippines 4770 Vietnam 5156 Indonesia 9275 Lao PDR 137106 Cambodia 11882 Myanmar 148133 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201012 Good

13 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201013 1 Current Position of Thailand CountryRank 2007Rank 2010 Singapore 2 6 29 39 Thailand USA Japan Switzerland Denmark 13 5 8 15 11 7 1 2 Netherland Germany Belgium 1 3 10 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 (World-class Logistics Countries) LPI: Competence in the local logistics industry Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index Survey 2010 Good

14 Business Needs and Key Problems of Logistics Human Capital 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201014

15 Logistics Human Capital Primary Activities Support Activities Technological Development Technological Development Human Resource Management Firm Infrastructure Procurement InboundLogistics Operations OutboundLogistics Marketing & Sales Service MARGIN MARGIN Supply Chain management Material Flow Information Flow Value Chain Planner Warehouse Operator Warehouse Operator Driver 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201015

16 Logistics Human Capital Primary Activities Support Activities Technological Development Technological Development Human Resource Management Firm Infrastructure Procurement InboundLogistics Operations OutboundLogistics Marketing & Sales Service MARGIN MARGIN Supply Chain management Material Flow Information Flow Value Chain Planner Warehouse Operator Warehouse Operator Driver 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201016

17 Business Needs of Logistics Human Capital Planner 1 Systematic 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201017

18 Problems of Logistics Human Capital Planner 1 บุคลากรมีไม่เพียงพอกับความต้องการ ขาดบุคลากรโลจิสติกส์ ในด้าน วิศวกรรมเพื่อเข้าไปแก้ปัญหาของ อุตสาหกรรมได้ตรงจุด 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201018

19 Business Needs of Logistics Human Capital พนักงานขับรถบรรทุก Driver 2 Professional 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201019

20 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201020 Problems of Logistics Human Capital Driver 2 ขาดทักษะ ความรู้ และมีไม่เพียงพอกับ ความต้องการ ขาดกลไกในการพัฒนา Turnover สูง, รายได้ต่ำ

21 Business Needs of Logistics Human Capital Warehouse Operation 3 Automatic warehouse 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201021

22 Problems of Logistics Human Capital Warehouse Operation 3 มีคุณสมบัติไม่ตรงตามที่ต้องการ ( Skill, ความรู้ระบบบริหารงานคลังสินค้า) ไม่มีการ Training และดูแล Career Path พนักงานมีไม่เพียงพอกับความต้องการ 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201022

23 Human Capital โครงสร้างเครือข่ายองค์กรเพื่อการพัฒนากำลังด้านโลจิสติกส์ 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 201023 สถาบันขนส่ง จุฬาฯ มหาวิทยาลัย ภาครัฐ สกอ.สอศ.ขบ.สอ. กต. กพร. สอท. สรท. ภาคเอกชน สถาน ศึกษาอาชีวะ สถาน ศึกษาอาชีวะ สมาคม บริษัทที่ปรึกษา หรือ สถาบันฝึกอบรม มหาวิทยาลัย

24 Thank You

ดาวน์โหลด ppt 11 November 2010Logistics Asia 20101 Dusit Nontanakorn Chairman, Thai Chamber of Commerce and The Board of Trade of Thailand 11 Nov 2010 Human Capital.


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