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ได้พิมพ์โดยAriel Leonard ได้เปลี่ยน 7 ปีที่แล้ว
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Hour = ชั่วโมง T A L Minute = นาที 4.0
D Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Vocabulary G I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
2:00 - It’s two o’clock. 2:30 – It’s half past two. 2:05 – It’s five past two. 2:35 – It’s twenty-five to three. 2:10 – It’s ten past two. 2:40 – It’s twenty to three. 2:15 – It’s quarter past two. 2:45 – It’s quarter to three. 2:20 – It’s twenty past two. 2:50 – It’s ten to three. 2:25 – It’s twenty-five past two. 2:55 – It’s five to three. I T A L 4.0
D Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Vocabulary G I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 1. It’s ______________________. 2. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 3. It’s ______________________. 4. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 5. It’s ______________________. 6. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 7. It’s ______________________. 8. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 9. It’s ______________________. 10. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 11. It’s ______________________. 12. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 13. It’s ______________________. 14. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 15. It’s ______________________. 16. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 17. It’s ______________________. 18. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 19. It’s ______________________. 20. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 21. It’s ______________________. 22. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 23. It’s ______________________. 24. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 25. It’s ______________________. 26. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 27. It’s ______________________. 28. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 27. It’s ______________________. 28. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 29. It’s ______________________. 30. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 31. It’s ______________________. 32. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 33. It’s ______________________. 34. I T A L 4.0
D I G I T A L 4.0 Telling Time ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Write the correct time into the gaps. 35. It’s ______________________. 36. I T A L 4.0
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