Trematodes of Pig Horse & Poultry


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1 Trematodes of Pig Horse & Poultry
สมบูรณ์ แสงมณีเดช

2 Trematode of Pig Genus Fasciolopsis Genus Echinostoma (Paryphostomum
Genus Gastrodiscoides

3 Fasciolopsis buski Host: pig, man Organ: small intestine
Geo. Distri.: Southeast Asia Thailand: central

4 Morphology Size: 3-7.5 x 0.8-2.0 cm body: oval, broaden posterior
large ventral sucker short pharynx & esophagus

5 Morphology Intestine: tubular from ant. to post.
Testes: branches, tandem ovary: branches, right of the body ootype: large, round vitelline gl.: lateral of the body

6 Fasciolopsis buski

7 Fasciolopsis buski

8 Life cycle Intermediate host: snail plant:
Trochoibis, Segmentina, Planorbis plant: กระจับ, แห้ว, ผักบุ้ง, ผักกระเฉด, แพงพวย, ผักตบชวา


10 Pathogenesis Virulence in man
cause: local inflammation, deep ulcer, weight loss, diarrhea, ascites, edema, death

11 Diagnosis & Treatment Dx: fecal examination
Rx: hexylresorcinol, tetrachlorethylene, niclosamide, plaziquantel, niclofolan

12 Prevention 1. Plant 2. Water resource 3. Fecal examination
4. Deworming: pig, man

13 Echinostoma malayanum (Paryphostomum sufratyfex)
Host: pig, man organ: small intestine size: 7-12 x 2-3 mm (cucumber seed) head collar spine = spines

14 Large ventral sucker Tegument: spine Testes: deep lobe, tandem ovary: round, ant. right of testes

15 E c h i n o s t o m a

16 Life cycle 1st intermediate host: 2nd intermediate host: same 1st host
Indoplanorbis, Lymnea, Planorbis 2nd intermediate host: same 1st host Pila, Vivipara, ลูกอ๊อด

17 Trematode of Horse Gastrodiscus aegypticus

18 Gastrodiscus aegypticus
Host: ม้า, ลา, ล่อ, สุกร organ: small & large intestine body: saucer shape oral sucker: anterior end

19 Gastrodiscus aegypticus
Posterior sucker: posterior end intestinal caeca: tubular testes: deep lobe, diagonal ovary: posterior to testes

20 Gastrodiscus spp.

21 Life cycle Intermediate host: metacercaria: water plants
Lymnea, Indoplanorbis, Bulinus metacercaria: water plants

22 Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment young adult more virulence
fecal examination Treatment hexachlorophene, dichlorvos, oxycloxanide

23 Trematode of Poultry Echinostoma revolutum Hypoderaeum conoideum
Prosthogonimus pellucidus

24 Echinostoma revolutum
Host: poultry (duck, geese, others) organ: large intestine, caecum size: x 2.25 mm head collar spine: 37 spines

25 Echinostoma revolutum
Corner spines = 5 spines testes: lobe, tandem ovary: anterior to testes

26 Life cycle 1st intermediate host 2nd intermediate host
Indoplanorbis, Lymnea, Stagnicola, Helisoma, Physa 2nd intermediate host same 1st host, Vivapara, ลูกอ๊อด

27 Pathogenesis Severe infection: enteritis in pigeon
Diagnosis: fecal examination

28 Treatment Brothianide oxycloxanide rafoxanide flubendazole

29 Hypoderaeum conoideum
Size: 5-12 x 2 mm large ventral sucker head collar spine = spines corner spine = 2 spines

30 Hypoderaeum conoideum
Testes: short sausage shape, tandem ovary & ootype: ant. to testes club- shaped cirrus sac genital pore close to oral sucker

31 1st & 2nd intermediate host Pathogenesis: local enteritis
Lymnea, Indoplanorbis Pathogenesis: local enteritis Diagnosis: fecal examination Treatment: same as E. revolutum

32 Prosthogonimus pellucidus
Organ: oviduct, bursa of Fabricius, cloaca size: 8-9 x 4-5 mm, broaden posterior testes: oval, horizontal cirrus sac: long

33 Prosthogonimus spp.

34 Prosthogonimus spp.

35 Life cycle 1st intermediate host: 2nd intermediate host: no redia
Bithynia, Amnicola 2nd intermediate host: แมลงปอ no redia


37 Pathogenesis Inflammation of oviduct
ไข่มีเปลือกบาง, ไม่มีเปลือก, ไข่ขาวไหลออกมาทางทวารหนัก, ไข่แดงแตก, ติดเชื้อแบคทีเรีย, ช่องท้องอักเสบ, ตาย

38 อาการ ไข่มีลักษณะผิดปกติ ไก่ชอบนั่งอยู่กับที่
เมือกสีขาวไหลออกมาทางทวารหนัก สัตว์มีอาการกระวนกระวาย

39 อาการ ทวารหนักเปรอะเปื้อนด้วยไข่ขาว ช่องท้องอักเสบ
หงอน, เหนียงสีดำคล้ำ ตาย

40 การรักษา ลองใช้ praziquantel, albendazole

41 Trematodes of Man S. mansoni S. haematobium S. japonicum

42 Trematodes of Man S. mansoni S. haematobium S. japonicum

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Trematodes of Pig Horse & Poultry


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