Intervention Method for NCD Control กัณหา เกียรติสุต สำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 6 ขอนแก่น.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Intervention Method for NCD Control กัณหา เกียรติสุต สำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 6 ขอนแก่น."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Intervention Method for NCD Control กัณหา เกียรติสุต สำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 6 ขอนแก่น

2 ขอบเขตการควบคุม NCD ระดับบุคคล (Individual Level) – ปัจจัยเสี่ยง พฤติกรรมเสี่ยง ระดับชุมชน (System or Community Level) – นโยบายสุขภาพ กฎชุมชนในเรื่อง สิ่งแวดล้อมเสี่ยง อาหารเสี่ยง เศรษฐกิจ พฤติกรรมผู้ประกอบอาชีพ ฯ

3 9 risk factors CB A Toba cc o Alco ho l Obe si ty Food Consum ption Physical Inactivity High Blood Pressure High Blood Glucose Unsafe Behavio rs Stre ss

4 Compreh ensive Interven tion Individu al & Commu nity Program Intervention Environment & Behavioral Change Empowe rment

5 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 1.Comprehensive Approaches that address the economic,social and political roots of health and sickness have proven to be more effective than traditional education approach

6 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 2. Changes in underlying community norms are another key to widerspread and long- term improvement in health

7 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 3. Community – base approaches that target the whole population will contribute the most to reducing chronic disease mortality

8 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 4. A chronic disease control; program will be more effective if the at risk population is actively involved in prioritizing, developing and implementing

9 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 5. A chronic disease control; program will be more effective if community organizations (eg, school temple social club) are actively involved in developing and implementing

10 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 6. Chronic disease control interventions should build on traditional practices and cultural norms

11 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 7. Clearly defined objectives are essential for planning and implementation effective interventions

12 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 8. Intervention strategies should be selected based on the needs of the specific at-risk population

13 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 9. Multiple intervention strategies will increase the effectiveness of health programs

14 The Basic Principles of Chronic Disease Control Intervention 10. Effective intervention require ongoing evaluation and appropriate adjustment of strategies

15 Strategies focus on community norms Community base approach targeting the whole pop. Active involvement of Priority population Active involvement of Priority Community organization Strategies focus on community norms Community base approach targeting the whole pop. Active involvement of Priority population Active involvement of Priority Community organization Key Concept of Chronic disease Control Interventions

16 Cleary define objective Strategeis base on the needs of the Priority population Multiple intervention Strategies Ongoing evaluation Cleary define objective Strategeis base on the needs of the Priority population Multiple intervention Strategies Ongoing evaluation Key Concept of Chronic disease Control Interventions

17 Intervention Strategies Modify Community Conditions and norms Establish and Enforce Health Policy Establish Economic Incentive Enhance Knowledge and Skills Provide Screening and Follow – Up Services

18 Intervention Channels Health Care System School Work Site Community Organizations Media Puplic Policy Maker

19 Key Intervention Planning Steps Review health data Asses demographic, economic, social,political, and environment condition Review intervention literature Asses current community intervention activities and resource

20 Key Intervention Planning Steps Precisely define health issue and priority pop. Segment the priority population Identifiy potential intervention channels Select intervention channels and strategies Pretest existing procedures, channels and materials

21 Key Intervention Planning Steps Develop and pretest new procedure, massages and materials Pilot test intervention Expand program implementation plan Provide evaluation feedback

22 แนวปฏิบัติในการควบคุม ป้องกันเบาหวาน โดยศูนย์สุขภาพชุมชน การเฝ้าระวังการระบาด การจัดทำแผนปฏิบัติการ สนับสนุนการป้องกันควบคุม การระบาด

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Intervention Method for NCD Control กัณหา เกียรติสุต สำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 6 ขอนแก่น.


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