Sawit Soothipunt Senior Product Manager Microsoft (Thailand) Limited.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Sawit Soothipunt Senior Product Manager Microsoft (Thailand) Limited."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Sawit Soothipunt Senior Product Manager Microsoft (Thailand) Limited



4 การลงทุนใน SQL server - US$1000 (34,000 บาท ) การสำรองข้อมูล SQL server – US$1800 (61,200 บาท ) การลงทุนใน Exchange server - 34,000 บาท การสำรองข้อมูล Exchange server – 61,200 บาท การลงทุนใน Windows server - 28,000 บาท การสำรองข้อมูล Windows server – 40,000 บาท



7 จะยิ่งลำบากมากขึ้นถ้ามีการขอมากกว่า 1 ครั้งต่อวัน.



10 Large scale Mobile workforce Different users with different needs

11 End user Copy to servers backed up by IT Do your own backups ข้อมูลสำคัญไม่ได้ทำการสำรองเก็บไว้อย่างถูกต้อง

12 ไม่ต้องให้ผู้ใช้มีส่วนร่วมมากนัก Remove the end user tax สามารถทำสำรองข้อมูลจากภายนอกองค์กรได้ Support roaming user backups สามารถแยกการสำรองข้อมูลตามกลุ่มผู้ใช้ได้ Allow customizability for specific users ควบคุมให้ทำการสำรองข้อมูลตามนโยบายได้ Enforce admin defined restrictions ไม่สิ้นเปลืองค่าใช้จ่ายมาก Keep IT costs low


14 What to backup? How much data? How to manage SLA? Selected computers My documents Desktop D:\Data My documents Desktop D:\Data My Music My Videos Temp internet files.MP3,.VHD files My Music My Videos Temp internet files.MP3,.VHD files Show alert if no backups for 5 days How long to retain backups? Admin

15 Backup policy DPM server IT manages the backup policy and storage centrally. Admin

16 Policy: Defined by admin My documents Desktop D:\Data My documents Desktop D:\Data Customization: Defined by user C:\MySalesData DPM server LAN/Wireless/VPN backup Local backups



19 DPM DR FS1_data (share) SQL25\AccountingdB (sql) EX23\SG1\Mailboxes (exchange) FS2_E:\team\ (directory) FS1 \ data (share) AccountingdB (SQLdb) Mailboxes (Exch) FS2 E:\team (directory) DPM FS1_data (share) SQL25\AccountingdB (sql) EX23\SG1\Mailboxes (exchange) FS2_E:\team\ (directory)

20 Tape-based Backup Data Protection Manager Up to Every 15 minutes with offsite replication & tape Data Protection Manager Active Directory ® System State file services Online Snapshots (up to 512) Disk-based Recovery

21 Active Directory ® System State file services Mirrored Data Center Data Center Data available for recovery Iron Mountain Data Center Data Protection Manager Up to Every 15 minutes Tape-based Backup Online Snapshots (up to 512) Disk-based Recovery

22 Up to Every 15 minutes Active Directory ® System State file services Tape-based Backup Online Snapshots (up to 512) Disk-based Recovery

23 FS1 \ data (share) AccountingdB (SQLdb) Mailboxes (ExchSG) FS2 E:\team (directory) DPM-DC (Primary DPM Server) FS1_data (share) SQL25\AccountingdB (sql) EX23\SG1\Mailboxes (exchange) FS2_E:\team\ (directory) DPM-DR Secondary DPM Server) FS1_data (share) SQL25\AccountingdB (sql) EX23\SG1\Mailboxes (exchange) FS2_E:\team\ (directory) Data -Second copy of the production data is available for recovery in case of a disaster on the primary site. Production servers Primary DPM site Secondary DPM site

24 FS1 \ data (share) AccountingdB (SQLdb) Mailboxes (ExchSG) FS2 E:\team (directory) DPM-DC (Primary DPM Server) FS1_data (share) SQL25\AccountingdB (sql) EX23\SG1\Mailboxes (exchange) FS2_E:\team\ (directory) DPM-DR Secondary DPM Server) FS1_data (share) SQL25\AccountingdB (sql) EX23\SG1\Mailboxes (exchange) FS2_E:\team\ (directory) Data

25 FS1 \ data (share) AccountingdB (SQLdb) FS2 E:\team (directory) DPM-DR Secondary DPM Server) FS1_data (share) SQL25\AccountingdB (sql) EX23\SG1\Mailboxes (exchange) FS2_E:\team\ (directory) Mailboxes (ExchSG) Restore critical data Restore Primary DPM 1. Rebuild the production servers 2. Restore critical data first 3. Rebuild primary 4. Restore primary Restore Data

26 FS1 \ data (share) AccountingdB (SQLdb) Mailboxes (ExchSG) FS2 E:\team (directory) Data Critical data Single click failover to the secondary DPM server Backup of selected/all data can continue on the secondary DPM server

27 Restore data FS1 \ data (share) Mailboxes (ExchSG) AccountingdB (SQLdb) FS2 E:\team (directory) Data 1. Rebuild primary DPM server 2. Restore the DPMDB of primary DPM server 3. Restore data to the primary DPM server and continue backups as before




ดาวน์โหลด ppt Sawit Soothipunt Senior Product Manager Microsoft (Thailand) Limited.


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