งานนำเสนอกำลังจะดาวน์โหลด โปรดรอ
Project Management Wathana Yeunyong, Ph.D.
Modern Project Management
What is a project? What is a project management? The importance of project management The project life cycle Project management today Summary
ความหมาย โครงการ(Project) หมายถึง
- ข้อเสนอที่จะดำเนินงานในเรื่องใดเรื่องหนึ่งให้สำเร็จ โดยมีการตระเตรียม และวางแผนงานไว้ล่วงหน้า - เป็นการจัดการ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์ในเรื่องหนึ่ง ในระยะเวลาใดเวลาหนึ่ง เช่น งานด้านวิจัยเรื่องหนึ่ง, การก่อสร้างถนน,การก่อสร้างเขื่อน,การฝึกอบรม
ลักษณะของโครงการ Time Project มีวัตถุประสงค์ชัดเจน (เน้นผลลัพธ์)
มีกำหนดเวลาเริ่มต้นและสิ้นสุด ดำเนินงานอยู่ภายใต้ข้อจำกัด เวลา ต้นทุน คุณภาพ Project Time Cost Quality
What is a project? A project is a complex, no routine, one-time effort limited by time, budget, resources and performance, specification designed to meet customer needs. An established objectives A defined life span with a beginning and end. Usually, involvement of several department and professionals Typically, doing something that has never been done before Specific time, cost, and performance requirements
Program Management Larger in scope than a project
Made up of several projects Made up of a number of similar products Programs tend to be more permanent
Project components Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Component 1
ตัวอย่าง โครงการทางวิศวกรรม ความรู้เบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับโครงการ การก่อสร้างอาคาร/รถไฟใต้ดิน การก่อสร้างท่าเรือ/ยานอวกาศ การก่อสร้างถนน
การสัมมนา /โครงการฝึกอาชีพ /การขุดรอกทางน้ำ การจัดงาน/การแข่งกีฬา ฯลฯ
Modern Project Management
What is a project? What is a project management? The importance of project management The project life cycle Project management today Summary
Project Management A dynamic process that utilizes the appropriate resources of the organization in a controlled and structured manner, to achieve some clearly defined objectives identified as needs. It is always conducted within a defined set of constraints
Manage the Project Successful project management is delivering a quality product that meets the customer’s requirements within time, scope, and budget.
Manage these or they will manage you!
PM Triple Constraints Time Cost Scope ASK THE AUDIENCE?? Do we have any project managers in the audience?? Does anyone know what the PM Triple Constraints are? (GIVE CANDY) The PM Triple constraints are the keys to quality and success! These three are interdependent and create quite a balancing act for Project Managers. The time constraint is the amount of time available to complete a project. All projects have deadlines or end dates. This may be the most difficult constraint to manage. The cost constraint is the budgeted amount available for the project. Remember that cost also translates to resources – people, equipment, and materials. The scope constraint is what must be done to produce the project's end result – the system you need – meeting your requirements! These three constraints are often competing constraints: increased scope typically means increased time and increased cost, a tight time constraint could mean increased costs and reduced scope, a tight budget could mean increased time and reduced scope, or managing the project over a longer period of time to take advantage of various funding opportunities without a loss of continuity! The discipline of project management is about providing the tools and techniques that enable the project team (not just the project manager) to organize their work to meet these constraints. Manage these or they will manage you! 13
Why is Project Management used?
It is necessary to Track or Measure the progress we have achieved towards a Goal we wish to accomplish We use Project Management to Aid us in Maximizing and Optimizing our resources to accomplish our goals
Modern Project Management
What is a project? What is a project management? The importance of project management The project life cycle Project management today Summary
The important of project management
Compression of the product life cycle Global competition Knowledge explosion Corporate downsizing Increased customer focus Small project represent big problem
Why IT Projects Fail Let’s start with why projects fail.
ASK the AUDIENCE! Why do project fails? (GIVE CANDY) REMEMBER: Failure is an event, never a person! Failure is not delivering the project on time, within budget, and according to scope. We’re going to review some of the project management reasons why IT projects fail. The combination of one or more of these can easily introduce enough RISK into the project for it to become no longer viable. 17
Why IT Projects Fail Weak business case
Lack of senior management commitment Inadequate project planning (budget, schedule, scope, etc.) (CLICK) Weak business case – is this just a whim or is there a real need for the project? If so, prove it! Senior management commitment is vital – these are the decision-makers and hold the purse strings. You have to have their buy-in or else you set yourself up for failure. Every project has to have a CHAMPION = Senior management sponsor! Inadequate project planning will always present problems. You have to know what you are doing, why you are doing it, who’s doing what, when it needs to be done and how much it will cost. 18
Why IT Projects Fail (cont’d)
Absence of user involvement New or unfamiliar technology Lack of defined, clear, or concise requirements (CLICK) Absence of user involvement is a showstopper. The users will be the staff who are going to live and breath the system once its implemented. You need their expertise and their buy-in to make the project a success. Leave them out and be ready to meet resistance to any change you try to implement. New or unfamiliar technology is always a risk. It raises risks and fears. You always need to manage risks. So, do your homework in your planning phase to make sure the chosen solution will work for you! You may want to perform a proof of concept and test it before deciding to move forward into full blown design and development. Recognize that even if it does work, there are other implications that need to be closely scrutinized and planned for accordingly – such as training and support. A lot of us here probably remember moving from DOS to Windows – that was scary at the time! What a learning curve – moving from character-based to graphical interface! I can remember in my past life at DOD moving from mainframes to client/server – change is always scary! It’s just human nature! We can’t say it enough – requirements must be defined (no one can read your mind), clear (what do you really mean), and concise (I want this to do this). 19
Why IT Projects Succeed
Now let’s talk about do the flip side - success! Why do IT projects succeed? Any ideas? (Write them down or cross out the reasons for failure!) 20
Why IT Projects Succeed
Sound project management processes Project tied to the organization’s business goals Senior management commitment Here’s our Top 10 list based on our experience and it pretty much mirrors the industry trends we see. CLICK 21
Why IT Projects Succeed
4. Good change management 5. Detailed requirements 6. Realistic schedule 7. Good stakeholder relationships CLICK – READ #4 Change management process has to be defined upfront at the beginning of the project! It should be written and agreed upon. Once you finish your risk management plan, you need to focus on change management! It will happen! How are you going to deal with change – it can affect scope, time, and budget. Changes can be things that you realize must be part of the core requirements or to your core requirements. Or they may be the start of your enhancement list! They can also be hardware changes. CLICK Realistic schedule is not just about our review time. It’s about giving yourself enough time to review deliverables. You’re going to have some large, maybe daunting technical documents to review. Make sure you allow yourself enough time – not only to comment but also to consolidate the comments from all reviewers, to resolve any conflicting comments, and then to deliver the comments in a professional manner to the developer! 22
Why IT Projects Succeed
8. Empowered project manager 9. Skilled and appropriate team members with defined roles and responsibilities 10. Availability of funding CLICK Availability of funding is critical – you guys use grants and entitlement funding – these are not bottomless pits of money. You have to estimate well and manage your budget carefully! As I mentioned, our Top 10 list closely mirrors industry’s but… Industry experts would add a few more to this list that I just want to mention – risk management – active risk management – don’t just write your plan and let it collect dust, risks change and need to be managed using a formal development methodology - adds structure and formalizes your process using standard tools and infrastructure using an iterative process - if this meets your needs. It does help provide a product faster and to consistently improve the product as the project advances. 23
What makes this all work?
A good, solid professional project manager
Modern Project Management
What is a project? What is a project management? The importance of project management The project manager The project life cycle Project management today Summary
The project Manager Plan, schedule, motivate, and control
Creating project team Direction, coordination, and integration to the project team Contract vendor, supplier, subcontracts trade-off between cost, time, and performance
A Project Manage has to lead and manage! No followers need apply!
A project manager wears many hats –
a good project manager needs to be a juggler (CLICK)
At times a magician (CLICK) a teacher (CLICK) a policeman (CLICK) a parent (CLICK) A Project Manager has to manage - juggle the triple constraints! Time Cost Scope A quote from PMBOK -- “An under-qualified project manager can destroy a contract as effectively as an under-qualified engineer” ….now we will discuss some of the skills involved in project management! 29
EMPOWERMENT A project manager has to be empowered! With empowerment comes responsibility. This means.. Having a backbone! (USE LASER POINTER) Empower the project manager! Give that person more than just the title – give them authority to make decisions and trust them to do it correctly! The Project Manager represents the project in a professional manner and stand ups for the project when required – fight the battles that come their way! PICK THE BATTLES TO FIGHT VERY CAREFULLY! You don’t want to use your best nutritionist or caseworker. IT and program are subject matter experts – not PMs! 30
Modern Project Management
What is a project? What is a project management? The importance of project management The project manager The project life cycle Project management today Summary
Project life cycle ดำเนินการโครงการ ปิดโครงการ ปริมาณการใช้ทรัพยากร
ปริมาณทรัพยากร ริเริ่มโครงการ วางแผน ดำเนินการโครงการ ปิดโครงการ ปริมาณการใช้ทรัพยากร (เงินทุน,แรงงาน,เครื่องจักร) เวลา
Overlap of Process Groups in a Phase
Project Life cycle Defining the project Planning Implementing
Project closing
วงจรการพัฒนาโครงการ ช่วงระยะการบริหารโครงการ ช่วงระยะก่อน บริหารโครงการ ช่วงระยะหลัง บัญชี-การเงิน จัดซื้อ วิเคราะห์โครงการ การวางแผนโครงการ ควบคุมติดตามโครงการ ปิดโครงการ บำรุงรักษา กิจกรรม วัตถุประสงค์ ประเมินผล
Modern Project Management
What is a project? What is a project management? The importance of project management The project manager The project life cycle Project management today Summary
Integration of projects with the strategic plan
Customer Enviraonment Analysys External Internal Firm Mission, goals, strategies Priority Projects Project Implementation System Environment and culture Scope Work breakdown Network Resources Cost Organization Leadership Teams Partners
Integration within the process of managing actual projects
Sociocultural Leadership Problem solving Teamwork Negotiation Politics Customer expectation Technical Scope WBS Schedule Resource allocation Baseline budgets Status Report
Modern Project Management
What is a project? What is a project management? The importance of project management The project manager The project life cycle Project management today Summary
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