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ปีการศึกษา 2554 ระหว่าง มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ และ University of New South Wales, Sydney ประเทศออสเตรเลีย ระหว่างวันที่ 19 พฤษภาคม -23 มิถุนายน 2555 ดำเนินการโดยภาควิชาภาษาอังกฤษ คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
UNSW Institute of Languages Elite Program
UNSWIL offers customised Elite Programs including English language courses for credit for student groups from universities. UNSWIL has successfully run programs for partner institutions from a range of countries and many of these are repeat clients, reflecting a high level of customer satisfaction. The UNSW Institute of Languages works in close consultation with the partner institution in planning, developing and implementing courses for credit. The courses are tailored to suit the requirements of the partner institution and the individual needs of its students.
Course for Credit Program in Australia for Thammasat University
Course duration 5 weeks (100 hours of tuition at 20 hours per week) Course commencement 21 May – 22 June, 2012 Course type A 5 week integrated program in Academic English
FEEs Enrollment Fee Tuition 20 hours of face to face tuition
Homestay Placement Homestay Accommodation and Part Board Airport transfers Weekend excursion to The Blue Mountains Featherdale Wildlife Park Featherdale Wildlife Park Blue Mountains
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney
นักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ สามารถเทียบโอนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ (EG) ได้ 2 วิชา 6 หน่วยกิต ในภาคฤดูร้อน ที่ รายวิชาของ University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney ประเทศออสเตรเลีย วิชาที่เปิดเทียบโอน วิชาบังคับก่อน 1. IEAP: Introduction to English for Academic Purposes EG216: English Structure (3 หน่วยกิต) EL172 หรือได้รับยกเว้น 2. AE 1: Academic English 1 EG231: Paragraph Writing (3 หน่วยกิต) EG241: Listening-Speaking 1 (3 หน่วยกิต) 3. AE 2: Academic English 2 EG221: Reading for Information (3 หน่วยกิต) EG232: Essay Writing (3 หน่วยกิต) EG242: Listening-Speaking 2 (3 หน่วยกิต) EL172 หรือได้รับยกเว้น EG231 หรือได้รับยกเว้น EG241 หรือได้รับยกเว้น 4. AE 3: Academic English 3 EG 331: Expository Writing (3 หน่วยกิต) EG341: Listening-Speaking 3 (3 หน่วยกิต) EG232 หรือได้รับยกเว้น EG242 หรือได้รับยกเว้น 5. UEEC 15: University English Entry Course EG321: Reading for Academic Purposes (3 หน่วยกิต) EG332: Argumentative Writing (3 หน่วยกิต) EG342: Listening-Speaking 4(3 หน่วยกิต) EG222 EG 331 EG341 6 ABEC 1 EG376: Business Writing (3 หน่วยกิต) EG232 หรือได้รับยกเว้น 7. ABEC 2 EG378: English for Business Organization (3 หน่วยกิต) EG231 หรือได้รับยกเว้น และ EG242 หรือได้รับยกเว้น 8. TOP: Tertiary Orientation Program EG 438: Report Writing (3 หน่วยกิต) EG 332
Name Key: ABEC: Advanced English for Business Communication AE: Academic English IEAP: Introduction to English for Academic Purposes UEEC: University English Entry Course
English Language Preparation Indicator for entry to UNSW based on IELTS scores.
IELTS band On entry (overall) IELTS Writing score on entry Minimum weeks of English language preparation required for entry to UNSW Postgraduate or Undergraduate programs UNSW Institute of Languages: Course placement 6.5+ (full offer for UNSW) 6.0 (in all modules) Optional Tertiary Orientation Program (TOP) 6.0 10 University English Entry Course (UEEC) 5.5 15 Academic English Level 3 20 Academic English Level 3 or Test Preparation Course 5.0 30 Academic English Level 2 4.5 40 Academic English Level 1 4.0 45 Introduction to English for Academic Purposes Below 4.5 50+ General English
Integrated Academic English Program
Skills include: Critical Thinking Essay and academic texts Listening in an academic context Discussion and presentation skills Pronunciation Grammar
The Academic English Program commences at a lower intermediate level with introduction to Academic English (IAE) and language skills are developed progressively through Academic English (AE) 1, 2, 3. All levels include participation in educational excursions and cultural activities and use of the Learning Support Unit for self- directed learning. Assessment includes: Examinations on-going performance in the classroom
Integrated Business English Program
Course content includes: Professional writing skills Grammar improvement Listening skills practice Learning specific business vocabulary Media studies, focusing on business news Pronunciation practice, personal and at class level The language of meeting, with role play practice
On arrival, the students will be tested for English proficiency and interviewed in order to assess their preferred area of study and placed in the appropriate course and level Assessment: Ongoing assessment in class based on clearly focused tasks Seminar Presentation or speaking tasks Essay/Writing tasks Tests during and at the end of the course Participation in class Homework tasks and special assignments based on researching topics and spoken presentations
Sample Timetable for Academic English
Morning Schedule Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00-11:00 am Reading: skimming and scanning texts Grammar for Writing: e.g. use of modals, nominalisation Writing 1: short essay Seminar presentation Writing 2: research based essay writing pm Listening and note taking skills for lectures Academic discussion: turn taking, giving opinions, refuting arguments Language Laboratory, including pronunciation Assignment writing, research skills Critical Thinking analysing texts
excursions Students may also participate in a range of appropriate excursions and field trips including: The Art Gallery of NSW Visits to UNSW Student Associations/clubs City sights tour Bondi to Bronte coastal walk Weekend excursions can also be arranged to visit the Blue Mountains to give the students first-hand experience of life in Australia
On arrival in Australia, students are involved in a specially designed Orientation Program which includes introduction to the staff at the Institute, information on the course, information on the services available including: - accommodation - counselling (academic and personal) - sporting - recreation activities
ACCOMMODATION Homestay accomodation is available for
students and staff participating in the program. Breakfast and evening dinner are provided on Monday to Friday. Homestay families are generally around 20 minutes travelling time from the Institute by public transport.
Living in sydney Climate Autumn: March to May Winter: June to August City is renowned for its sunshine; there’s only an average 23 days a year when the sun doesn’t shine.
Cost of living A student living in Homestay accommodation would require approximately AUD$370 per week to live in reasonable comfort. Some approximate costs include: Lunches (weekdays) = $45 per week Cup of coffee = $10-$15 per week Coca-cola = $1.90 per litre Instant noodles = $1.15 per 100 gms Bus ticket = $1.80 up to 2 sections, or 3km
Australia’s National Day
University of New South Wales
Class Observation
University of New South Wales
Meeting with Director & Coordinator
University of New South Wales
Faculty of Human Sciences
Peter Collins Ludmilla Stern University of New South Wales
Head of Linguistics & Director of MA in TESOL, Translation and Interpreting Program Peter Collins Ludmilla Stern
University of New South Wales
University of New South Wales UNSW Library Tour
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