Standardized GIS using Open Source Software Experiences of Thailand Dr.-Ing. Phisan Santitamnont Survey Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Standardized GIS using Open Source Software Experiences of Thailand Dr.-Ing. Phisan Santitamnont Survey Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Standardized GIS using Open Source Software Experiences of Thailand Dr.-Ing. Phisan Santitamnont Survey Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand Email:

2 Contents  Open Source Software  Efforts at Chulalongkorn University  Conclusion and Outlook

3 Open Source Software

4 Benefits of Open Source Software  Cut down budget  Opportunity for technology exploration  On-the-job training and education  Prototyping and demo  Excellent tools for research and development

5 Interesting Web Sites  : isite  : 158 entries  UMN/DNR MapServer :  Postgis  OGDI (Open Geographic Datastore Interface)  GeoServer:  Others: proj4, gml4j, gdal

6 Interesting Projects  Minnesota MapServer  Package of cgi-based map server  Known of standard GIS data format  Developed by UMN, DNR Minnesota  WMS 1.0.X compliant.  PostGIS  OpenGIS SF specification  Using Postgres as DB Engine  Some advance indexing features

7 Efforts in Thailand

8 A Study of Government Data Infrastructure 2001-2002  Initiated by the National Information Technology Committee (NITC), Ministry of Science and Technology  study of data integrity in Thai government  4 Categories of Data: personal data, …. spatial data  For spatial data, study done by Chulalongkorn University  Final report is underway.

9 Outcomes of GDI  Overview of european and north-american standard  Analysis of NSDI throughout the world  Overview of Thai administration  Seminars and Interview 200 departments and at 5 Ministry CIOs  Prototype  Clearinghouse: Isite with gateway implementation  Web Map Server Interface Standard: Minnesota MapServer

10 Prototyte: Clearinghouse  Base on FGDC: Isite package  Gateway also has been realized.  Two experimental node

11 TMSE / Clearinghouse

12 สืบค้นด้วยขอบเขตพิกัด ทางภูมิศาสตร์ 1 2 3 4 สืบค้นด้วยตัวอักษร สืบค้นด้วยการระบุเวลา ระบุฐานข้อมูลที่ต้องการ สืบค้น

13 สืบค้นด้วยขอบเขตพิกัด ทางภูมิศาสตร์ 1 2 3 4 สืบค้นด้วยตัวอักษร สืบค้นด้วยการระบุเวลา ระบุฐานข้อมูลที่ต้องการ สืบค้น

14 1 2

15 Standardization on Web Map Server Interface

16 Minnesota MapServer

17 Interfacing with Minnesota MapServer

18 ระบุเครื่องแม่ข่าย 1 GetCapability

19 GetMap ระบุเครื่องแม่ข่าย 1 23

20 GetFeatureInfo 23


22 Education and Research on OpenGIS  Thesis and projects  Web Map Server, Web Feature Server based on MapServer and PostGIS  XML, GML, XSLT, SVG  OpenGIS-compliant WWW browser  Promotion and Training of OpenGIS

23 GIS ในยุค e-Government ทุกหน่วยงานผลิตชั้นข้อมูลที่ รับผิดชอบ ผู้ใช้ A ผู้ใช้ B ผู้ผลิต A, ผู้ผลิต B, ผู้ผลิต C, WMSI

24 GIS ในยุค e-Government ผู้ใช้เรียกใช้ข้อมูลพร้อมกันจากหลาย ผู้ผลิตพร้อมกัน ผู้ใช้ ผู้ผลิต A, ผู้ผลิต B, ผู้ผลิต C, GIF XML ผู้ใช้

25 Upcoming Events  Open source GIS and GRASS users conference 2002, Trento, Italy, 11-13 September 2002, University of Trento  PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings 2002 PNC/ECAI/ IPSJ-SIGCH/EBTI, 15 th -23th September, Japan,  International Symposium on GeoInformatics for Spatial Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences, GISIDEAS'2002) Hanoi, Vietnam, 25-28 September 2002,  “ Digital Asia ” Project, under the Digital Asia Network (DAN) initiated by ACRORS/AIT, promoting on OpenGIS for spatial information sharing, 2002-2005,  Training Program on OpenGIS for Spatial Information Sharing held by GAC, during 12 th -16 th November 2002, Bangkok,

26 Conclusion  Open Source Software has open way for researcher to enable ‘ standard ’.  Thailand has ‘ learnt by doing ’ using OSS  Research and education for standardized GIS is going on.  Once technology is possessed and requirement had been ratified, then

27 ‘ Standards are in Action!!! ’

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Standardized GIS using Open Source Software Experiences of Thailand Dr.-Ing. Phisan Santitamnont Survey Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn.


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