1 E 1 S E M N G Reading & Writing


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1 1 E 1 S E M N G Reading & Writing
ม. I G I T Reading & Writing A L 4.0

2 1 E 1 S E M N G Identify the pictures
ม. I G I T Identify the pictures A L 4.0

3 D I G I T A L 4.0 Non-text Reading ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Non – Text Reading เป็นการอ่านจับใจความสำคัญ หารายละเอียด และสรุปประเด็นสำคัญ ซึ่งNon-text reading มีหลายรูปแบบ เช่น กราฟ แผนภูมิ ตารางเวลา ข้อความประกาศ แบบฟอร์มต่างๆ I T A L 4.0

4 D I G I T A L 4.0 Non-text Reading Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1
Reading & Writing G Reading the chart I T A L 4.0

5 D I G I T A L 4.0 Non-text Reading Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1
Reading & Writing G Reading the chart I The vertical axis shows the quantity of shirt sold in a week. The horizontal axis shows the different types of shirt. T A L 4.0

6 D I G I T A L 4.0 Non-text Reading Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1
Reading & Writing G Reading the chart จากการอ่านแผนภูมิแสดงจำนวนเสื้อที่ขายได้ในหนึ่งสัปดาห์ เราอาจจะสรุปได้ว่า 1. ในร้านแห่งนี้ขายเสื้อทั้ง 3 ประเภท ในหนึ่งสัปดาห์ รวม 90 ตัว โดยแบ่งเป็น Sport shirt (เสื้อกีฬา), Male Shirt(เสื้อบุรุษ), women shirt (เสื้อสตรี) 2. ขาย Male shirt (เสื้อบุรุษ) ได้มากที่สุด และ Sport shirt (เสื้อกีฬา) ขายได้ น้อยที่สุด 3. ความแตกต่างระหว่างจำนวนของเสื้อที่ขายได้ในแต่ละประเภท เช่น Male shirt (เสื้อบุรุษ)ขายได้ มากกว่า Women shirt (เสื้อสตรี) 10 ตัว และขายได้มากกว่า Sport Shirt (เสื้อกีฬา) 10 ตัว เป็นต้น I T A L 4.0

7 D I G I T A L 4.0 Non-text Reading Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1
Reading & Writing G Reading the chart I หลังจากที่เราได้อ่านแผนภูมิแสดง ยอดขายเสื้อในหนึ่งสัปดาห์แล้วนั้น เรามาดูคำถามในหน้าถัดไปกันครับ T A L 4.0

8 D I G I T A L 4.0 Non-text Reading Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1
Reading & Writing G Reading the chart I T A L 4.0

9 D I G I T A L 4.0 Non-text Reading Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1
Reading & Writing G Reading the chart Questions: 1. How many types of shirt do the shop have? There are 3 types of shirt in the shop . 2. Which shirt does the shop have more than any other shirt? The shop has more male shirts than other shirt . 3. How many shirts did the shop can sell in one week? The shop sold 90 shirts in one week . I T A L 4.0

10 D I G I T A L 4.0 Non-text Reading Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1
Reading & Writing G Reading the chart Questions: 4. How great is the difference between the number of sport shirts and the number of male shirt sold in one week? The difference between the number of sport shirts and the number of male shirt sold in one week is 20 shirts______ . 5. Which cloth did the shop sell the least? The shop sold fewer sports shirt than any other shirt . I T A L 4.0

11 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 1: Read the bar chart. Write “T’ before the correct statements and “F” for the incorrect ones. Do as in the given example. I T A L 4.0

12 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 1: Read the bar chart. Write “T’ before the correct statements and “F” for the incorrect ones. Do as in the given example. Example: T Pong has more Aesop’s fables than love stories. _______ 1. Peter has more cartoon books than love stories. _______ 2. Peter has fewer texts than any other book. _______ 3. He has 65 books. _______ 4. Peter likes to read comic. _______ 5. Peter has more texts than love stories. I T A L 4.0

13 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 2: Read the graph. Write the appropriate number in the circle to complete the sentences. Follow the example given. I T A L 4.0

14 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 2: Read the graph. Write the appropriate number in the circle to complete the sentences. Follow the example given. Example: Nancy has kilos of bananas. 1. Nancy has kinds of fruit. 2. She has kilos of mangoes. 3. How many kilos of fruit does Nancy have altogether? 4. How much is the difference between pineapples and mangoes in kilos? is the total number of grapes and bananas in kilos. I 20 T A L 4.0

15 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 3: Read the pictograph and answer the following questions. This graph shows the amount of coconuts sold by Robert. I T A L 4.0

16 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 3: Read the pictograph and answer the following questions. This graph shows the amount of coconuts sold by Robert. 1. How many coconuts did Robert sell on Friday? a) b) 700 c) d) 900 2. How many coconuts did Robert sell on Sunday and Thursday? a) 1, b) 1,200 c) 1, d) 1,400 I T A L 4.0

17 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 3: Read the pictograph and answer the following questions. This graph shows the amount of coconuts sold by Robert. 3. On which day did Robert sell the most of coconuts? a) Sunday b) Monday c) Tuesday d) Wednesday 4. How much is the difference in the amount of coconuts on Sunday and Monday? a) b) 600 c) d) 1,500 I T A L 4.0

18 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 4: Read the circle graph and draw a happy face {) if the statement is correct and a sad face () if the statement is wrong. I T A L 4.0

19 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 4: Read the circle graph and draw a happy face {) if the statement is correct and a sad face () if the statement is wrong. Example:  The most preferred occupation is farmer. __________ % of the parents’ population are doctors. __________ 2. The second preferred occupation is official. __________ 3. The number of businesmen, laborers, and others is equal to the number of farmers. __________ 4. The least preferred occupation is being an official. __________ 5. There are 5 occupations mentioned in the circle graph. I T A L 4.0

20 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 5: Read the circle graph and answer the following questions same as the example given. I T A L 4.0

21 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 5: Read the circle graph and answer the following questions same as the example given. There are 2,500 students in Triam Udom Suksa school. How many students are there in each school level? Example: Find the number of students in Mathayom 1: 2,500 x 0.22 = 550 I T A L 4.0

22 D I G I T A L 4.0 Reading the chart ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Reading & Writing
Exercise 5: Read the circle graph and answer the following questions same as the example given. There are 2,500 students in Triam Udom Suksa school. How many students are there in each school level? 1. Find the number of students in Mathayom 2: ____________________ 2. Find the number of students in Mathayom 3: ____________________ 3. Find the number of students in Mathayom 4: ____________________ 4. Find the number of students in Mathayom 5: ____________________ 5. Find the number of students in Mathayom 6: ____________________ I T A L 4.0

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