D 1 E 1 S E M N G ม. I G I T Prepositions A L 4.0.


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1 D 1 E 1 S E M N G ม. I G I T Prepositions A L 4.0

2 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
We reached the village in the evening. The man is standing at the bus-stop. He is getting into the car. I T A L 4.0

3 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
คำบุพบทที่ใช้กันบ่อยๆ ได้แก่ at, on, in, with, of, from, to, by, between, during, for, up, down, etc. เนื่องจาก Preposition มีหน้าที่เชื่อมคำนามหรือสรรพนามเข้ากับประโยค ตามปกติจึงถูกวางไว้หน้าคำนามหรือสรรพนามนั้น I T A L 4.0

4 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I บุพบทบอกเวลา ช่วยบอกให้เราทราบว่าสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่งเกิดขึ้นเมื่อไร เช่น in, on, at, by, until My birthday is in June. I was born on Wednesday. On Thursday we plays basketball. I have breakfast at seven o’clock. T A L 4.0

5 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  At ใช้กับการระบุเวลาที่แน่นอนของวัน at 10 o’clock at night at noon at three o’clock at lunch-time at the weekend at half past nine T A L 4.0

6 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  On ใช้กับวันของสัปดาห์ วันที่ วันหยุด วันสำคัญ On Monday On September 21st On Songkran day On Christmas day On Thursday Evening T A L 4.0

7 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  In ใช้กับเดือน ฤดู ปี และช่วงเวลาของวัน In June In Summer In 2010 In five minutes In the evening In an hour In Winter In August T A L 4.0

8 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  Since ใช้กับจุดเริ่มต้นของเวลา Since Since 9 o’clock Since noon Since May 15 Since I was born Since 1999 T A L 4.0

9 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  For ใช้กับระยะเวลา (เป็นเวลา) For ten minutes For two weeks For six months For many years For 10 years For a decade T A L 4.0

10 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  During ใช้กับระยะเวลาที่ต่อเนื่องกัน (ระหว่าง) During the dinner During the war During the holiday During the Summer During the sales T A L 4.0

11 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time Exercise 1: Fill the gaps in the following sentences with ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’. 1. I went to Turkey ______________ July. 2. We must leave ______________ five o’clock. 3. It’s very cold here ______________ night. 4. I never work ______________ the weekend. 5. We’ll have a break ______________ the afternoon. I T A L 4.0

12 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time Exercise 1: Fill the gaps in the following sentences with ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’. 6. She’s arriving ______________ Monday. 7. Schools start ______________ September 5th . 8. We can play tennis ______________the summer. 9. I was born ______________ 1970. 10. Claire was born _________ 8:25 __________ the evening _______ Thursday 17th April 2000. I T A L 4.0

13 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time Exercise 1: Fill the gaps in the following sentences with ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’. 11. I’ll see you ______________ lunch time. 12. My mother usually comes to stay ____________ Christmas time. I T A L 4.0

14 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition of time ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Exercise 2: Fill the gaps in this conversation using words from the box. Anne: Are you going on holiday in the __________ ? Tom: No, but I went skiing in Italy in the_________, and I’m going to Petchburi on the __________. I’ll be there on __________; then I’m traveling south to Phuket. What about you? Are you going away this long weekend? I Two o’clock summer winter weekend Saturday birthday T A L 4.0

15 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition of time ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Exercise 2: Fill the gaps in this conversation using words from the box. Anne: Yes. In fact, I’m flying to Chiangmai at ___________ tomorrow. Tom: Really? It’s a wonderful province. I was there in ____________. Anne: Just think! I’ll be on Doi Tung on my ____________. I Two o’clock summer winter weekend Saturday birthday T A L 4.0

16 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  till หรือ until จนกระทั่ง ใช้เพื่อบอกว่าเหตุการณ์ หรือสถานการณ์อันใด อันหนึ่งจบสิ้นลงเมื่อใด We played football until 5 o’clock. I’ll be in London till Thursday. T A L 4.0

17 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition of time ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with ‘until’ or ‘till’ and expressions from the box. 1. It was a great party. We danced ____________________________________________ 2. I’m going to have a sandwich now. I can’t wait ____________________________________________ I The age of 14 July lunch – time Saturday the end six o’clock in the morning T A L 4.0

18 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition of time ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with ‘until’ or ‘till’ and expressions from the box. 3. Granny’s coming on Monday for a few days. She’s going to stay ___________________________ 4. When I was young, you had to go to school ______________________________________ I The age of 14 July lunch – time Saturday the end six o’clock in the morning T A L 4.0

19 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition of time ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with ‘until’ or ‘till’ and expressions from the box. 5. I didn’t like the film, so I didn’t stay ________________________________________ 6. I’m doing a three-month computer course; it goes on ___________________________ I The age of 14 July lunch – time Saturday the end six o’clock in the morning T A L 4.0

20 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  by (= no later than, before) ไม่ช้าไปกว่า, ก่อน... ใช้เพื่อบอกว่าสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่งจะเกิดขึ้นไม่ช้ากว่า หรือก่อนเวลาที่กำหนด You really must bring it back by 12:00 tomorrow. Tell me by Friday whether or not you can come to the party. Where is Ann? She should be here by now. T A L 4.0

21 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time Exercise 4: Insert ‘by’ or ‘until’. 1. This book must go back to the library ________ Thursday. 2. If I give you this coat to clean, can you do it _______ tomorrow. 3. Can you wait for my answer ________ tonight? 4. The film goes on _________ 9:30. 5. I must find some money _________ the end of the week. 6. Can you finish painting the room _________ Friday? I T A L 4.0

22 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I  From…to…จาก...ถึง ใช้ในการบอกระยะเวลา She’s staying here from Sunday to Tuesday. We have a tea-break from three-thirty to four o’clock. T A L 4.0

23 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time Exercise 5: Use the information in the brackets to finish the sentences. 1. (2  3) The shop is closed from 2 to 2. (Friday  ) She will be on holiday __________________. 3. (June  August) The beach is busy ________________________________. 4. (10 o’clock ) I’ll be at the sports center __________________________. I T A L 4.0

24 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time Exercise 5: Use the information in the brackets to finish the sentences. 5. (March ) The new motorway will be open ____________________. 6. (Monday Friday) We work _______________________. 7. (1991  1994) He lived in Kenya ________________________________. 8. (January ) She will be in Hong Kong __________________________. I T A L 4.0

25 D I G I T A L 4.0 Preposition ENG M.1 Sem. 1 Grammar
Preposition of time I เราไม่ใช้บุพบท in, on, at หน้า last, next, this, every They got married last March. (NOT in last March) I’ll see you next Friday. (NOT on next Friday) Susan goes to church every Sunday. (NOT on every Sunday) T A L 4.0

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