MEGA GOAL 4 Part I Part II Part III Expansion Units 1-3


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1 MEGA GOAL 4 Part I Part II Part III Expansion Units 1-3
Created by Mrs.Sumnao Charoenpong

2 Vocabulary Part I

3 statuette (n.) /ˌstætʃuˈet/
a very small statue that can be put on a table or shelf. (รูปปั้นขนาดเล็กสามารถใช้ตั้งบนโต๊ะได้)

4 dashing (adj.) /ˈdæʃɪŋ/
attractive in a confident, exciting and stylish way. (ซึ่งมีความมั่นใจในตนเอง)

5 existence (n.) /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/
a state of being present in a particular situation or place. (การดำรงอยู่)

6 tight-fitting (adj.) //
fitting very closely or tightly. (รัดรูป)

7 Vocabulary Part II

8 trend (n.) /trend/ style in fashion, art, music, and so on.

9 ochre หรือ ocher (n.) /ˈoʊkər/
mixture of iron oxide and clay, used as a pigment. (ส่วนผสมของอ๊อกไซด์ของเหล็กและดิน ใช้ทำสี)

10 malachite (n.) /ˈmæləkaɪt/
natural green ore of copper. (สินแร่ทองแดงสีเขียวธรรมชาติ)

11 henna (n.) /henna/ reddish dye made from certain powdered leaves

12 heritage (n.) /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/
something that comes or belongs to a person by reason of birth. (มรดก)

13 indigenous (adj.) /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/
originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country. (แต่เป็นของดั้งเดิมของท้องถิ่น)

14 perforated (adj.) /ˈpɜːrfəreɪt/
pierced with a hole. (ซึ่งเจาะเป็นรู)

15 evidence (n.) /ˈevɪdəns/
clue, indication, sign. (หลักฐาน)

16 constrict (v.) /kənˈstrɪkt/
to compact, shrink, compress. (ทำให้ตีบหรือคอด)

17 enhance (v.) /ɪnˈhæns/ to magnify. (เสริม, เพิ่ม, ทำให้มากขึ้น)

18 Vocabulary Part III

19 wonder (v.) /ˈwʌndər/ to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen, etc.. (รู้สึกสงสัย)

20 carry on (v.) // to continue doing something. (ดำเนินต่อไป)

21 be gone (v.) // to be dead or to no longer exist. (เสียชีวิต)

22 go on (v.) // to continue doing something. (ดำเนินต่อไป)

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