Research Strategy & Implementation


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1 Research Strategy & Implementation
ศ.นพ.ประทักษ์ โอประเสริฐสวัสดิ์ 28 กันยายน 2552

2 Scope Introduction Research Strategic Planning Implementation Platform

3 Research Excellence Research and innovation becomes increasingly as a key driver of a research university. For strategic planning it is vital to identify research strengths and research development opportunities.

4 What Drives Research ? Competition Collaboration Regulation Innovation
Speed (Publications, Citation) Scarce resources (Fund seeking) Patent & Spin off companies Multidisciplinary, Network Technology possibilities Tools, Skill & Resources sharing Accountability Quantity & Quality of research output Investment Policies Technology transfer Tacking big questions Economic & Social development

5 Reality of a Research Who are friends , Who are foes
Collaboration to Compete Competition Competition Collaboration Compete to Collaboration Who are friends , Who are foes Yesterday’s competitor is today’s collaborator

6 Turn Weakness to Strength
Diagnosis : Corporate ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Change mindset & Think out off the box ผลักดันให้เกิดความร่วมมืออย่างเป็นรูปธรรม ผลักดันผลงานวิจัยให้เป็นที่รับรู้ในวงกว้าง

7 Challenge to Change Mindset
11 คนไทย...ไม่เคยไปบอลโลก 5 คนไทย...ติดอันดับ Top ten ฟุตซอล 1 คนไทย...เดาะบอลสูงสุดอันดับ 1 ของโลก

8 Harmonize the Diversity
วิจัย และสร้างนวัตกรรม

9 Research Strategic Planning
Evaluate strength & Establish strategy Recruitment & Retention young talent Competitive & Collaboration Allocate of scarce resources Execute action plan “Stable strategy & flexible tactics”

10 Research Corporate KPI Mahidol
จำนวนบทความตีพิมพ์ (Publication)ในวารสารระดับนานาชาติ เฉลี่ย 1 บทความต่อบุคลากรสายวิชาการต่อปี จำนวนดัชนีการอ้างอิง (Citation) เพิ่มขึ้น 10% ต่อปี รายได้ที่เกิดจากทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา (commercialization) ของมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดลเพิ่มขึ้น 5 % ต่อปี

11 Corporate KPI Ramathibodi
2552 2553 2554 2555 1. Publication 0.33 อาจารย์แพทย์ 0.40 0.46 0.48 0.50 อาจารย์พยาบาล 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 2. จำนวน Citation 471 525 550 575 3. ค่า Impact factor 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

12 Target Penetration & Approaches
Understand  Brand Believe  Vision , Value Behave  Commitment , Consistency, Ethic Corporate Culture  Excellence , Best in Class

13 Implementation Platform
Product Excellence (Targeted) Advocacy to action Recognition /Rewarding R&D Innovation Internal External Policy Recruitment Mentoring Leader & Team spirit Management (Just do it) Collaboration/Integration Resources sharing Organization

14 Research Road Map Attractive ideas Ideas Funded Research output
Granting agency’s interest Matching fund Sources of funding Health advocacy Clinical application Research Club BPR Attractive ideas Ideas Funded Research output Innovation Patent Commercialization Literature mining Publication Peer- reviewed Journals Enabling Hi-Technology Research Centre Citation Inspired individual Mentoring Motivation Impact factor rewards

15 Competitive & Collaborative Research activity continuous workflows
Key Challenges Policy Competitive & Collaborative Lean Research Funding Research activity continuous workflows

16 Research Operating Model
Develop research strategies & goals Seek & facilitating collaboration Assisting in funding & project management Develop research infrastructure & supporters Consolidate research project information & IT Encourage & promote research atmosphere Publication, application & commercialization of research & innovation Research planning & development Research funding Research facilitating Research database management Researcher development Research utilization

17 Where to .. From here ? Research quality and evaluation system
Benchmarking New initiative spearheaded for research excellence & innovation Challenges for collaboration

18 Summary Evaluate research performance
Establish research strategies (decision , focus) Identify the advantages Identify improvement opportunities Re-look at research activity workflows Recruitment, retention young talent & career track Execute project plan

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