MSMUT Thesis & Project Guidelines


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1 MSMUT Thesis & Project Guidelines
Supakorn Kungpisdan S. Kungpisdan

2 Outline Thesis and Project Requirements Thesis and Project Guidelines
Thesis Structure Schedule for Summer/2554 S. Kungpisdan

3 Thesis Requirements Research oriented
At least 1 publication from national or international conference Examined by a group of committees including at least one external committee High potential for PhD study Need time to do research S. Kungpisdan

4 Thesis Guideline Research a couple of broad interesting areas
Searching for a supervisor Discuss the possibility Conduct literature review: document every articles read (selected topics will be included in chapter 2) What people have done, problems and limitations of existing approaches, anything that must be done but haven’t been done Examine possibilities to conduct research to solve such problems Looking for a possible conference Write a paper Submit the paper to a conference Write thesis S. Kungpisdan

5 Possible National Conferences
The National Computer Science and Engineering Conference (NCSEC2011) November 2011 The Electrical Engineering Conference 2011 December 2011 The 4th National Conference on Information Technology (NCIT2012) Hosted by MUT!!! Around May 2012 The International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering 2012 (JCSSE2012) May 2012 The ECTI Conference on Application Research and Development (ECTI-CARD2012) S. Kungpisdan

6 Project Requirements A practical work, an improvement, solving existing problems, finding a new solution to tackle existing problems Implementation or experiment of interesting research topic A case study of a real-world application No need to write a research paper, but get dirty with technologies Examined by internal committees Demonstration required A bit difficult for PhD study, different focus S. Kungpisdan

7 Project Areas Start from scratch
Involve a great deal of research and programming works A prototype with experimental results needed Combinations or Modifications of open-source tools Able to explain necessity of using open-source tools Modifications and some customizations needed, not only install and go A practical implementation is a MUST!!... Need to have a real system as a case study Document oriented Using off-the-shelf tools for experiment S. Kungpisdan

8 Chapter 1: บทนำ Thesis/Project Overview
1.1 บทนำ Introduction 1.2 ปัญหาและแรงจูงใจ Problems and Motivations 1.3 วัตถุประสงค์ Objectives 1.4 ขอบเขตของโครงงาน/วิทยานิพนธ์ Scope of Project/Thesis 1.5 ประโยชน์ที่คาดว่าจะได้รับ Contributions 1.6 กำหนดการ Thesis/Project Schedule S. Kungpisdan

9 Chapter 2: ทฤษฎีและพื้นฐานที่เกี่ยวข้อง Backgrounds (Thesis)
2.1 พื้นฐาน Overview 2.2 งานวิจัยที่เกี่ยวข้อง Related works 2.3 ปัญหา/ข้อจำกัดของงานวิจัยที่มีอยู่ Problems of Existing Works 2.4 แนวทางการแก้ปัญหา Possible Solutions 2.5 พื้นฐานที่จำเป็น Necessary Backgrounds 2.6 สรุปท้ายบท Chapter Summary S. Kungpisdan

10 Chapter 2: ทฤษฎีและพื้นฐานที่เกี่ยวข้อง Backgrounds (Project)
2.1 พื้นฐาน/ระบบงาน Overview 2.2 ปัญหา/ข้อจำกัดของงานวิจัยที่มีอยู่ Problems of Existing Works 2.3 แนวทางการแก้ปัญหา Possible Solutions 2.4 พื้นฐานที่จำเป็น Necessary Backgrounds 2.5 สรุปท้ายบท Chapter Summary S. Kungpisdan

11 Chapter 3: วิธีการที่นำเสนอ Methodology
3.1 วิธีการ/ระบบงานที่นำเสนอ Proposed Method/Technique 3.2 รายละเอียดของวิธีการที่นำเสอน Details of the Proposed Method 3.3 ผลที่คาดหวัง Expected Results 3.4 สรุปท้ายบท Chapter Summary S. Kungpisdan

12 Chapter 4: การพัฒนา Implementation
4.1 บทนำ Chapter Introduction 4.2 โครงสร้างของระบบ System Architecture 4.2.1 ฮาร์ดแวร์ Hardware 4.2.2 ซอฟต์แวร์ Software 4.2.3 … 4.3 รายละเอียดของการพัฒนา Implementation Details List only key implementation, more details in Appendix 4.4 ผลการทดลอง Implementation Results List only key results, more details in Appendix 4.5 วิเคราะห์และอภิปราย Analysis and Discussion 4.6 สรุปท้ายบท Chapter Summary S. Kungpisdan

13 Chapter 5: Conclusion 5.1 Review of the Thesis/Project Achieve objectives?, any changes from existing design?, satisfy with the results?, any problems during the implementation?, need more time? 5.2 Discussion and Future Works 5.3 Chapter Summary and Discussion Make a check list of the result comparing with objectives in chapter 1 Need to achieve objectives, otherwise the thesis/project is not completed S. Kungpisdan

14 เอกสารอ้างอิง References
Standard reference format Must reference every quote in your thesis Every reference must be found in the thesis From best to worst reference sources: books (textbooks), book chapters, journals, conference papers, Theses, Thai books (esp. written by the un-experience pretending to be an expert), websites (most unreliable sources to reference) S. Kungpisdan

15 ภาคผนวก Appendices Can have as many appendices as you want
Contains more details of your work and related documents and standards, software installation details, etc. Appendices must be referred in chapters S. Kungpisdan

16 Schedule Pre-project & thesis Announcement 5 March 2011
Thesis & Project Proposal Submission 10 April 2011 Progress Report Submission 29 May 2011 Thesis 1 and Project 1 Enrollment Students must have supervisor’s signature attached to the cover to their progress report to be eligible for Thesis 1 and Project 1 enrollment in semester 1/2554 S. Kungpisdan

17 Question? S. Kungpisdan

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