Seminar in Information Technology I


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1 Seminar in Information Technology I 887591
Master Degree of Science in Information Technology, Faculty of Informatics, Burapha University, 2011 Seminar in Information Technology I By Dr. Ureerat Suksawatchon Welcome to Research Methodology 101. Today we would like to cover some basics concepts related to library research and also touch on a few practical matters such as putting research into practice into your library, your job. I believe that we all can agree—no matter what type of library we work in or what type of position we hold within that library—that accountability and assessment are two governing themes of the day. We are being asked to assess and be accountable for—our services, our programs—especially our instruction programs—our collections. At the same time, ACRL IS has recently revised the Research Agenda for Library Instruction and Information Literacy. This research agenda can serve to help guide instruction librarians in assessing what they’re doing and how well they’re doing it, and how students are and are not learning. In any sort of assessment, one does research. And research need not be a scary thing. A research project can be a lot of fun.

2 คณาจารย์... ผศ.ดร.สุวรรณา รัศมีขวัญ Research Empirical Modeling
Decision Support System Knowledge Management Data Analysis Software Development Contact:

3 คณาจารย์... ผศ.ดร.กฤษณะ ชินสาร Research Image Processing
Machine Learning Computational Intelligence Algorithm Analysis Contact:

4 คณาจารย์... ผศ.ดร.สุรางคนา ธรรมลิขิต Research Database Systems
Optimization Advanced Database Data Warehouse Software Development Contact:

5 คณาจารย์... ดร.คนึงนิจ กุโบลา Research Computer Graphics
Computer Vision Software Engineering Software Development Contact:

6 คณาจารย์... ดร.จักริน สุขสวัสดิ์ชน Research
Algorithm in Recommendation System Web mining Mobile Application Bioinformatics Contact:

7 คณาจารย์... ดร.ณัฐนนท์ ลีลาตระกูล Research
Computer Network Architecture Mobile Application Sensor Networks Smart VoIP System Data Mining (on Network Data) Information Extraction (on Document Data) Contact:

8 คณาจารย์... ดร.สุนิสา ริมเจริญ Research Evolutionary Computation
- Genetic algorithms - Evolution strategy     - Estimation of distribution algorithm     - Building block Algorithm portfolio Real options Financial modeling Algorithmic trading Decision analysis Contact:

9 คณาจารย์... ดร.โกเมศ อัมพวัน Research Data mining (Association Rules)
Knowledge Discovery Text Mining Web Mining Natural Language Processing Contact: Knowledge Requirement Mathematics Programming

10 คณาจารย์... ดร.อุรีรัฐ สุขสวัสดิ์ชน Research Data mining
Classification Clustering Knowledge Discovery Recommendation System Contact:

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