Retail Organization & HRM Chapter 4. Chapter topics  The organizational structure  Process of organizing  Retail tasks  Classifying jobs  Hierarchical.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Retail Organization & HRM Chapter 4. Chapter topics  The organizational structure  Process of organizing  Retail tasks  Classifying jobs  Hierarchical."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Retail Organization & HRM Chapter 4

2 Chapter topics  The organizational structure  Process of organizing  Retail tasks  Classifying jobs  Hierarchical charts  Human resource environment

3 Setting up a retail organization  Identify needs of  Target market  Employee needs  Management needs

4 Target Market Needs  Sufficient personnel  Personnel knowledgeable & courteous  Facilities well maintained  Branch store customers needs met?  Are changing needs promptly met?

5 Employee needs  Offer challenging & satisfying positions  Orderly promotion program  Participative decision making  Channels of communication

6 Employee needs  Authority/responsibility relationship clear  Fair treatment of employees  Reward performance

7 Management needs  Easy to obtain & retail competent personnel  Personnel procedures  Line of authority  Span of authority  Support staff

8 Management needs  Levels of organization developed well  Organizations plans well integrated  Motivated employees

9 Management needs  Low absenteeism  Policies on replacing personnel  Flexibility & adaptive nature of organization

10 Organizing the firm

11 Process of organizing firm  Outlining the specific tasks  to be performed in a retail distribution channel  Divide tasks among channel members & customers

12 Process of organizing firm  Group retailing tasks into jobs  Classify jobs  Integrate positions in an org. chart

13 Principles for organizing  Employee interest, training, & promotions  Employee turnover & absenteeism ( การหมุนเวียนของพนักงานและการ ขาดงาน )  Line of authority ( สายการ บริหารงาน )  Reporting levels

14 Principles for organizing  Span of control ( ช่วงของการควบคุม )  Mgmt & delegation power ( การบริหารและการมอบหมายงาน )  Supervisory responsibility ( หน้าที่ความรับผิดชอบ )  Communication speed & levels  Informal vs. formal relationships & authority

15 Retail tasks งานค้า ปลีก

16 Retail tasks to be performed  Buying merchandise  Shipping merchandise ( สินค้าที่จัดส่ง )  Receiving merchandise

17 Retail tasks to be performed  Check incoming shipments ( วันที่จัดส่งเข้ามา )  Setting prices  Marking merchandise ( ทำเครื่องหมายสินค้า )

18 Retail tasks  Inventory storage & control  Displays (window & instore)  Facilities maintenance  Customer research

19 Retail tasks  Customer contact  Customer follow-up  Customer complaint handling ( จัดการเรื่องร้องเรียนของลูกค้า )  Personnel management

20 Retail tasks  Repairs & alterations  Billing customers  Handling receipts & financial records  Credit operations  Gift wrapping

21 Retail tasks  Delivery to customers  Return to Vendors  unsold/damaged mdse  Sales forecasting  Budgeting  coordination

22 Division of tasks: retailer  Can perform all or some of tasks in distribution channel  From buying mdse to coordination

23 Division of tasks: wholesale/MFG  Takes care of few or many functions  Shipping ( การจัดส่งสินค้า )  Marking Merchandise ( การทำ เครื่องหมายสินค้า )  Inventory storage  Display  research

24 Division of tasks: specialists  Buying office  Delivery firms  Warehouse  Marketing research  Ad agency  Accountant  Credit bureau  Computer service

25 Division of tasks: customer  Responsible for:  Delivery  Credit  Sales effort (self service)  Satisfaction (DI)

26 Classifying jobs & the hierarchical charts

27 Classifying jobs –4 ways  Functional  Sales, buying, store operations  Product  Hires personnel for different products

28 Classifying jobs – 4 ways  Geographic  Where store is located & local issues ( ทำเลที่ตั้งของร้านและปัญหา ภายในท้องถิ่น )  Combinations ( การผสมผสาน )  HQ vs. branch hires ( สาขาการ จ้างงาน )

29 Organizational charts: Functional  Hierarchy of authority  Vice President of “operations”  Sales promotion mgr  Mdse mgr  Personnel mgr  Store operations  controller

30 PRODUCT org chart  Store mgr  Men’s outerwear mgr.  Ladie’s outerwear mgr.  Lingerie mgr  Appliance mgr.

31 Geographic chart  Vice President of “stores”  Location A store manager  Location B store manager  Location C store manager  Location D store manager

32 Small independent charts

33 Mazur Plan ( see fig 11-7 – p. 334 )  Divides retail activities into 4 functions  Merchandising  Publicity  Store management  Accounting & control

34 Equal store vs. Separate store org.  Equal Store  Used by chains  Centralized buying  Branches = sales units  Most popular  Separate store  Each branch has own buying responsibilities


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