Adapted from Mr Hayward Y11 Science. Micro-organisms or microbes are microscopic living things including:  Bacteria ( แบคทีเรีย )  Fungi ( หูหนู ) 


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Adapted from Mr Hayward Y11 Science. Micro-organisms or microbes are microscopic living things including:  Bacteria ( แบคทีเรีย )  Fungi ( หูหนู ) "— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Adapted from Mr Hayward Y11 Science

2 Micro-organisms or microbes are microscopic living things including:  Bacteria ( แบคทีเรีย )  Fungi ( หูหนู )  Viruses ( ไวรัส )  Algae ( สาหร่าย )  Protozoa ( โปรโตซัว )

3  All fungi grow best in warm ( อุ่นๆ ), moist ( ฉ่ำ ) conditions. For example, bread is more likely to go mouldy in summer than in winter, especially if the humidity is high or it is left in a plastic bag.  Fungi can be single-cellular (e.g. yeasts - ยีสต์ ) or multicellular (e.g. mushrooms). Unlike other microbes, some fungi are visible to the naked eye.

4  The body of a multicellular fungi is made up of fine thread like structures called hyphae (singular hypha - ใยรา ). Many hyphae are matted together to form a structure called mycelium ( ไมซีเลียม ).  Fungi grow reproductive structures called sporangia (singular sporangium - อับ สปอร์ )

5 Spores - อับสปอร์ Tiny particles containing genetic material in a tough outer coat. MyceliumA tangled web or mat of hyphae. SporangiumA fruiting body containing spores. Hyphae Fine threads that spread through the surface layer of a food source.

6 ( ดีเอ็นเอ ) ( พลาสมิด ) ( ไซโทพลาซึม ) ( เยื่อหุ้มพลาสม่า ) ( ซิเลีย ) ( แฟลเจลลัม )

7 Flagella Allow the cell to move Cell wall - ผนัง เซลล์ Gives shape and protects the membrane Nuclear region Contains the genetic code ( รหัสพันธุกรรม ) Cell/Plasma membrane Controls the movement of substances into or out of the cell Cytoplasm Where life functions are carried out Gelatinous sheath – กลายเป็นกาว + ปลอก Protects from viruses Cilia Allow the cell to move

8 Controls entry and exit of dissolved substances. Sticky layer that protects cell from viruses. Where the chromosomes are located. Provides shape and protection. Where life functions take place. Allow the particle to move. Cell wall Nuclear region Flagella Cytoplasm Cell membrane Gelatinous sheath Cell membrane Cytoplasm Flagella Nuclear region Cell wall Gelatinous sheath

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Adapted from Mr Hayward Y11 Science. Micro-organisms or microbes are microscopic living things including:  Bacteria ( แบคทีเรีย )  Fungi ( หูหนู ) 


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