Context Clues Reading Strategies.


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1 Context Clues Reading Strategies

2 Types: Definition type Restatement Type Example type
Comparison or Contrast type Cause‑and‑Effect Relationship Type

3 Definition Type Example:
- The art of making women's hats is called millinery. - A ship that can travel under the surface of the ocean is a submarine. - Circulate means to move around and return to the same place.

4 Let’s check! Exercise 1: is / an unarmed fighting art (ศิลปะการต่อสู้ด้วยมือเปล่า) refers to / people who arrived in America from other countries after 1885 (คนที่อพยพมาอเมริกา หลังปี 1885) are called / main sections of a story‑book (บทของหนังสือหรืองานเขียน) means / the use of commas and periods at the end of lines in the letter headings and addresses (เครื่องหมายในการจบประโยค) are called / people who study the stars (นักดาราศาสตร์)

5 Restatement type Example:
He is standing on the porch ‑ a door way or entrance to a building. You can take an escalator, or a moving staircase to go down to the platform. These two circles are concentric. In other words, they have the same centre.

6 Let’s check! Exercise 2: or / feeling (ความรู้สึก / อคติ)
–xx­– / to travel by asking car or truck drivers for free rides (การโบกรถ) in other words / the tree’s trunk, branches and twigs (กิ่งก้านของต้นไม้) that is / a person who writes about someone’s life (นักเขียนชีวประวัติของผู้อื่น) or / gives (ให้)

7 Example type Example: Do you participate in one of the more popular avocation, such as jogging, playing tennis, or stamp collecting? When you arrange the condiment shelf , put the salt and pepper next to the paprika.

8 Let’s check! Exercise 3: –xx– / cars, planes, and trains / kinds of transportation (ยานพาหนะ) such as / vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and calcium / many substances needed for good health (แร่ธาตุ / ไวตามิน) x : x / crocodiles, turtles and snakes / a kind of animals which produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm (สัตว์เลือดเย็น / สัตว์เลี้อยคลาน) for example / geography, oceanography, and chemistry / a kind of subjects (วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์) –xx, for example– / Einstein, Edison and Disney / talented people (อัจฉริยะ)

9 Comparison or Contrast type
Example: An elephant is immense, comparing to a mouse. Dick was voluble while his friend, Nick, was quiet. Some plants die in wet soil, but most thrive.

10 Let’s check! Exercise 4: in contrast / small (เล็ก)
but / not lazy (ขยัน) like / people who want to know everything (กระตือรือร้น) though / not dull or active (ฉลาด) while / a little money to spend (ยากจน)

11 Cause‑and‑Effect Relationship Type
Example: Mr.Ron did not have time to take his clothes to the laundry so he had to wash and iron them himself. We can see things through a piece of glass because it is transparent.

12 Let’s check! Exercise 5: since / can’t hear any noise (หูหนวก)
as / love very much (รักมาก) so / tired (เหนื่อย) cause / confusion (ตื่นตระหนก) like / to be clever and deceiving (เจ้าเล่ห์)

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