Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) โปรแกรมจับคู่รหัสรายการตรวจทาง ห้องปฏิบัติการฯ กับรหัสมาตรฐาน.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) โปรแกรมจับคู่รหัสรายการตรวจทาง ห้องปฏิบัติการฯ กับรหัสมาตรฐาน."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) โปรแกรมจับคู่รหัสรายการตรวจทาง ห้องปฏิบัติการฯ กับรหัสมาตรฐาน (RELMA) วันชนะ พลทองมาก

2 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) Outline  องค์ประกอบของโปรแกรมจับคู่ RELMA  วิธีการใช้โปรแกรมจับคู่ RELMA  รายงานผลการจับคู่รายการตรวจท้องถิ่นกับ LOINC

3 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) Regenstrief Institute

4 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) What is LOINC ?  Logical Observation Identifiers names and codes (LOINC) is a unique identifier for medical laboratory and clinical observations LOINC contains more than 72,625 terms LOINC is broadly used in many countries  LOINC is free of charge Rationale

5 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS)  Thai healthcare service will adopt LOINC as the national laboratory standard (Kijsanayotin B 2012) Criteria International Standards EUCLIDECPTSNOMEDLOINC Is it used to identify laboratory test names ? yes Does it has adequate granularity for unique identification ? yesnoyes Can it be linked with other standards? noyes Yes Complexity level++ +++++ Rationale

6 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) How does LOINC look like?  Serial code 1-5 characters and the check digit 1 character 20509-6  The name consist of 6 axes : : : : : 20509-6 Hemoglobin : MCnc : Pt : Bld : Qn : Calculated 49498-9 Leukocytes : NCnc : Pt : Bld : Qn : Estimate Hemoglobin [Mass/ ​ volume] in Blood by Calculation Leukocytes [Number/volume] in Blood by Estimation analyte that being measured concentration type When it doneSpecimen type Result data type Technique for performing Mass concentration Point in timeBloodQuantitative Number concentration Point in timeBloodQuantitative Running number Check digit number Rationale

7 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) โปรแกรมจับคู่ RELMA  Regenstrief LOINC Mapping Assistant  ไม่มีค่าลิขสิทธิ  มีระบบพัฒนาและบำรุงรักษา

8 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS)

9 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS)

10 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) LOINC Setup File

11 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) หน้าหลัก RELMA

12 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) การค้นหา

13 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) ผลการค้นหา

14 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) ตั้งค่านำออก

15 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) นำออกเป็น Excel

16 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) ตัวอย่างวิธีการค้นหา รหัส LOINC

17 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) Mapping Algorithm

18 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) Example of types of mapping result

19 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) กรมบัญชีกลาง Class1-11-Munmappedtotal Immunological/ Serology and Virology Section 12 (6.60%)157 (86.26%)13 (7.14%)182 (100%) Chemistry11 (5.7%)182 (94.3%)0 (0%)193 (100%) Microscopy1 (3.57%)27 (96.43%)0 (0%)28 (100%) Genetic testing27 (39.13%)35 (50.73%)7 (10.14%)69 (100%) Hematology21 (20.19%)79 (75.96%)4 (3.85%)104 (100%) Microbiology3 (13.04%)20 (86.96%)0 (0%)23 (100%) Total75 (12.52%)500 (83.47%)24 (4.01%)599 (100%)

20 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) รพ. ในจังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ Class1-11-manyUnmappedTotal Blood bank 22 (37.93%)24 (41.38%)12 (20.69%)58 (100%) Chemistry 47 (42.73%)62 (56.36%)1 (0.91%)110 (100%) Hematology 14 (25.93%)37 (68.52%)3 (5.56%)54 (100%) Immunology 16 (20.78%)60 (77.92%)1 (1.3%)77 (100%) Microbiology 5 (3.57%)125 (89.29%)10 (7.14%)140 (100%) Microscopy 1 32 (36.36%)53 (60.23%)3 (3.41%)88 (100%) Microscopy 2 24 (40.68%)34 (57.63%)1 (1.69%)59 (100%) other (0%)3 (100%) (0%)3 (100%) Pathology (0%)4 (100%) (0%)4 (100%) total 160 (26.98%)402 (67.79%)31 (5.23%)593 (100%)

21 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) รพ. ศิริราช Class1-11-manyUnmappedTotal Blood Bank29 (53.7%)20 (37.04%)5 (9.26%)54 (100%) Chemistry137 (50%)99 (36.13%)38 (13.87%)274 (100%) Hematology81 (47.09%)27 (15.7%)64 (37.21%)172 (100%) Microbiology179 (28.23%)80 (12.62%)375 (59.15%)634 (100%) Microscopy16 (53.33%)13 (43.33%)1 (3.33%)30 (100%) Molecular Genetics 20 (14.81%)30 (22.22%)85 (62.96%)135 (100%) Cytochemistry14 (77.78%)2 (11.11%) 18 (100%) Pathology3 (8.11%)0 (0%)34 (91.89%)37 (100%) Serology/Immun ology 103 (50.74%)73 (35.96%)27 (13.3%)203 (100%) Toxicology67 (36.81%)71 (39.01%)44 (24.18%)182 (100%) Total649 (37.32%)415 (23.86%)675 (38.82%)1739 (100%)

22 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) รพ. รามาธิบดี Class1-11-manyUnmappedTotal Blood Bank31 (19.87%)71 (45.51%)54 (34.62%)156 (100%) Clinical Chemistry 262 (59.82%)158 (36.07%)18 (4.11%)438 (100%) Clinical Microscopy 177 (36.72%)50 (10.37%)255 (52.9%)482 (100%) Flow Cytochemical 552 (42.53%)166 (12.79%)580 (44.68%)1298 (100%) Genetic179 (8.3%)324 (15.02%)1654 (76.68%)2157 (100%) Hematology291 (35.49%)164 (20%)365 (44.51%)820 (100%) Immunology281 (59.28%)39 (8.23%)154 (32.49%)474 (100%) Microbiology3381 (42.19%)875 (10.92%)3758 (46.89%)8014 (100%) Pathology13 (4.63%)4 (1.42%)264 (93.95%)281 (100%) Toxicology96 (30.67%)165 (52.72%)52 (16.61%)313 (100%) Total5263 (36.47%)2016 (13.97%)7154 (49.57%)14433 (100%)

23 Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS)

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Thai Health Informatics Academy Thai Health Information Standard Development Center(THIS) โปรแกรมจับคู่รหัสรายการตรวจทาง ห้องปฏิบัติการฯ กับรหัสมาตรฐาน.


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