UNIT 5. 1. Telephone Register Tell.N o Company Caller name TimeDate.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "UNIT 5. 1. Telephone Register Tell.N o Company Caller name TimeDate."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 UNIT 5

2 1. Telephone Register Tell.N o Company Caller name TimeDate

3 2. Visitor Register Referr ed to Time of arrival Comp any Name of visitor Dat e

4 3. Petty cash book Tot als Mi sc Trans- portati on Stati nery Post & Correspon dence Det ails Da te Cash recei ved

5 4. Incoming correspondence record Remar ks Date receive d AddressSender N o.

6 Job order form Phayathai Printers 28 Phayathai Road Tel 02-824-5981 “For the best printing, call on us !” Job order No................. Date................... Customer’s name................................................ Address............................................................... Tell. No....................... Job particulars :.....Brochure.....Business card.....Other.....Invitation.....Personal card Script as follows :.......................................................... Promised on :....................... Change............. Bath Taken by :........................... Secretary’s dialy Busi ness Plac e Ite m Tim e Da te

7 Present continuous tense = Subject + Verb to be (is, am, are) + Verb ช่อง 1 (ing) การใช้ 1. ใช้กับการกระทำซึ่งกำลังเกิดขึ้นในขณะพูด เช่น - He is studying English (now). 2. ใช้กับการกระทำที่เกิดขึ้นในปัจจุบัน แต่ไม่ ต้องเป็นในขณะกำลังพูดอยู่ เช่น - I am playing football this term. 3. ใช้กับการกระทำในอนาคต เช่น - I am going to the theatre tonight.

8 He is write a letter. He is not write a letter. He isn’t write a letter. Is he writing a letter ? Is he not writing a letter ? Isn’t he writing a letter ?

9 กริยาที่ไม่ใช้ใน Continuous tense see here smell notice recognize taste want desire refuse forgive wish care hate adore like dislike think feel realize know understand mean suppose believe expect remember recollect forget recall trust mind own belong possess seem appear contain concern Keep (= continue)

ดาวน์โหลด ppt UNIT 5. 1. Telephone Register Tell.N o Company Caller name TimeDate.


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