งานนำเสนอกำลังจะดาวน์โหลด โปรดรอ
24 เฉลยแบบฝึกเสริมทักษะการอ่านจับใจความวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ อ31101 ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 1 เล่มที่ 7 เรื่อง Food and drink Activity 1 A B C D E F G H I J 1. coffee = D soda = H 3. fruit salad = I 4. wine = F 5. omelette = C whisky = G 7. coke = J noodles = E 9. hamburger = A 10. rice = B
25 K L M N O P Q R S T 11. spaghetti = T beer = R water = K fried egg = N iced tea = P tea = L fried rice = Q 18. milk = O 19. curry = S soup = M
26 1. oleonds = noodles 2. newi = 3. moletete = wine 4. tae =
Activity 2 1. oleonds = 2. newi = 3. moletete = 4. tae = 5. bamhurreg = 6 . sykihw = 7. efirdgeg = 8. iklm = 9. ritfulaads = 10. titehapgs = noodles wine omelette tea hamburger whisky fried egg milk fruit salad spaghetti
27 Activity 3 Drinks Other Meat Sweet / Desserts Fruit Vegetables
cheese butter egg potato chip Meat milk 1 2 wine steak pork chop water coffee chicken tea ham 3 Sweet / Desserts Fruit Vegetables 4 grape chocolate potato pear cake carrot 5 6 strawberry cookies broccoli pineapple ice cream 13 tomato 14 peach pizza corn watermelon bread 11 9 7 8 1. chocolate 11. pear 21. peach 2. grape 12. strawberry 22. coffee 3. cake 13. carrot 23. butter 4. cookies 14. potato chips 24. chicken 5. ice cream 15. pineapple 25. tomato 6. potato 16. pork chop 26. corn 7. milk 17. broccoli 27. egg 8. pizza 18. wine 28. ham 9. tea 19. cheese 29. watermelon 10.steak 20. water 30. bread 8 15 10 17 19 20 21 22 23 26 25 27 28 29 24 30 12 18
28 Activity 4 1. = e , 2. = f , 3 = b , 4. = a , 5. = c , 6. = d
What about dessert b. It isn’t really hot. I’ll come back in a few minutes. d. Right e. Here you are. f. I’d have both At the restaurant Customer : May I have a menu, please? Waiter : Yes, (1)……………………………… Customer : What do you recommend? Waiter : Today we have “Tom Yam Kung” and fried shrimp. Customer : (2)………………………. Is Tom Yam Kung spicy? Waiter : No. (3)…………………………………… Customer : (4) ……………………………………..? Waiter : We have ice cream and chocolate cake. Customer : I will have ice cream. Waiter : (5) ………………………………………… Customer : (6) …………………………………………. 1. = e , 2. = f , 3 = b , 4. = a , 5. = c , = d
29 Activity 5 a. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Then stir the eggs.
Add a little fish sauce. Break two or three eggs and put them in a bowl. Pour the mixture into the pan. When the fried egg is cooked on one side, flip it over. Put it on a plate and serve it. 1. Put the following instructions in the right order. =…d b c a e f g… 2. What is the best topic of the passage. a. How to stir the eggs. b. How to fry eggs. c. How to put eggs into a plate. d. How to make eggs. Jane’s Café 12 tables Terrific coffee. Sandwiches ฿20 Music Across from school Self-service Black Valley 24 tables good coffee. Sandwiches ฿15 No music 5 minutes from school Unfriendly waiters Blue Star 15 tables Medium coffee. Sandwiches ฿ 10 No music 10 minutes from school Self-service Star Black 25 tables ordinary coffee. Sandwiches ฿ 7 No music 20 minutes from school Self-service Use these choices to answer items 3-6 a. Star Black b. Blur Star c. Jane’s Café d. Black Valley 3. The best coffee is at ……………c…………………… The biggest place is ……………a…………………… The waiters serve food for customers……………d………… The farthest place is ……………………b………………………..
30 Activity 6 Soda Drinks Are Not Healthy Whether you call it soda, pop, or coke, these caffeinated drinks are not healthy for you, but so many people drink soda drinks because they taste good and come in tons of different flavors. They're fairly cheap, especially if you buy the two litter bottles, and pretty easy to find in almost any gas station, grocery store, pharmacy, or retail store. 1. caffeinated Flavors Taste 4. Fairly 5. Especially 6. Grocery store 7. Pharmacy 8. Retail store to have a particular kind of taste taste good / delicious / sweet / fresh etc. b. a shop or a part of a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. c. more than a little, but much less than very. d. to a particularly high degree or much more than usual. the sale of goods in shops to customers, for their own use and not for selling to anyone else. (wholesale) a substance in tea, coffee, and some other drinks that makes you feel more active. the particular taste of a food or drink. food and other goods that are sold by a grocer or a supermarket. 6 h 2 g 1 f 5 d 3 a 7 b 4 c 8 e
1. I like to eat some soup for dinner.
31 Activity 7 1. I like to eat some soup for dinner. 2. I like to have some omelette. 3. I don’t like fried rice. 4. My breakfast is fried egg. 5. My brother likes hamburger very much. 6. My mother likes to eat fruit salad. 7. I like to eat curry for lunch. 8. He doesn’t like spaghetti. 9. . Students like to have noodles at school. 10. Thai people eat rice. 11. I never drink coke. 12. Baby likes to drink water. 13. My father likes to drink tea. 14. Children like to drink milk. 15. Women like to drink wine. 16. The men like to drink soda. 17. My dad likes to drink soda and whisky. 18. The students shouldn’t drink beer. 19. I sometimes drink iced tea. 20. I like to drink coffee for lunch break.
32 Activity 8 Activity 9 d b c b a d ยินดีด้วยกับคนที่ได้คะแนนมาก คนที่ทำไม่ได้ลองย้อนกลับไปอ่านใหม่อีกทีนะคะ
33 กำหนดการใช้แบบฝึกเสริมทักษะการอ่านจับใจความวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ อ31101 ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 1 เรื่อง Food and Drink โรงเรียนปากพลีวิทยาคาร สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษานครนายก ครั้งที่ กิจกรรมแบบฝึกฯ เรื่อง วัน/เดือน/ปี เวลา 1 Activity 1 Read vocabulary and match to the pictures. 2 Activity 2 Unscramble letters to be the words and match to the pictures. 3 Activity 3 Read vocabulary, match to the pictures and write in the right groups. 4 Activity 4 Complete the conversation with the most suitable alternative. 5 Activity 5 Read the passages and choose the best answer. 6 Activity 6 Read the text and find the meanings of the vocabulary from the list below. 7 Activity 7 Read the sentences and fill the words to complete the sentences. 8 Activity 8 Read the sentences and check or into the circles that according to the pictures. 9 Activity 9 Read the conversation and answer the questions.
34 โรงเรียน กระดาษคำตอบวิชา ทดสอบก่อนเรียน เรื่อง ชื่อ เด็กชาย / เด็กหญิง เลขที่ ชั้น วิธีการทำข้อสอบ ให้นักเรียนทำเครื่องหมาย (X) ลงในตารางข้อที่เป็น คำตอบที่ถูกต้องที่สุดเพียงคำตอบเดียว ข้อ a b c d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
35 โรงเรียน กระดาษคำตอบวิชา ทดสอบหลังเรียน เรื่อง ชื่อ เด็กชาย / เด็กหญิง เลขที่ ชั้น วิธีการทำข้อสอบ ให้นักเรียนทำเครื่องหมาย (X) ลงในตารางข้อที่เป็น คำตอบที่ถูกต้องที่สุดเพียงคำตอบเดียว ข้อ a b c d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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