งานนำเสนอกำลังจะดาวน์โหลด โปรดรอ
Present Continuous
+ - ? Time Expressions วิธีการใช้:
1._ เพื่อบอกเหตุการณ์ที่กำลังเกิดขึ้นเดี๋ยวนี้ เช่น You are learning English now. คุณกำลังเรียนภาษาอังกฤษตอนนี้ 2._ เพื่อบอกเหตุการณ์ที่กำลังดำเนินอยู่ในปัจจุบัน แต่ในขณะนี้เราอาจจะยังไม่ทำก็ได้ เช่น I’m reading the book “Tom Sawyer” ฉันกำลังอ่านเรื่อง “ ทอม ซอวเยอร์ “ อยู่ 3._เพื่อแสดงเหตุการณ์ในอนาคต ที่จะเกิดขึ้นหรือจะไม่เกิดขึ้นแน่นอน เช่น I’m meeting some friends after work. ฉันกำลังจะไปพบเพื่อนบางคน หลังเสร็จงาน 4._เพื่อแสดงเหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นซ้ำ ๆ เช่น She is always shouting. หล่อนชอบพูดตะโกน + - ? Time Expressions
Subject + Verb To Be + Verb <-ing> + Complement
If the verb ends in consonant + stressed vowel + consonant, we double the last consonant stop → stopping run → running 2. If the verb ends in <-ie>, we change the <-ie> into <-y> lie → lying die → dying 3. If the verb ends in vowel + consonant + <-e>, we ommite the <-e> come → coming have → having I am studying Maths You are studying Maths She is studying Maths Back Exercises
Subject + To be + not + Verb <-ing> + complement
I’m not studying Maths You aren’t studying Maths She isn’t studying Maths Back Exercises
To Be + subject + verb <-ing>+ complement + ?
Short answer: Yes, subject + to be No, subject + to be + not Are you studying Maths? Yes, I am / No, I’m not Is she studying Maths? Yes, she is / No, she isn’t If we use a wh-item, we place it right before the auxiliar verb TO BE No short answer in given in this case as we are asking for a piece of information. What are you studying? I’m studying Maths. What is she studying? She is studying Maths Back Exercises
Time expressions Always Only Never Ever Still Just
We place the adverbs right before the main verb You are still watching TV. Are you still watching TV? Now Right now At the moment We place these time expressions in different parts of the sentences but, more commonly, at the its end. I’m watching TV now. Now, I’m watching TV Back Exercises
Transform into present continuous:
1. I eat chocolate → ________________________. 2. You climb a tree → _______________________. 3. He reads a book → _______________________. 4. Sarah writes a novel → ____________________. 5. The cat drinks water → ____________________. 6. We build a house → ______________________. 7. You swim in the lake → ____________________. 8. They sleep in the bed → ___________________. Answers
Transform into present continuous:
1. I eat chocolate →.I’m eating chocolate. 2. You climb a tree → You are climbing a tree. 3. He reads a book → He is reading a book. 4. Sarah writes a novel → She is writing a novel. 5. The cat drinks water → The cat is drinking water. 6. We build a house → We are building a house. 7. You swim in the lake → You are swimming in the lake. 8. They sleep in the bed → They are sleeping in the bed. Back
Transform these sentences into their negative forms:
1. I’m eating a sandwich. → _______________________ 2. You’re drinking water. → ________________________ 3. She’s playing computer games. → ______________ 4. He’s swimming in the lake. → ____________________ 5. The dog is barking. → _________________________ 6. We’re travelling together. → ______________________ 7. You’re buying a new house. → ___________________ 8. They’re cleaning their cars. → ___________________ Answers
Transform these sentences into their negative forms:
1. I’m eating a sandwich. → I’m not eating a sandwich. 2. You’re drinking water. → You aren’t drinking water. 3. She’s playing computer games. → She isn’t playing computer games. 4. He’s swimming in the lake. → He isn’t swimming in the lake. 5. The dog is barking. → The dog isn’t barking. 6. We’re travelling together. → We aren’t travelling 7. You’re buying a new house. → You aren’t buying a new house. 8. They’re cleaning their cars. → They aren’t cleaning their cars. Back
Complete with “am”, “is” or “are”:
1. ______ you eating meat? 2. ______ he drinking water? 3. ______ she reading a book? 4. ______ the dog sleeping? 5. ______ we playing together? 6. ______ you cleaning your car? 7. ______ they writing a novel? Answers
Complete with “am”, “is” or “are”:
1. Are you eating meat? 2. Is he drinking water? 3. Is she reading a book? 4. Is the dog sleeping? 5. Are we playing together? 6. Are you cleaning your car? 7. Are they writing a novel? Give a short answer: 1. Are you eating meat? 2. Is he drinking water? X 3. Is she reading a book? 4. Is the dog sleeping? X 5. Are we playing together? 6. Are you cleaning your car? X 7. Are they writing a novel? Answers
Give a short answer: 1. Are you eating meat? Yes, I am 2. Is he drinking water? No, he isn’t 3. Is she reading a book? Yes, she is 4. Is the dog sleeping? No, it isn’t 5. Are we playing together? Yes, we are 6. Are you cleaning your car? No, we aren’t 7. Are they writing a novel? Yes, they are Back
Rewrite the sentences:
always / is / noise / she / making / that cleaning / isn’t / the / his / boy / room dog / water / at / My /drinking / is / moment / the ? / she / to / listening / radio / the / is your / still / you / ? / Are / wearing /pj’s / Answers
Rewrite the sentences:
She is always making that noise. The boy isn’t cleaning his room. My dog is drinking water at the moment. Is she listening to the radio? Are you still wearing your pj’s? Back
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