Laryngeal disorders ผศ.นพ.ยงยุทธ วศินวงศ์.


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1 Laryngeal disorders ผศ.นพ.ยงยุทธ วศินวงศ์

2 Laryngeal disorders ผศ.นพ.ยงยุทธ วศินวงศ์
ภาควิชาจักษุ โสต นาสิกลาริงซ์วิทยา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ


4 Pretest T or F 1. Reurrent laryngeal nerve เป็น pure motor fiber
2. การทำงานของ larynx ไม่เกี่ยวข้องกับการกลืน 3. Acute laryngitis เกิดการการติดเชื้อไวรัสเป็นส่วนใหญ่ 4. การกดลิ้นใน epiglottitis ทำให้เกิด laryngospasm ได้ 5. Thumb’s sign พบในโรค croup 6. Vocal nodule มักเป็น unilateral mass 7. Vocal granuloma มักเกิดจากการ intubation 8. Laryngeal trauma ควร intubation ทุกราย 9. Most common symptom ของ true vocal carcinoma คือ neck node enlargement 10. การดื่มสุราเป็นปัจจัยกระตุ้นให้เกิด acid reflux

5 Laryngeal disorders ผศ.นพ.ยงยุทธ วศินวงศ์
ภาควิชาจักษุ โสต นาสิกลาริงซ์วิทยา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ

6 Objectives Anatomy Physiology Common disorders Treatment
Laryngeal disorders Objectives Anatomy Physiology Common disorders Treatment

7 Framework Muscles – intrinsic - extrinsic Innervation Vessels
1. Anatomy Framework Muscles – intrinsic - extrinsic Innervation Vessels

8 Framework



11 Muscles Intrinsic – adductors ; thyroarytenoid (true vocal cord:TVC), cricoarytenoid, interarytenoid - abductor ; post cricoarytenoid Extrinsic - cricothyroid



14 Innervation Inferior RLN motor - all muscles except..
sensory- below TVC Superior RLN motor – cricothyroid muscle sensory – above TVC

15 Blood supply Arterial sup. laryngeal artery inf. Laryngeal artery
Venous sup. & inf. Thyroid veins

16 Airway protection Swallowing Voice production Air passage
Physiology Airway protection Swallowing Voice production Air passage

17 Protection inspiration phonation

18 Laryngeal disorders 1. Inflammation - Acute & chronic laryngitis, croup, epiglottitis, ulcer, 2. Tumor benign, nodule, polyp, granuloma - malignancy 3. Trauma - penetrating injury - blunt injury - iatrogenic 4. Congenital - cord paralysis, Laryngeal web, subglottic stenosis 5. Miscellaneous - laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) disease

19 Common laryngeal disorders
1. Acute laryngitis 2. Croup 3. Epiglottitis 4. Vocal nodule 5. Vocal polyp 6. Vocal granuloma 7. Laryngeal carcinoma 8. Laryngeal trauma 9. Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)

20 Acute laryngitis Pathogen - adenovirus, influenza
Morexella catarrharis Hemophilus influenza Streptococcus pneumoniae Symptoms - hoarseness cough, +/- fever, malaise Sign - TVC swelling


22 Treatment - voice rest - mucolytic, anticold +/- antibiotic
Acute laryngitis Treatment - voice rest - mucolytic, anticold +/- antibiotic Symptoms > 2 week, recurrent DDx - chronic laryngitis

23 Croup (acute laryngotracheobronchitis)
- Severe respiratory infection - 6 months-2 yrs. Pathogen - parainfluenza*influenza, adenovirus - follow by bacterial esp. H. influenza Symptoms - early URI symptoms - 2-3 days - barking cough, stridor - exhausted, lying down

24 Croup (acute laryngotracheobronchitis)
Diagnosis - symptoms & signs - flexible scope - x-ray norrowing of subglottis “Pencil’s sign”

25 Pencil’s sign Normal

26 Croup (acute laryngotracheobronchitis)
Treatment - early detection - observe, admit - humidification, hydration, O2 - antibiotic (penicillin) severe - steroid - intubation

27 Epiglottitis - infection of supraglottis >> epiglottis
yr., adult Pathogen - H. influenza type B Symptoms - early URI symptoms - children > change very fast 6-12 hr. - high fever, pain in throat - นั่ง โน้มตัวมาข้างหน้า*

28 Epiglottitis Signs - epiglottis > swelling, inflam
- ** laryngospasm เมื่อกดลิ้น - fiberoptic X-ray - “Thumb’s sign”

29 Epiglottitis Treatment - admit, closed monitoring
- broad spectrum penicillin - hydration, humidification - +/- steriod - prepare for intubation

30 - vocal abuse, over-used - children, adult - fibrous formation
Vocal cord nodule - vocal abuse, over-used - children, adult - fibrous formation Symptoms - hoarseness Sign - nodule TVC > bilateral > anterior 1/3

31 Nodule Treatment - voice rest - speech therapy
- failed, recurrent > surgery

32 - vocal abuse - Reinke edema > capsule surrounding (polyp)
Vocal polyp - vocal abuse - Reinke edema > capsule surrounding (polyp) Symptoms - hoarseness > 2 wk Sign - ant 1/3 TVC, unilateral Treatment - surgery - follow by speech therapy

33 Reinke’s edema Vocal polyp Both polyp, nodule

34 Vocal granuloma inflammation > ulcer > granuloma
etiology - intubation - gastroesophageal reflux - partial laryngectomy Symptoms - hoarseness 2-3 wk after extubation

35 Vocal granuloma Sign - arytenoid, unilateral Treatment - surgery
- follow by speech therapy - Rx acid reflux

36 Carcinoma Chronic irritation - smoking, alcohol,
pollution, acid reflux Pathology - epithelial hyperplasia > dysplasia > carcinoma insitu > carcinoma

37 Carcinoma Symptoms > 2-3 weeks - glottis > hoarseness
- supraglottis > dysphagia - subglottis > airway problems others - referred otalgia, chronic cough, hemoptysis, lymphadenopathy, wt. loss

38 Carcinoma Diagnosis - biopsy ; indirect or direct laryngoscopy
- extension ; CT, MRI - metastasis ; CXR, LFT Treatment - depends on staging TNM - early > surgery or RT alone - stage 3, 4 > combined surgery, RT, ChemoRx

39 Laryngeal trauma Most common -Car accident
Others - athlete, penetrating, gun-short wound S&S >> location, severity - stridor, bleeding, emphysema, hemoptysis, dysphagia, crepitation - severe case > coma

40 Laryngeal trauma

41 Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)

42 Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)
Stomach acid > reflux to esophagus + others = gastroesophageal reflux (GER) reflux up to larynx = LPR Etiology - relax sphincter, acid production food ; chocolate, spicy, cola, alcohol, drugs ; theophylin life-style ; eat late at night

43 Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)
Symptoms - feel lump in the throat, chronic cough, regurgitation, heartburn Signs - arytenoid edema, TVC sweling granuloma, ulcer >>> carcinoma

44 Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)
Treatment - Lifestyle modification diet, stress, avoid eating before bedtime - medication protonpump inhibitor, H2 antagonist, antacid + prokinetic - surgery

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Laryngeal disorders ผศ.นพ.ยงยุทธ วศินวงศ์.


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