An Online Computer Assisted Instruction Development of Electronics Devices Subject for Learning Effectiveness Testing By Assoc.Prof. Suwanna Sombunsukho.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "An Online Computer Assisted Instruction Development of Electronics Devices Subject for Learning Effectiveness Testing By Assoc.Prof. Suwanna Sombunsukho."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 An Online Computer Assisted Instruction Development of Electronics Devices Subject for Learning Effectiveness Testing By Assoc.Prof. Suwanna Sombunsukho and Asst.Prof.Nithi Buranajant King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Thailand

2 Issues presentation The importance of research Research Objective Tools of research Benefits expected Research Methodology Conclusion Suggestions

3 The importance of research Study of Teaching and Learning on Electronics Devices Subject Study design teaching Designed to An Online Computer Assisted Instruction 1.Achievement as measured by the assessment (Pretest / Postest) 2.Satisfaction of students towards learning

4 Research Objective 1.To develop online study through computer and electronic equipment 2.To Evaluate efficiency of study program. 3.To Evaluate learning effectiveness. 4.To Evaluate student’s satisfaction from learning through computers.

5 Tools Tools of this research are: Online study package/subjects. Criteria Evaluation for Results before and after using system for each subject. Criteria Evaluation for results of study. Criteria Evaluation for quality of study. Evaluation Criteria for satisfaction from students on computer programs.

6 Benefits expected Students can study anywhere, anytime. Online Computer Assisted Instruction can be teaching Electronics Devices subject vocational courses in Thailand. Encourage the development of online Computer Assisted Instruction courses in the computer and information technology and more.

7 Research Methodology The procedures of this research are as follow: Tools used in this experiment online Computer Assisted Instruction. Criteria Evaluation achievement for Results before and after using system for each subject. Criteria evaluation for results of study. Criteria evaluation for quality of study. Criteria evaluation for satisfaction from students on online Computer Assisted Instruction.

8 Research Methodology (cont.) The researcher has based the procedures of this electronic computer aiding system was on IMMCIP (Interactive Multimedia Computer Instruction Package) which consists of 5 major steps for development of the system. 1.Analysis 2.Design 3.Development 4.Implementation 5.Evaluation

9 Research Methodology (cont.) 1.Analysis 1.Brainstorms chart 2.Concept chart 3.Content network chart

10 Research Methodology (cont.) ระบบต่างๆ ในร่างกายมนุษย์ ระบบย่อยอาหาร ระบบขับถ่าย ระบบประสาท ระบบหายใจ ระบบสืบพันธุ์ ระบบต่อมไร้ท่อ ระบบโครงกระดูกระบบกล้ามเนื้อ ระบบห่อหุ้มร่างกาย ระบบไหลเวียนเลือดและน้ำเหลือง ระบบทางเดินอาหาร ระบบประสาทสัมผัส อวัยวะที่เกี่ยวข้องหน้าที่การทำงาน ประโยชน์ อวัยวะที่เกี่ยวข้อง หน้าที่การทำงาน ประโยชน์ To example Brainstorm Chart

11 Research Methodology (cont.) To example concept chart

12 Research Methodology (cont.) A B C D A2 A3 A1 B1B2 B3 B4 C1C2C3 D1 D2 D3 D4 Test To example content network chart

13 Research Methodology (cont.) 2.Design -Design course flow chart -Design module presentation chart To example Design Course flow chart

14 Research Methodology (cont.) To example module presentation chart (part 1)

15 Research Methodology (cont.) To example module presentation chart (part 2)

16 Research Methodology (cont.) 3.Development - Script - Storyboard - Examination / Quiz To example script

17 Research Methodology (cont.) 4.Implementation Choosing a software that implementation CAI. Development and preparation to take implementation CAI. 5.Evaluation Check the quality of multimedia courseware. Experiments testing the efficiency. Test the effectiveness of the lesson And the learning effectiveness of learners.

18 Research Methodology (cont.)

19 Conclusion The result of this experiment is concluded as following:

20 Conclusion


22 Suggestions 1.Are independent in learning. Discussion of the questionnaire showed that the students feel independent. Education and the freedom to study by themselves. 2.Experiment manually Although taking many forms. Were focused on the student. The learner-centered Self-learning 3.Media diversity of existing media in the form of online media, making students feel free and independent. Satisfaction with a variety of media available. 4.Teaching the media of many forms of media available. Make the students feel satisfied. Study by media research yourself

23 Suggestions The study found that in teaching using on line Computer Assisted Instruction. Teaching a learner is learning important lessons and is focused on the process. Solution, which is a training method to solve the problem by using the search for knowledge, it is prepare students to be ready to seek knowledge even further. This will improve continue learning.

24 Q & A

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