Nutrition - Fungi Fungi digest food by extra-cellular digestion (การย่อยอาหาร extracellular). Enzymes are secreted by the feeding hypha Enzymes break.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Nutrition - Fungi Fungi digest food by extra-cellular digestion (การย่อยอาหาร extracellular). Enzymes are secreted by the feeding hypha Enzymes break."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Nutrition - Fungi Fungi digest food by extra-cellular digestion (การย่อยอาหาร extracellular). Enzymes are secreted by the feeding hypha Enzymes break food into simple soluble molecules Soluble products are absorbed into the hypha

2 Extracelluar digestion

3 Nutrition - Bacteria Bacteria also feed by extra-cellular digestion.
They excrete enzymes that break food into simple molecules. These simple molecules are absorbed by the bacteria.

4 Parasites (ปรสิต) Live on or in larger organisms and feed off them. If they cause disease they are called pathogens. Saprophytes (สิ่งมีชีวิตที่กินของเน่าเปื่อย) Consume dead matter. These bacteria are scavengers and decomposers. Autotrophs (สิ่งมีชีวิตที่สามารถสร้างอาหารได้เอง) Self-feeders. They can make food from non-living materials i.e. chemicals/ sunlight. Green and purple sulfur bacteria.

5 Overview – Complete this table
Fungi (Yeast) Life Process Bacteria M R S G E N

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Nutrition - Fungi Fungi digest food by extra-cellular digestion (การย่อยอาหาร extracellular). Enzymes are secreted by the feeding hypha Enzymes break.


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