Food Alert System of Thailand (FAST) EU-Thailand Economic Co-operation Small Projects Facility.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Food Alert System of Thailand (FAST) EU-Thailand Economic Co-operation Small Projects Facility."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Food Alert System of Thailand (FAST) EU-Thailand Economic Co-operation Small Projects Facility

2 Problems of Food safety control system in Thailand Complexity of the system from many stakeholders and authorities implementing various laws and regulations without effective information exchange. Complexity of the system from many stakeholders and authorities implementing various laws and regulations without effective information exchange. Rejection of imported food items because of a lack of clear roles and functions defined in emergency response and crisis management system. Rejection of imported food items because of a lack of clear roles and functions defined in emergency response and crisis management system. Construction of FAST A solving way

3 Objectives of the action Overall objective Specific objectives Develop and strengthen Thailand’s food safety control system and information network using EU RASFF as a model Develop and strengthen Thailand’s food safety control system and information network using EU RASFF as a model Define clear roles and functions among agencies responsible on food safety in the Ministry of Public Health. Define clear roles and functions among agencies responsible on food safety in the Ministry of Public Health. Create an effective FAST Create an effective FAST Follow the international guideline Follow the international guideline

4 Partners of FAST 1. Food Safety Authority of Ireland. (FSAI) 2. Department of Medical Science. (DMSC) 3. Department of Health. 4. Department of Disease Control. 5. WHO National Salmonella and Shigella Center 6. Samutsongkram Provincial public Health Officer. 7. Samutsakorn Provincial public Health Officer.

5 Themes of the action Strengthening of Thailand’s food safety control system by defining clear roles and function, and establishing FAST. Strengthening of Thailand’s food safety control system by defining clear roles and function, and establishing FAST. Study and analysis of the current Thailand’s food safety control system. Study and analysis of the current Thailand’s food safety control system. Learning of EU food safety control system and RASFF by seminars & Workshops. Learning of EU food safety control system and RASFF by seminars & Workshops. Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3

6 European union Thai FDA จัดทำแผนงาน ประสานงาน ต่างประเทศ ภายในประเทศ FSAI trainerauditor ศึกษาข้อมูล ( ของแต่ละหน่วยงาน ) สภาพการดำเนินงานปัจจุบัน ประชุม ฐานข้อมูล บทบาทหน้าที่ การปฏิบัติงาน ปัญหา จุดอ่อน - จุดแข็ง กรมอนามัย กรมวิทยาศาสตร์ - กรมควบคุมโรค WHO National Sal Center การแพทย์ สสจ. สมุทรสงคราม สสจ. สมุทรปราการ

7 Thai FDAPartners Work shop เปรียบเทียบ Work shop กับสถานการณ์ปัจจุบัน FSAI จัดตั้ง FAST ทดสอบระบบ FAST ปรับปรุง FAST ตรวจสอบ FAST ระบบ FAST ผิดพลาด Introduction of RASFF การบริหารจัดการ RASFF การดำเนินงาน & เชื่อมโยง

8 Estimated results 1. An effective food safety control system and information network will be started at the Ministry of Public Health. 2. Unsafe food will be efficiently investigated and controlled by Thai authorities.

9 Target groups All partners in Thailand EU countries Other countries Final beneficiaries All consumers

10 Thank you for your attention

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Food Alert System of Thailand (FAST) EU-Thailand Economic Co-operation Small Projects Facility.


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