งานนำเสนอกำลังจะดาวน์โหลด โปรดรอ

งานนำเสนอกำลังจะดาวน์โหลด โปรดรอ

Computer Organization and Logic design COS3602. Architecture & Organization 1 zArchitecture is those attributes visible to the programmer yInstruction.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Computer Organization and Logic design COS3602. Architecture & Organization 1 zArchitecture is those attributes visible to the programmer yInstruction."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Computer Organization and Logic design COS3602

2 Architecture & Organization 1 zArchitecture is those attributes visible to the programmer yInstruction set, number of bits used for data representation, I/O mechanisms, addressing techniques. ye.g. Is there a multiply instruction? zOrganization is how features are implemented yControl signals, interfaces, memory technology. ye.g. Is there a hardware multiply unit or is it done by repeated addition?

3 Structure & Function zStructure is the way in which components relate to each other zFunction is the operation of individual components as part of the structure

4 Function zAll computer functions are: yData processing yData storage yData movement yControl

5 Functional view zFunctional view of a computer Data Movement Apparatus Control Mechanism Data Storage Facility Data Processing Facility

6 Operations (1) zData movement ye.g. keyboard to screen Data Movement Apparatus Control Mechanism Data Storage Facility Data Processing Facility

7 Operations (2) zStorage ye.g. Internet download to disk Data Movement Apparatus Control Mechanism Data Storage Facility Data Processing Facility

8 Operation (3) zProcessing from/to storage ye.g. updating bank statement Data Movement Apparatus Control Mechanism Data Storage Facility Data Processing Facility

9 Operation (4) zProcessing from storage to I/O ye.g. printing a bank statement Data Movement Apparatus Control Mechanism Data Storage Facility Data Processing Facility

10 Structure - Top Level Computer Main Memory Input Output Systems Interconnection Peripherals Communication lines Central Processing Unit Computer

11 Structure - The CPU Computer Arithmetic and Login Unit Control Unit Internal CPU Interconnection Registers CPU I/O Memory System Bus CPU

12 Structure - The Control Unit CPU Control Memory Control Unit Registers and Decoders Sequencing Login Control Unit ALU Registers Internal Bus Control Unit

13 Computer Architecture is the design of computer, including their instruction sets, hardware components, and system organization. The computer architecture consists of two parts; Instruction set architecture (ISA) Hardware system architecture (HAS)

14 The instruction set architecture : เป็น การแสดงรายละเอียด Software/Hardware ที่ ใช้ในการเชื่อมต่อที่อยู่ในระดับภาษาเครื่องที่ โปรแกรมเมอร์มองเห็นได้ รวมถึง The instruction set The instruction formats The available addressing techniques The format of the available data types The Operational register set and usage

15 The hardware system architecture : บางครั้งก็อ้างถึงโครงสร้างทางคอมพิวเตอร์ เป็น แนวคิดถึงฮาร์ดแวร์หลักของคอมพิวเตอร์รวมถึง CPU, Memory, และ I/O devices ส่วนของ Hardware system architecture รวมทั้ง logical design และ data flow organization ของระบบ ย่อยฮาร์ดแวร์ต่างๆและประสิทธิภาพการทำงานของ ระบบคอมพิวเตอร์ เราจะพิจารณาดังนี้ เทคโนโลยี ความเร็ว ราคา ฯลฯ

16 Computational Models zTwo primary computational models yVon Neumann Model ySystem Bus Model zThe Von Neumann Model consists of five major subsystems (input, output, control, arithmetic, memory) zThe System Bus Model streamlines this into three subsystems (CPU, memory, IO)

17 Von Neumann Model Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) Memory Unit Input UnitOutput Unit Control Unit Data Path Control Path

18 System Bus Model CPU (ALU, Registers, and Control) MemoryInput and Output Data Bus Address Bus Control Bus

19 Computational Models zConsider the implications of these alternative designs yDesign 1: Central processor with special cabling to specialized devices y Design 2: Multi-bus with common parsing of data and control packets for device-ids

20 Introduction to Computer Architecture zHistory zComputational Models z>> Levels of the Machine zComputer System Metaphor

21 Levels of the Machine z1. Individual electrical components yTransistors yResisters yCapacitors z2. Circuit boards z3. Specialized devices yPower supply yCooling fan

22 Levels of the Machine z4. Specialized components yGraphics accelerator yMemory banks z5. Mother board yCPU yBattery yPlug-in expansion card slots ySpecialized components yConnector for power supply

23 Levels of the Machine z6. Operating system and device drivers z7. Machine language z8. Compilers and interpreters z9. High-level languages yJava yC++ yVisual Basic yMicrosoft Excel (?)

24 Levels of the Machine z10. Single-user applications z11. Network components and software z12. Multi-user centralized applications z13. Internet connection devices and s/w z14. Internet utilities (global / specific) z15. Web connection devices and s/w z16. Web utilities (global / general)

25 Introduction to Computer Architecture zHistory zComputational Models zLevels of the Machine z>> Computer System

26 Typical Computer System zHard Disk zFloppy Disk zTape Backup zRandom Access Memory zCentral Processing Unit zGraphics Accelerator Card zKeyboard zMonitor zPrinter

27 Computer System The intent of the following slides is to remind us to ask, when studying any computer component, “What problem is this intended to solve?”

28 Digital Computers zComputer Structure Figure 1-2: Block Diagram of a Digital Computer

29 Digital Computers zBasic Structure ymemory unit: stores programs, input, output, data yprocessor unit: performs arithmetic and other data-processing operations, as specified by the program ycontrol unit: supervises the flow of information between units (CPU = control unit + data path) yinput device: key board youtput device: CRT, LCD zMore yFPU (floating-point unit) yMMU (memory management unit) (Memory: MMU + internal cache + external cache + RAM)

30 Classification of Computer Architectures

31 Von Neumann Machine ระบบคอมพิวเตอร์ที่สร้างขึ้นมาโดยใช้พื้นฐานการ พัฒนามาจาก John von nuemenn ผู้ที่ออกแบบ ระบบคอมพิวเตอร์ IAS ( Institute for Advanced Studies) คอมพิวเตอร์ ที่ Princeton University in the 1940’s

32 Von Neumann Machine สถาปัตยกรรมของ Von nuemann มีคุณสมบัติ ดังนี้ มีระบบฮาร์ดแวร์พื้นฐาน 3 ชนิดคือ CPU Main memory I/O system โปรแกรมและข้อมูลจะจัดเก็บไว้ใน หน่วยความจำ

33 โปรแกรมและข้อมูลจะจัดเก็บไว้ในหน่วยความจำ หมายความว่าชุดคำสั่งที่ใช้ในการจัดการข้อมูลจะ อยู่ในหน่วยความจำเดียวกัน ชุดคำสั่งที่ใช้เอ็กซีคิวส์จะทำงานเรียงตามลำดับ ยกเว้นคำสั่งข้ามการทำงาน จะมีทางผ่านข้อมูลทางเดียวระหว่าง หน่วยความจำกับหน่วยควบคุมของ CPU จะทำให้ ประสิทธิภาพการทำงานเป็นแบบ Bottleneck

34 The major subsystems within the CPU are: The control unit (CU) The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) A register set

35 Von Neumann Model zInput Unit yProvides instructions and data to system Memory Unit Arithemtic and Logical Unit (ALU) Input Unit Output Unit Control Unit

36 Von Neumann Model zOutput Unit yReturns data from system Memory Unit Arithemtic and Logical Unit (ALU) Input Unit Output Unit Control Unit

37 Von Neumann Model zMemory yStorage for instructions and data Memory Unit Arithemtic and Logical Unit (ALU) Input UnitOutput Unit Control Unit

38 Von Neumann Model zALU yProcesses data Memory Unit Arithemtic and Logical Unit (ALU) Input UnitOutput Unit Control Unit

39 Von Neumann Model zControl Unit yDirects processing Memory Unit Arithemtic and Logical Unit (ALU) Input UnitOutput Unit Control Unit

40 Von Neumann Model zCPU yALU and Control Unit combined Memory Unit Arithemtic and Logical Unit (ALU) Input UnitOutput Unit Control Unit CPU

41 System Bus Model CPU (ALU, Registers, & Control) Memory Input & Output (I/O) Data Bus Address Bus Control Bus System Bus zStreamlined version of von Nuemann model yData Bus yAddress Bus yControl Bus yPower Bus (optional)

42 System Bus Model zData Bus yCarries the information being transmitted ySometimes implemented as data-in and data-out buses CPU (ALU, Registers, & Control) Memory Input & Output (I/O) Data Bus Address Bus Control Bus System Bus

43 System Bus Model zAddress Bus yIdentifies where the information is being sent y“Memory” address identifies read/write location CPU (ALU, Registers, & Control) Memory Input & Output (I/O) Data Bus Address Bus Control Bus System Bus

44 System Bus Model zControl Bus yDescribes aspects of how the information is being sent, & in what manner CPU (ALU, Registers, & Control) Memory Input & Output (I/O) Data Bus Address Bus Control Bus System Bus

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Computer Organization and Logic design COS3602. Architecture & Organization 1 zArchitecture is those attributes visible to the programmer yInstruction.


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