Additional Chapter II KPI’s


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1 Additional Chapter II KPI’s
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Inc.

2 Outline Key Performance Index Manufacturing KPI’s Productivity Quality
Cost Delivery Safety Morale

3 Outline – Continued Uses of KPI’s MOTSAP

4 Learning Objectives When you complete this chapter, you should be able to: Identify or Define: Key Performance Index Manufacturing KPI’s Available time for production Operation time Downtime

5 Learning Objectives When you complete this chapter, you should be able to: Describe or Explain: KPI’s in Manufacturing Causes of Downtime Uses of KPI’s

6 Key Performance Index Measurable quantity
Indicator that reflect the operation results Management tool

7 Manufacturing KPI’s Indicators used to indicate manufacturing performance 6 groups of KPI’s Productivity Quality Cost Delivery Safety Morale Production performance Quality performance Cost performance Delivery performance Safety and Environmental Employee collaboration

8 Manufacturing KPI’s Customer & Consumer Supplier Planning
Products & Processes Development Customer & Consumer Development Customer & Consumer Planning Production Sourcing Delivery Manufacturing

9 Productivity KPI’s Total Time Available Time Used Time Operation Time
Holiday Used Time Unused Time No plan Planned maintenance Operation Time Planned Halt Time Production Time Routine Production Stoppage Set up, stop sequence Effective Time Unexpected Stoppage Breakdown, part short Net-utilized time Performance losses Idle time, speed loss, defect

10 Total Produced Product Product that can be sold
Productivity KPI’s Total Materials Total Produced Product Waste Product that can be sold Defect Priority Product By Product Good Product Rework

11 Man-Hours for production
Total Man-Hours Total Assigned Man-Hours Break, Meeting Net Working Man-Hours Idle time, Motion Efficient Man-Hours Unbalanced line, Lack of automation Valued Man-Hours Monitoring, Adjustment

12 Productivity KPI’s 1 Actual Cycle Time = Actual Production Speed
Man-hour Production Volume Labor Productivity = Number of Breakdown Number of Self-Fixing AM Ratio =

13 Productivity KPI’s Actual Output - Defect x 100 %Quality Rate =
Rework x 100 %Rework = Actual Output Waste x 100 %Waste =

14 Theoretical Cycle Time x Actual Output Operation Time - Downtime
Productivity KPI’s %Performance Rate = Operation Time Theoretical Cycle Time x Actual Output x 100 %Availability Rate = Operation Time Operation Time - Downtime x 100

15 %Availability x %Performance x %Quality Rate
Productivity KPI’s %OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency = 10,000 %Availability x %Performance x %Quality Rate

16 OEE เป็นดัชนีชี้วัดที่รวมเอาความสามารถทุกด้านของเครื่องจักร
%Availability x %Performance x %Quality/10,000 %Availability = ความสามารถในการทำให้เครื่องอยู่ในสภาพพร้อมใช้งานอยู่ตลอดเวลา %Performance = ความสามารถในการทำให้เครื่องจักรสามารถทำงานได้เต็มกำลังการผลิตอยู่ตลอดเวลา %Quality = ความสามารถในการทำให้เครื่องจักรผลิตสินค้าได้อย่างมีคุณภาพตลอดเวลา

17 Operation Time - Downtime Theoretical Cycle Time x Actual Output
OEE %Availability Rate = Operation Time Operation Time - Downtime x 100 %Performance Rate = Operation Time Theoretical Cycle Time x Actual Output x 100 %Quality Rate = Actual Output Actual Output - Defect x 100

18 OEE (ตัวอย่างการคำนวณ)
เครื่องจักรหนึ่งในโรงงานถูกใช้งานในการผลิตสินค้าจำนวน 500 ชิ้น ให้แล้วเสร็จใน 1 วัน ปรากฏผลดังนี้ มีเวลาในการผลิตทั้งหมด 480 นาที มีกรณีเครื่องจักรเสียระหว่างการทำงาน 30 นาที ผลิตสินค้าได้ 500 ชิ้น เป็นของเสีย 9 ชิ้น กำหนดรอบเวลามาตรฐานสำหรับสินค้าชนิดนี้เท่ากับ 0.8 นาที/ชิ้น

19 OEE %Availability = (480 – 30)/480 = 94%
%Performance = (0.8 x 500)/450 = 89% %Quality = (500 – 9)/500 = 98% %OEE = (94 x 89 x 98)/10,000 = 82%

20 Number of Stoppage Below 10 min. and no Change of Spare Part
Productivity KPI’s Breakdown Time x 100 %Breakdown = Operation Time Breakdown Times = Number of Breakdown Number of Stoppage Below 10 min. and no Change of Spare Part Number of Minor Stoppage =

21 MTTR, MTBF MTTR = Mean Time To Repair MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure
เวลาเฉลี่ยที่ใช้ในการซ่อมคืนสภาพ MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure เวลาเฉลี่ยของความสามารถเดินเครื่องจักรต่อเนื่องโดยไม่หยุด อันเนื่องมาจากความเสียหาย 1500 4000 3000 Weekly plan 2500 No Plan 2000 Planned Maintenance Production Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat M/C A M/C B 20 hrs 8 Repair Time 4

22 Example Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 4.25-4.35 3.30-3.50 22.25-23.00
20 35 30 60 10 610

23 Productivity KPI’s Available Time x 100 %Machine Availability =
Total Time Used Time x 100 %Machine Utilization = Total Time Effective Time x 100 %Operation Efficiency = Operation Time

24 Quality KPI’s Average Rejection Case by Customer
Average Rejection Case by QA Capability Index = 6SD USL - LSL USL = Upper Specification Limit LSL = Lower Specification Limit SD = Standard Deviation Uncontrollable Controllable Good Control 1.00 1.33

25 Quality KPI’s Number of Quality Kaizen Total Rejection x 100
Actual Output

26 Cost KPI’s Conversion Cost =
Cost used for conversion of Raw material to Product Production direct, indirect and service cost. Purchasing, Planning and Supply support cost * Usually showed in unit cost Cost of Waste Disposal Cost of Quality = Cost of Poor Quality + QA Conversion

27 Cost KPI’s Cost of Spare Part Inventory Inventory of Spare Part =
Inventory of Material = Cost of Raw Material and Finished Goods Inventory Inventory of WIP = Cost of Work-In-Process Inventory * Usually showed in % of Produced Product

28 Cost KPI’s Production Direct Cost =
Direct Labor + Depreciation + Other Direct Product Volume Production Indirect Cost = Indirect + Other Indirect Product Volume Repair & Maintenance Cost

29 Delivery KPI’s Actual Output x 100 %Output Reliability =
Planned Output Number of Target Hit x 100 %Plan Attainment = Number of Production Run

30 Lost Working Time + Restricted Working Time
Safety KPI’s %Accident Frequency Rate = Lost Working Time + Restricted Working Time Total Working Time Number of Safety Suggestion Number of Unsafe Correction Number of Incident Number of Accident

31 Morale KPI’s Absent Employee x 100 %Absent = Total Employee
Number of Kaizen Kaizen Rate = Total Employee Total Training Hour Training Rate = Trained Employee

32 Using of KPI’s 5W-1H What – data should be collected
Where – location of machine/working place Who – take action to report KPI When – timing and frequency of report Why – meaning of KPI How – to collect data

33 Using of KPI’s MOTSAP Policy Mission Objective Target Strategy Action
To produce the best quality product in Thailand with lowest cost MOTSAP Policy Reduce customer rejection Reduce defect Increase productivity Reduce labor cost Mission Objective %Rejection = 0 Reduce %Defect 50% Increase %OEE 5% Increase labor productivity 30% Reduce downtime 50% Target Strategy Action Quality kaizen, TPM, Inspection Plan Establish projects Establish plans

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