Graphical User Interface


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1 Graphical User Interface
จาตุรงค์ ตันติบัณฑิต ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้าและคอมพิวเตอร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์

2 Introduction A graphical user interface (GUI) provides the user with a familiar environment in which to work. It contains for example Pushbottons Toggle Buttons Lists Menus Text Boxes GUIs are harder for the programmer because a GUI-based program must be prepared for mouse clicks (or possibly keyboard input) for any GUI element at any time. Inputs known as events A program that responds to events is event driven

3 Components Containers Callbacks

4 Basic Steps Required to Create MATLAB GUI
Decide what elements are required for the GUI and what the function of each element will be. Make a rough layout of the components by hand on the piece of paper. Use the MATLAB tool called guide (GUI Development Environment) to layout the components on a figure. Use a MATLAB tool called the Property Inspector Save the figure to a file. Write code to implement the behavior associated with each callback function.

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