Shell Script Programming (Loop) 1 Unix Operating System Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. อ้างอิงจาก freeos.


Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Java Programming Language.

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Shell Script Programming (Loop) 1 Unix Operating System Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. อ้างอิงจาก freeos

Loops in Shell Scripts Bash supports:  for loop  while loop Note that in each and every loop,  ตั้งค่าเริ่มต้นให้กับตัวแปรที่ใช้ กำหนดเงื่อนไขการ ทำงานของ loop  ทดสอบเงื่อนไข ในทุกๆ รอบของ loop ก่อนการ ทำงาน  ภายใน loop จะต้องทำการปรับปรุงค่าตัวแปรที่ใช้ กำหนดเงื่อนไข การทำงานของ loop Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 2

for Loop Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 3 Syntax: for { variable name } in { list } Do execute one for each item in the list until the list is not finished (And repeat all statement between do and done) done

Sample (for Loop) Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 4 for i in do echo "Welcome $i times" done Run it above script as follows: $ chmod +x testfor $./testfor

for Loop Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 5 Syntax: for (( expr1; expr2; expr3 )) do..... repeat all statements between do and done จนกระทั่ง expr2 เป็นเท็จ done

Sample (for Loop) Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 6 for (( i = 0 ; i <= 5; i++ )) do echo "Welcome $i times" done Run it above script as follows: $ chmod +x testfor2 $./testfor2

Nesting of for Loop Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 7 $ vi for (( i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )) ### Outer for loop do for (( j = 1 ; j <= 5; j++ )) ### Inner for do echo -n "$i " done echo "" #### print the new line ### done

Running Nesting of for loop Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 8 $ chmod +x $./

while Loop Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 9 Syntax: while [ condition ] do command1 command2 command done

Sample (while Loop) Computer Science Department (FLAS-KU) - Prasertsak U. 10 i=0 while [ $i -le 10 ] do echo "Welcome $i times" i=`expr $i + 1` done Run it above script as follows: $ chmod +x testwhile $./testwhile