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งานนำเสนอกำลังจะดาวน์โหลด โปรดรอ

Climate Change Technology Needs Assessments for Thailand Technology Action Plans (TAPs) for Water Resource Management TNA Experience Sharing Workshop September.


งานนำเสนอเรื่อง: "Climate Change Technology Needs Assessments for Thailand Technology Action Plans (TAPs) for Water Resource Management TNA Experience Sharing Workshop September."— ใบสำเนางานนำเสนอ:

1 Climate Change Technology Needs Assessments for Thailand Technology Action Plans (TAPs) for Water Resource Management TNA Experience Sharing Workshop September 10-12, 2012

2 Outlines Technology Action Plans (TAPs) Framework for Technology action plans Technology Action Plans Project ideas 2

3 Framework for Technology action plans Select pathways (stakeholders) Government (Top down & Bottom up) Research & Education Agricultural communities Public private partnership 3 Preliminary targets Thailand WRM Roadmap National WRM Framework Technology Map Identify and prioritize technologies sub-componentsstatusrequirements Indentify possible barriers Barrier analysis Find solutions TAP Financial requirement Government policy Stakeholder actions Indicator & evaluation Analyze framework conditions for non-market technologies Macro level Micro level Prepare development and diffusion Analyze barriers 3

4 Barrier Analysis Enabling Framework Technology action plan Framework for TAP Transfer and Diffusion Networking and management of infrastructures Salt water intrusion management Sensor web using observation and/or modeling data Structural technologies/ practices for risk reduction Urban flood management Engineering Barrier (Economic, Capacity) Macro Level National or Basin level Increase security in terms of capital water supply Build flexibility for management in all types of supply and demand scenarios Minimize damage from disasters Maximize water usage efficiency All sectors involved in the management Build knowledge/kn ow-how and data for management Micro Level Community Level Management Barrier (Regulatory, Institutional) Engineering Barrier (Economic, Capacity) Management Barrier (Regulatory, Institutional) Thailand WRM Roadmap & Technology map System Requirement & Status Prioritized Technologies Seasonal climate prediction

5 5 1.เทคโนโลยีการสำรวจและรวบรวมข้อมูลพื้นฐานด้านทรัพยากรน้ำ 1.1 โทรมาตรอัตโนมัติ (ปริมาณน้ำ น้ำฝน คุณภาพน้ำ) 1.2 การสำรวจและจัดทำแผนที่น้ำ 1.3 การสำรวจระยะไกลและภาพถ่ายจากดาวเทียม 1.4 แผนที่และระบบภูมิสารสนเทศ และข้อมูลสนับสนุนอื่นๆ 2.เทคโนโลยีแบบจำลองสภาพอากาศและอุทกวิทยา 2.1 การคาดการณ์ภูมิอากาศระดับฤดูกาล (Seasonal climate prediction) 2.2 การพยากรณ์สภาพอากาศระยะสั้น 2.3 แบบจำลองอุทกวิทยา 2.4 แบบจำลองชลศาสตร์ 2.5 แบบจำลองน้ำใต้ดิน 2.6 แบบจำลองคุณภาพน้ำ 3.เทคโนโลยีการบริหารความเสี่ยงน้ำท่วมน้ำแล้ง 3.1 การประเมินความเสี่ยง 3.2 การจัดการความเสี่ยง 3.2.1 เทคโนโลยี/มาตรการ ลดความเสี่ยงแบบใช้โครงสร้าง (ฝายยาง/อาคาร) 3.2.2 เทคโนโลยี/มาตรการ ลดความเสี่ยงแบบไม่ใช้โครงสร้าง 3.3 เทคโนโลยีเพื่อจัดการความเสี่ยงน้ำแล้งในภาคส่วนต่างๆ 3.3.1 มาตรการจัดหาและบริหารแหล่งน้ำสำรอง (conjunctive use) 3.3.2 เทคโนโลยีเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการใช้น้ำ (3R) 4.เทคโนโลยีเพื่อการบริหารโครงสร้างน้ำ 4.1 การกำหนดสถานการณ์น้ำทั้ง supply และ demand 4.2 การเชื่อมโยงการบริหารโครงสร้างน้ำ pipe/คลอง + แบ่ง block/zone 4.3 Optimization (e.g. Dynamic dam/Network rule curve)+DSS 4.4 ระบบติดตามและบำรุงรักษา (Monitoring and Maintenance) 4.5 ระบบควบคุมอัตโนมัติ (Automisation) + Scada 4.6 การจัดการน้ำเสีย (น้ำเค็ม) 5.การจัดการทรัพยากรน้ำชุมชน 5.1 รวบรวมและจัดการข้อมูลของชุมชน (Data management) 5.2 สำรวจและจัดทำแผนที่ชุมชน + ผังน้ำชุมชน 5.3 การประเมินสมดุลน้ำเพื่อประเมินความเสี่ยง และวางแผนการผลิต 5.4 วิศวกรรมเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการจัดการน้ำท้องถิ่น(Rain Harvest, Wind break) 5.5 การจัดการความรู้ (Knowledge management) 5.6 น้ำเสียจาก non-point source 6.เทคโนโลยีการจัดการน้ำในเขตชุมชนเมือง/เทศบาล 6.1 การจัดการแหล่งน้ำ (Water Supply Management) 6.2 จัดทำผังน้ำในเมือง 6.3 เทคโนโลยีเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการใช้น้ำ 6.4 ระบบสุขาภิบาล (Waste & Sanitation Management) 6.5 ระบบระบายน้ำท่วม (Flood Management) 7.เทคโนโลยีเตือนภัย (Early Warning) 7.1 ระบบตรวจจับและติดตามภัย (Sensor Web: OBS/model) 7.2 เกณฑ์เตือนภัย (Criteria) ตามฤดู/พื้นที่/ชนิดภัย 7.3 การสื่อสารขณะเกิดภัย (Disaster Communication) Ranking the scores of technology prioritization 5 1. Environmental Observation 1.1 Automatic telemetry (e.g. rainfall, stream flow/water level, and water quality) 1.2 Water resource surveying 1.3 Remote sensing 1.4 Mapping and geographic information system (GIS) and other supporting data 2. Weather & Hydrological Modeling 2.1 Seasonal climate prediction 2.2 Short-range forecasting 2.3 Hydrological modeling 2.4 Hydraulic modeling 2.5 Groundwater modeling 2.6 Water quality modeling 3. Flood and Drought Risk Management 3.1 Risk assessment 3.2 Risk treatment 3.2.1 Structural technologies/practices for risk reduction (irrigation structure/rubber dam) 3.2.2 Nonstructural technologies/practices for risk reduction 3.3 Drought risk treatment 3.3.1 Strategies for developing and managing secondary and emergency water resources (including conjunctive use) 3.3.2 Technology for increasing water-use efficiency (water demand management by 3R technologies) 4. Operation of Water Infrastructures 4.1 Scenario setting for both supply and demand 4.2 Networking (via pipes or canals) and management of infrastructures (including zoning) 4.3 Optimization (e.g. dynamic dam/networking rule curve) and decision support system (DSS) 4.4 Monitoring and maintenance 4.5 Automization and SCADA 4.6 Salt water intrusion management 5 Community Water Resource Management: CWRM 5.1 Data management 5.2 Survey and mapping, including developing a community stream water flow concept diagram 5.3 Water balance for risk analysis and production planning 5.4 Engineering enhancement to increase efficiency in local water management (including rain harvest and wind break) 5.5 Knowledge management 5.6 Nonpoint source water pollution management 6. Integrated Urban Water Resource Management (IUWRM) 6.1 Water supply management 6.2 Develop an urban water supply and drainage concept diagram 6.3 Technology for increasing water-use efficiency (Water demand management with 3R technologies) 6.4 Waste & sanitation management 6.5 Urban flood management 7. Early Warning 7.1 Sensor web using observation and/or modeling data 7.2 Warning criteria based on season, area, and risk type 7.3 Disaster communication

6 Result of technology prioritization Ranking based on “Impact assessment” (for external funding/technology transfer) Ranking based on “Capacity assessment” (for domestic development) Operation of Water InfrastructuresEnvironmental Observation 1. Networking (via pipes or canals) and management of infrastructures (including zoning) 2. Salt water intrusion management 1. Automatic telemetry Weather & Hydrological ModelingCommunity Water Resource Management (CWRM) 3. Seasonal climate prediction 2. Survey and mapping, including community stream water flow concept diagram 3. Engineering enhancement to increase efficiency in local water management (including rain water harvest and wind break) Flood & Drought Risk Management 4. Structural technologies/practices for risk reduction (irrigation structure/rubber dam) 4. Nonstructural technologies/practices for risk reduction 5. Strategies for developing and managing secondary and emergency water resources (including conjunctive use) Early WarningInfrastructure Operations 5. Sensor web using observation and/or modeling data 6. Scenario setting for both supply and demand Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWRM) 6. Urban flood management7. Develop an urban water supply and drainage concept diagram 6

7 Technologies & Thailand WRM Roadmap Seasonal climate prediction Seasonal climate prediction & hydrological forecasting Short range forecasting Forecasting Planning Operations Disaster management Sensorweb Early warning ( Sensorweb, warning criteria, disaster communication) CWRM IUWRM (Supply, flood management, waste & sanitation, 3-R technologies) Environmental Observation Automatic telemetry Water resource surveying Remote sensing Mapping, GIS, and other supporting data 7 Scenarios (supply & demand) Networking & management of infrastructures Networking & management of infrastructures Optimization & DSS Monitoring & maintenance Automization and SCADA Salt water intrusion management Risk assessment Risk treatment ( Structural /nonstructural/drought management ) Networking & management of infrastructures Networking & management of infrastructures Monitoring & maintenance 7

8 Technology A : Networking and management of infrastructures เครือข่ายอ่างเก็บน้ำ หรือ อ่างพวง อันเนื่องมาจากพระราชดำริ 8

9 Technology Components: Networking and management of infrastructures 1 Reservoir chainage design 2 Dynamic rule curve 3 Optimization 4 Monitoring and Maintenance

10 Technology B : Seasonal climate prediction 10

11 Technology Components: Seasonal climate prediction 1 Earth observation data 2 Data assimilation 3 AOGCM 4 Downscaling 5 Computing and Networking Systems

12 Institute: Seasonal climate prediction WMO 2010 (www.wmo.int) 12

13 Technology 3 : Sensor web 13

14 Technology Components: Sensor web 1 Real-time Observation 2 Models for short-term run off and weather estimation 3 Event Detection and Projection 4 Real-time Satellite Monitoring 5 Data linkage system and data warehouse centre 6 DSS 7 Work flow management system

15 Technology Action Plan For water resource management Capability Development Investment Organisational structure development Policy and law 15

16 StrategiesActivities Timeline 20122013201420152016 Capability Development 1)A1. Arrange educational activities/exhibitions in the local areas 2) A2. Encourage schools to teach subjects on water resource management beginning at the high school level 3)A3. Learn from local wisdom, and water storage and distribution technologies 4) A4. Develop experts specialising in analyzing data and an advanced water situation prediction model 5) B1. Provide educational scholarships to students in the fields of survey, data calibration, data completion, climate model development, computing mathematics, and mainframe computing resource management 6) B2. Increase manpower in the fields of modeling and data analysis within research agencies 7) B3. Exchange research scholarships/seminars/trainings on seasonal climate prediction among agencies 8) B4. Brainstorm on the requirements, application, and communication of prediction and warning data 9) B5. Arrange trainings on the application of the prediction and warning data for different groups of users and distribute user manuals to the communities 10) B6. Increase the definition of the outcomes derived from the models in order to maximize accuracy 11) B7. Provide consultancy services to high school students in order to encourage them to study mathematics and physics 12)B8. Provide trainings in the field of meteorology to university personnel 13) C1. Develop the capabilities of data administrators to enable them to collect/prepare data accurately and according to the standard before distributing it to other agencies 14) C2. Provide knowledge and understanding regarding how the system operates with both management and operators in order to set an efficient line of command 15) C3. Conduct test operation to ensure readiness prior to operation under real circumstances 16) C4. Develop government personnel involved in the R&D in mathematic programmes/GIS 16

17 StrategiesActivities Timeline 20122013201420152016 Investment 1) A5. Continuously allocate a budget for the production of high resolution geographical information to monitor changes 2) A6. Invest in system/measuring devices and database system for decision making 3) A7. Increase the amount of the budget allocated to the local administration for the development and maintenance of local water sources 4) B9. Obtain and develop devices/methods in calibrating water or salinity measuring head 5) B10. Obtain and develop devices, instruments, and software to be used in data modification and completion 6) B11. Assess the needs for high-performance computers required in calculating/processing the models 7) B12. Obtain high-performance computing system and create an infrastructure system network with relevant agencies 8) C5. Invest in the procurement of high-quality devices for the survey of water sources 9) C6. Determine long-term budget plan to assure that it covers maintenance 10) C7. Divide the operation phase to reduce costs and provide time for the R&D of the success case 11) C8. Allocate budget to support relevant agencies to participate in the establishment of a data sharing centre and research work which can be easily accessed at no cost Organisational structure development 1) A8. Work with communities to listen to opinions and problems which differ in each area 2) A9. The Royal Irrigation Department acts as the core agency in its operation and coordination with local administration to connect local water sources to irrigation waterways. 3) A10. The government agencies and the educational institutes work together to develop research and technology which support the management of water structure, water traffic maps, and data system. 4) B13. Coordinate among agencies to create research collaboration which enables exchange of knowledge 5) C9. Assign missions/duties in data collection, research and development, data distribution, and field work in the disaster area to each relevant agency 6) C10. Clearly determine the disaster warning workflow to show linkages among agencies, line of command, and disaster alleviation based on the severity of the area

18 StrategiesActivities Timeline 20122013201420152016 Policy and law 1) A11. Reduce duplication by reviewing the missions and responsibilities of each agency involved 2) A12. Determine rights and responsibilities of the local administration regarding community water management 3) A13. Work together in scheduling maintenance plans and duties into the calendar 4) B14. Waive/reduce costs of data, devices, and instruments used in conducting research 5) B15. Conduct further research on imported devices, instruments, and models so that they are suitable and applicable to Thailand 6) B16. Waive/reduce tax on devices and research instruments developed domestically 7) C11. Promote devices/research work which have been developed and manufactured domestically 8) C12. Promote research collaboration with foreign agencies/private companies in order to receive and transfer technologies 9) C13. Determine clear policy/agreement from state management in order to create understanding among the relevant agencies in the collection and co- ownership of data and data sharing 10) C14. Set common data standards and appropriate procedures for data collection 11) C15. Vigorously develop the government personnel in R&D in mathematic programmes/geo-informatic technology, and support research study A. Technology Action Plan : Networking and management of infrastructures B. Technology Action Plan : Seasonal climate prediction C. Technology Action Plan : Sensor web 18

19 Project Ideas The Water Resource Management Capacity Development and International Knowledge Network Project Objectives Benefits 19 To vigorously and systematically develop the capability of Thailand’s human resources in water resource management, from government agencies to educational institutes, and from the private sector and to local communities To create an international knowledge network which enables the exchange of knowledge and research work as well as the transfer of technologies among water resource management agencies around the world To create human resources in water resource management through international collaborative research scholarships at the master and Ph.D. levels. Exchange of knowledge and technologies that benefit the water resource management that is in line with climate changes Awareness of the benefits of the systematic application or utilisation of water resource management technology among personnel in the government sector and educational institutes, as well as concrete collaboration networks An increase in water resource management manpower within the government sector and educational institutes that would help to create a strong foundation for the country

20 * Subject to the research domains/topics and sponsoring countries. 20 Project Scope and Possible Implementation This project aims at the systematic capability development of human resources in water resource management and climate. The focus is to get the government to be the driver or the one that pushes national workshops or conferences forward in order to motivate vigorous and concrete development of water resource knowledge. The operation can be divided into 4 main activities, with output of each activity corresponding to the operation of the following activity.

ดาวน์โหลด ppt Climate Change Technology Needs Assessments for Thailand Technology Action Plans (TAPs) for Water Resource Management TNA Experience Sharing Workshop September.


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